Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/sng
[edit]- lô̤h sng lô̤h so̤h;
- there is frost and snow there.
- piaⁿ sng;
- ice and frost.
- cháu-cĭeⁿ-sng;
- un-yeaned lambskin.
- khṳt sng-cúi tàng tîeh cū sí;
- if nipped by the frost it will die.
- sng tàng kùe kâi sng-sṳ̂i hieh;
- mulberry leaves that have been bitten by the frost.
- săi sng;
- the white powder on the surface of dried persimmons.
- hĕng sng;
- pulverized bitter almonds used in medicine.
- chia sng;
- the axle-tree of a wagon.
- 酸sng8331647
- Sour; acid; tart; the sharp taste of vinegar or unripe fruit; prickling; harsh; irritating; grieved.
- bī sng;
- tastes sour.
- áu sng cúi;
- sour eructations.
- hāi i sĭeⁿ tîeh sim sng;
- recalled his sorrows to his mind.
- cía tîeh ŭ sng chò lâi ùn cìaⁿ hó̤;
- this should be dipped in sharp vinegar then it would be good.
- i hàuⁿ cîah sng;
- she is fond of sour things.
- i tó̤ sĭeⁿ cîah sng-siap;
- she craves acids.
- cí cho̤h pût-kía sng tîam căi;
- these guavas have an acidulated sweetness.
- kîam-sng saⁿ-khò;
- soiled clothing.
- kîam-sng;
- condiments.
- chài-kíaⁿ-sng;
- pickles.
- sng búe;
- sour plums.
- chàu-sng;
- frouzy.
- ŭ sĭm-mih kîam-sng a bô̤?
- Are there any relishes to eat with the rice?
- i ŭ sng sṳ;
- he has funeral affairs to attend to.
- cèng nâng khṳ̀ sàng sng;
- all went to attend the funeral.
- i hīn-khek kṳ-sng tŏ̤ ke;
- he is now at home during the three years of mourning for a parent.
- khàu sng păng;
- a staff borne by the eldest son at a funeral.
- tìo sng;
- bewail the dead.
- sng hôk;
- mourning garments.
- i sĭ kṳ bó̤ sng a sĭ kṳ pĕ sng?
- Is he in mourning for his mother or for his father?
- sng-síu;
- a widow.
- i sng-síu ku-ā câp nî;
- she has been a widow several tens of years.
- sng-sûi; seng-sûi;
- the mulberry.
- sng pêh;
- the bark from mulberry roots.
- sng kìaⁿ-seⁿ; seng-sûi kìaⁿ-seⁿ;
- a parasite of the mulberry tree.
- chôiⁿ cîah sng-sûi hîeh;
- silk worms live on mulberry leaves.
- sng-sûi cí;
- mulberries.
- cang seng-sûi châ lâi cò̤ lîang-íⁿ;
- take mulberry wood for making summer chairs.
- cí kâi tháng tói tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ phah sng, tàu khṳ̀ cìaⁿ kín;
- this bucket bottom must be newly rabbeted, then when it is put together it will be tight.
- cêk sin sng-thìaⁿ;
- aches all over.
- kha sng, chíu ńng;
- tired and lame in all his limbs.
- ie-ciah-kut sng-ńng;
- has a lame back.
- ŏi sieⁿ-sńg tîeh a bŏi?
- Was it injured?
- cn̂g kâi bô̤ sieⁿ-sńg;
- not injured in the least.
- ŏi sńg tîeh pńg-cîⁿ a bŏi?
- Did he make an inroad upon his capital?
- màiⁿ hng-sńg tīo mûeh-kiaⁿ;
- do not waste things.
- hì-sńg;
- to tease.
- nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sńg;
- the two are playing together.
- màiⁿ sńg;
- do not make light of it.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ sńg;
- this is not a matter that you can afford to trifle about.
- i hàuⁿ sng;
- he is fond of play.
- hàuⁿ tàⁿ sńg;
- fond of banter.
- tàⁿ sńg kâi, m̄ sĭ tàⁿ cin kâi;
- he says it in jest, it is not said in earnest.
- sńg m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;
- unwilling to cease from sport.
- m̄ sĭ sńg kâi;
- it is not done merely for fun.
- sńg kàu m̄ cai cîah pn̄g;
- frolicking so that they forgot to eat.
- sńg lío kâi búe;
- the consequences of the frolic.
- ŭ sńg, ŭ chìe;
- having a game of romps.
- sǹg-thâu, sǹg-hîeh, sǹg-kut;
- the bulb, the tops, and the stalk of garlic.
- peh nŏ̤ kâi sǹg-phìen lô̤h khṳ̀;
- pick off and put in two scales from a bulb of garlic.
- tn̂g sǹg iam ke úaⁿ;
- tall garlic will garnish the more dishes.
- ceng cò̤ sǹg-nî;
- pound it up into pulverized garlic.
- sap cò̤ sǹg-hue;
- chop it up into garlic salad.
- sǹg-pûaⁿ;
- an abacus or counting board.
- sǹg-sìo;
- to reckon.
- sǹg mīaⁿ;
- to tell fortunes.
- sǹg poih jī;
- calculate a horoscope.
- sǹg huap;
- the rules of arithmetic.
- s̀ng cheh;
- to lay plans; to scheme.
- ô̤h sǹg-sìo kâi cṳ;
- an arithmetic.
- sǹg-pûaⁿ-cí;
- the balls on a counting board.
- tá-sǹg;
- to reckon on an abacus.
- phah-sǹg;
- think a matter over with a view to a decision.
- phah-sǹg tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- considered and reached a fixed conclusion.
- sǹg tāⁿ;
- to make a mistake in reckoning.
- sǹg m̄ cĭn;
- innumerable; incalculable.
- i kòi-sǹg lâi m̄ thong-thiet;
- he has not made a complete estimate of the whole.
- sǹg lâi, sǹg khṳ̀, sǹg tîeh bô̤ hûa sǹg;
- reckoned it over and over, and could reach no satisfactory conclusion.
- sǹg sĭ i kâi chò̤ chù;
- it is doubtless his mistake.
- khṳt cóiⁿ cē sǹg cū cai;
- reckon it on the fingers and you will see.
- sǹg-bûa;
- add up.
- sǹg lío tṳ̂ tīo;
- reckon it up and then subtract from the sum.
- i sǹg chut kut;
- he has got to the bottom fact.
- sǹg kàu cĭu;
- reckon with the utmost nicety.
- i kâi sǹg-pûaⁿ sǹg kàu cĭn kèⁿ;
- he has calculated it out with the utmost exactness.
- lêng-ūaⁿ hok-sǹg;
- reckon it over again.
- choiⁿ sng, bw̄n sǹg, thiⁿ cí cêk sǹg;
- one may scheme and counter scheme but heaven has only one scheme.