Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/so̤
- so̤ jîp khang tói;
- wriggled into his hole.
- so̤ m̄ kùe;
- cannot wriggle through.
- i cò̤ i so̤ khṳ̀;
- he wriggled off.
- 疏so̤7751037
- Open; wide apart; coarse; distant in space, time or relationship; sundered; sleazy; pervious; lax.
- hi-so̤;
- sleazy, thin, having wide interstices.
- nâng-mûeh hi-so̤;
- the population is sparse.
- tẁn bŏi so̤-ngô̤;
- assure that there will be no remissness.
- kío i ío so̤;
- not so nearly related to her.
- bô̤ chin so̤ kău pô̤h;
- have no relationships, either near or distant.
- ŭ chin ŭ so;
- relationships more or less close.
- i sĭ so̤-châi cĭang-ngĭ kâi nâng;
- he is an open-handed, equitable person.
- so̤-thong hô̤ lō;
- clear out the water courses.
- nâng-chêng so̤-pô̤h;
- his humanity is rarely exhibited.
- 搓so̤10036410
- To twist, as thread, by rolling it under the hand on a board; to twist between the fingers; to rub between the hands; to manipulate into a shape.
- so̤ cò̤ cêk tîo;
- twist them into one string.
- so̤ cò̤ cúa-tîo; soⁿ cûa-ín; so̤ cúa-bûe;
- make lamp lighters.
- so̤ cò̤ cêk lîap îⁿ-îⁿ;
- roll it into a ball.
- i mîaⁿ-ke so̤ ciam, tēⁿ ìuⁿ;
- she is expert in shaping bound feet.
- khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē so̤-mông i, so̤-mông kàu i huaⁿ-hí;
- quietly pet him, till he is in good temper about it.
- so̤ i bûa;
- roll it up into a wad.
- sĭ i tó̤ thie-so̤;
- it is he who provokes the strife.
- kà-so̤ kàu i nŏ̤ nâng wn-ke;
- stirred up ill feeling till the two were on bad terms with each other.
- i to sĭ khṳ̀ kà-kà so̤-so̤;
- is always going and inciting enmity between them.
- kà-so̤ kùe lâi kà-so̤ kùe khṳ̀;
- going to and fro with tales that tend to enrage.
- lo̤-so̤ căi;
- very vexatious, as incessant talk.
- cit pò kâi so̤-kìaⁿ;
- a weaver's shuttle.
- jît gûeh jû so̤;
- time flies like a shuttle.
- chin-chĭeⁿ so̤-kíaⁿ kâk kùe lâi kâk kùe khṳ̀;
- like a shuttle thrown to and fro.
- 所só̤817634
- A place; a spot; a relative pronoun, that which, the things which, what, who, (it follows the subject and precedes the verb it rules); a cause by which.
- só̤ ŭ kâi khîeh lâi;
- bring what you have.
- i só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe m̄ sît;
- what he said was not true.
- cía sĭ nâng só̤ àiⁿ kâi;
- this is what people want.
- só̤ sīeⁿ kâi cū tùi;
- what I thought proves to be the case.
- cía sĭ sim só̤ ngw̆n kâi;
- this is what my heart desires.
- i bô̤ só̤ put lêng;
- there is nothing that he is unable to do.
- lṳ́ só̤ cai kâi hó̤ ô̤h úa thiaⁿ;
- narrate to me what you know about it.
- cía sĭ i só̤ tng-eng-kai cò̤ kâi;
- this is what it behooves him to do.
- lṳ́ ŭ só̤ m̄ cai;
- you are ignorant of some things.
- tîeh cá ūi cṳ só̤;
- a site must be fixed on before-hand.
- cí-kò sĭm-mih só̤-căi?
- What place is this?
- i so̤ cîah sĭ sĭm-mih mûeh, só chēng kâi i-hôk căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
- What does he eat, and what sort of clothes does he wear?
