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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/su

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  • su8181813
  • Ought, must, should be; necessary, requisite; serviceable.
su ēng ŏi kâi nâng;
must employ an able person.
absolutely necessary.
tī-hng su àiⁿ khwn-khuah;
the ground must be spacious.
su tîeh thăi sî-hāu;
must wait till the time comes.
cong su u pò̤-èng;
at last there must be a recompense.
cía sǹg sĭ môk su ŭ kâi sṳ̄;
this need not necessarily happen.
su àiⁿ sòi sim;
you need be very careful.
i pit-su-tîeh lâi;
he is sure to come.
  • su7751599
  • To lose; to be beaten; inferior.
sĭ pûah su, a sĭ pûah iaⁿ?
Did he lose or win in gambling?
su cîⁿ, îaⁿ cîⁿ khí;
losing arises from winning.
i phah su i;
he was overcome by him in the fight.
su i cêk pō;
I lost one game (of chess) to him.
cíⁿ nín li su i, nâng i li su nín;
as to money, you have less than they, but as for men, they have less than you.
to submit to; to give in; to yield the point.
tîeh sái kàu i su-su hôk-hôk;
must bring him into complete subjection.̂
  • su8181736
  • What is required; needful; necessary.
tôi kun-su;
contribute provisions for the troops.
cí thâng kun-su àiⁿ tī tîang chut?
Who is to furnish the supplies for the troops during this campaign?
cāng kun-su;
supply rations and pay for the army.
lâu-pàng-kò̤ cò̤ put sî cṳ su;
keep it for use in an emergency.
  • su8181305
  • A clerk or writer in a yamun.
kuaⁿ sui-sĭ m̄ àiⁿ cîⁿ, su che hùe īa àiⁿ cîⁿ;
although the magistrate does not want money, the clerks and constables do.
  • su774736
  • Characters as the delineation of ideas.
sì su;
the Four Books.
poih hun su;
the square characters.
pùaⁿ hâng su;
the running hand.
sṳ-hu; su-thìang;
in good spirits; well and comfortable.
i m̄ su-hu;
he is not very cheerful.
i cêk sin íⁿ-keng su-su hu-hu lío;
he has already recovered, and is in fine health.
  • 776729
  • Summer's heat; hot weather.
hâng lâi sú úang;
cold and heat alternate.
sieⁿ sú; hiap sú; tòng sú;
sú thiⁿ;
hot weather.
thiⁿ-sî sú-jîet;
the weather is very hot.
a thermometer.
nâng seⁿ put kùe sù-câp hâng-sú;
human life endures but for a few tens of changing seasons.
cí kâi tī-hng lâi pī sú hó̤ câi;
this is a good place to go to escape the heat.
i cáu khṳ̀ pī sú;
he went off to shirk the hard work.
sú huang;
a summer cold.
sú cèng;
diseases of summer.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi cheng sú-khì;
this medicine will purge off the humors produced by heat.
i cía sĭ im sú;
this comes from heat and dampness.
kói sú;
allay heat.
phek sú;
alleviate the heat; diminish the glare.
  • 8191209
  • A clue, a hint, a guide.
sim sú m̄ uaⁿ;
his attention is not fixed.
bô̤ hía sim-sú khṳ̀ lí;
has no inclination to go and attend to it.
bô̤ chêng bô̤ sú; bô̤ sim bô̤ sú;
nonplussed; disappointed; no means of effecting the object.
  • 7781229
  • A public court; a tribunal.
kūiⁿ sú, hú sú;
the district and the departmental tribunals.
lăi sú;
in court.
  • 93754
  • A beetle or beater.
hâng mô̤ⁿ sú;
a club used by priests in exorcising devils.
i chíu tèng khîa ki hâng-mô̤ⁿ-sú;
he carried in his hand a club used in driving out demons.
  • 7773211
  • A shed or lodge in a field.
a detached cottage.
i khí cêk koiⁿ pîet-sú ka-kī khĭa-khí;
he built a detached lodge, and lived there by himself.
  • 7776611
  • A few; but a few; several.
bô̤ sù nî cū kói-pìen;
it will alter in a few years.
úa lâi kàu sù jît;
I arrived but a few days since.
sù kâi gûeh côiⁿ, úa cêng lâi kùe cêk chṳ̀;
I came once before, a few months ago.
kâi gûeh kàu sù câp ngṳ̂n;
a few tens of dollars per month.
chûn kàu sù kâi;
have but a few left.
  • 8161204
  • Plain; simple; formerly; usually; as at first; heretofore.
commonly, usually.
i sù-lâi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the way it has been heretofore.
cí kâi nâng sù m siang-sek;
have not before been acquainted with this person.
i kâi sù sèⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
his natural disposition is such.
sù lâi m̄ uaⁿ hūn;
has not generally attended to his own business.
chēng sù hôk;
wear your ordinary apparel; is plainly dressed.
sù pù-kùi kîaⁿ pù-kùi;
when you are rich act according to your station.
pùaⁿ hun pùaⁿ sù kâi chài;
half common and half lenten fare.