- só̤-íⁿ;
- therefore; for this reason; a a consequence of this; on that account.
- só̤-íⁿ úa m̄ khṳ̀;
- from that it followed that I did not go.
- só̤-íⁿ-jîen;
- the reason why.
- só̤-íⁿ-jîen kâi tŏ̤-lí sĭ cò̤-nî?
- What is the doctrine which is thus derived?
- pī i só̤ pek a m̄ sĭ?
- Was urged to it by him was he not?
- bŏi pĭ i só̤ khó;
- was not harrassed by him.
- sĭ in-ūi pĭ nâng só̤ jôk;
- is was on account of his having been insulted.
- chì mn̄g i só̤ cò̤ hô̤ sṳ̄;
- inquire what it is that he is doing.
- só̤ thâk hô̤ cṳ?
- What books is he studying?
- kak tit khî só̤;
- each is in its place.
- bô̤ chù bô̤ só̤;
- have no home.
- i tó̤ kẃn ki-só̤;
- he has charge of the jail in the yamun.
- tîeh tùi phŵn-chê-só̤ kò̤ kùe;
- must go by the place where salt is inspected.
- ŭ só̤ tit a bô̤?
- Did he get anything by it?
- bô̤ só̤ tit cū màiⁿ;
- if am to get nothing thereby, I will not do it.
- só̤-thâu;
- a lock.
- só̤-sî;
- a key.
- só̤-thâu khak;
- the casing of a lock.
- só̤-thâu soi; só̤-thâu tṳ̄;
- the bolt of a Chinese lock.
- màiⁿ kêh tīo só̤-thâu-soi;
- do not press the key so hard as to disorder the bolt.
- khui só̤-thâu;
- to unlock.
- m̄ cêng só̤;
- it is not locked.
- só̤ mn̂g;
- lock the door.
- huang só̤ kàu kien-kien ku-ku;
- sealed and locked up very tightly.
- îeh-kúi só̤;
- a spring lock.
- ngṳ̂n kâi só̤-thâu-kíaⁿ;
- a tiny silver lock.
- a-só̤;
- a term used in addressing a young married woman.
- ke só̤;
- my sister-in-law.
- tōa só̤, jī só̤, saⁿ só̤;
- the wives of the three elder brothers.
- hiaⁿ só̤;
- the eldest brother and his wife.
- móng a-só̤;
- the wife of a certain young man.
- píe só̤;
- a cousin's wife.
- sie-m̂ng só̤;
- a woman and her husband's young brother.
- só̤ cek put thong mn̄g;
- his wife and his younger brother do not speak with each other.
- só̤-hùi; sṳ́-hùi;
- expenditure; outlay; necessary expenses.
- kâi gûeh ēng só̤-hùi jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
- What is the outlay per month?
- cu bŭ kâi sṳ́-hùi lîah khĭam-khĭam;
- in all departments of the business the expenses are kept as small as possible.
- 瑣屑só̤-siak815
- Pretty; minute; annoying.
- i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ só̤-só̤ siak-siak;
- he is very fidgety about everything.
- màiⁿ kòi-kà hìeⁿ só̤-siak;
- do not explain the very trifling details.
- sò̤ thóiⁿ tī-tîang ŏi;
- strive, and see who is ablest.
- nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sie sò̤;
- the two are rivaling each other in a contest of skill.
- nŏ̤ pang tó̤ sie sò̤ ngía;
- the two companies are seeing which will outdo the other in making a fine display.
- i kâi càu-sò̤ cò̤ lâi hó̤ căi;
- his memorial is well written.
- sía cêk tieⁿ sò̤-bûn khṳ̀ sie;
- write out a statement and burn it (before the gods).
- cĭeⁿ sò̤ khṳ̀ kàing hûang-tì;
- lay a protest before the emperor.
- sŏ̤ mn̂g;
- to batter in a door.
- sŏ̤ mn̂g châk;
- robbers who force entrance into dwellings.