  • 8171495
  • To reply in one's defense; to state.
a plea in reply, a counter statement.
i ŭ kò̤, nán li ŭ sù;
they have a complaint, we have a defense to make.
pĭ kò̤ kâi nâng lâi jîp sù cn̄g;
the defendant entered a counter plea.
sù wn;
to state one's wrongs.
sù khó-chêng;
state a grievance.
sù chut i kâi chêng-cak;
state the facts in regard to it.
úa kàu-sù lṳ́ thiaⁿ;
I will state the case to you.
  • 778616
  • Benignant; excusing others; considerate of; sympathizing; to bear patiently; to pardon.; to excuse.
lṳ́ tîeh sù úa cē;
you must be patient with me.
sù cē;
excuse me; pardon me.
sù cŭe;
indulgent toward another's faults; I beg pardon.
sù cē, m̄ cai thóiⁿ;
excuse me, I did not see you.
sù úa cíe pû̂e;
excuse my not staying longer with you, (said in excusing one's self from a guest).
cía sù cē, khah bô̤ lói;
pardon my using but little ceremony about this.
khwn sù;
not strict; kindly indulgent.
cía hŵn-lío hó̤ siang-sù;
that however can be passed over.
i en̂g kâi m̄ siang-sù nâng;
she does not overlook people's faults at all.
sù cē, m̄ cai thâu;
excuse me, I was not paying heed to it.
  • 778538
  • A multitude; the mass, the herd; a concubine; in this wise; so, about.
sù ki lío;
is not far from; almost there; probably.
sù chut kâi; sù cṳ́;
a concubine's son.
sù mîn ke;
the masses; the people.
hâng-lîm-īⁿ sù kit sṳ̆;
a graduate of the National Academy.
sù jîn;
a commoner.
tek sù;
the wife and the concubine.
  • 7578511
  • To rinse the mouth.
a certain kind of mug, commonly used for rinsing the mouth.
  • 叨絮sù-tau819
  • To reiterate; verbose.
ūe tàⁿ lío sù-sù tau-tau, tàⁿ bŏi tit hiah;
she keeps up a perpetual clack.
  • 8191209
  • The clue or end of a ball of thread or of a cocoon; the beginning; a guide to what follows; a hint.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ bô̤ thâu bô̤ sû, cò̤-nî lí;
there is nothing to guide one to an understanding of what is to be done in this affair, and so how can it be managed?
tàⁿ khṳ̀ íⁿ-keng ŭ thâu-sû lío;
have already a clue to what follows in what has been said.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng cĭu sû lío;
this business has already approached a beginning; this is likely to be effected.
sû-sôk khó̤-lîen;
is truly lamentable.
sû put cai i io sĭ m̄ tŏ̤;
really did not know he was not at home.
  • 819667
  • To arrange in order; to put in proper place; to discourse or argue upon; to converse.
úa būe cêng kio i sŭ kùe;
I have not yet made arrangements with him.
lâi kàu cū khṳ̀ i kò̤ sŭ kū;
on arriving went to his house to talk over old times with him.
kuaⁿ cò̤ khṳ̀ hó̤ cū àiⁿ ngí sŭ, cò̤ khṳ̀ m-hó̤ cū àiⁿ ngí chú;
if an officer does well he will be offered for promotion, if he does badly he will be delivered to the proper Board for punishment.
sŭ sût;
to narrate in chronological order.
  • 819534
  • Order; precedence, as in age; series; a preface or argument to a book, in which its subjects are stated in order.
cí kò̤ sŭ sĭ tī-tîang cò̤ kâi?
Who wrote this preface?
the preface.
kìⁿ tù cṳ to cò̤ ŭ cêk phien sŭ tŏ̤ hṳ́ thâu;
every edition of a book has a preface.
ŭ chṳ̀ ŭ sŭ;
has a regular sequence; seriatim.
bô̤ chṳ̀ sŭ;
has no regular order.
  • 7781229
  • Acting in the place of; temporarily.
cí kâi kuaⁿ sĭ lâi sŭ sṳ̄ kâi;
this official is one who is acting temporarily.
pàng tī-tîang lâi sŭ?
Who is to act in his place?
pàng i khṳ̀ sŭ khueh;
appoint him to fill the vacancy temporarily.
sŭ jim lío cū pó sît khueh;
after acting temporarily, he was appointed to fill the post permanently.
sŭ úa bô̤ kú;
took my post but a little while.
  • 7771179
  • To erect; to set up; to plant on its base.
sŭ thĭo;
to rear a pillar.
sŭ cêk ki kî-kuaⁿ;
set up a flag staff.