Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/sut
- bú-sut;
- to comfort, to solace, to relieve; to show pity in a practical way.
- bú-sut kàu i hó̤-hó̤;
- relieve her needs in such fashion as to render her comfortable.
- bú-sut kàu i kâi sim sí;
- bestow sympathy until his need of it ends.
- bô̤ khṳ̀ bú-sut i;
- did not go and express any pity for him.
- iu-sut;
- excessive compassion.
- kî pun huang sut lío phîak-phîak-kìe;
- the flag, blown by the wind, flutters noisily.
- huang li-li sut;
- the wind keeps flapping it.
- khṳt huang sut phùa khṳ̀;
- torn by the the blast.
- cúi khṳt huang cē sut, éng cū phû;
- when the water is blown upon by the wind, the waves rise.
- cêk sut-kíaⁿ;
- a little.
- sut kíaⁿ-ni tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- only the least bit.
- kṳ̀-sut;
- sawdust.
- sĭ châ sut hó̤ a sam sut hó̤?
- Which is the better the sawdust from hard wood or from pine?
- thâu-khak eng kṳ̀-sut;
- has his head spinkled with sawdust; has put on an appearance of being very busy at his trade.
- sut sî;
- from 7 to 9 o'clock P.M.
- sut gûeh;
- the eleventh month in the cycle of twelve.
- tek-sut;
- a cricket.
- kă tek-sut;
- to fight crickets.
- cháu sut;
- a cricket that lives in the grass.
- khîa tîn-tîo sut i;
- take a rattan and flog him.
- cang chûe lí-kẃn sut;
- took a club and kept beating him.
- 術sût7781445
- The way of doing a thing or of effecting an object; an art; a plan; a trick, a device, a hocus-pocus; a mystery, usually something magical or demoniacal; the black art.
- huap-sût;
- magical rules; superstitious rites.
- i sĭ ŭ io sût kâi ĭeⁿ;
- it appears to be some magical trick.
- sṳ-bû sîa sût;
- the arts of sorcerers.
- sût-sṳ̆;
- a conjurer.
- put hâk bô̤ sût;
- without practice no art can be acquired.
- put lŭn sĭ tī cêk ĭeⁿ sût àiⁿ ô̤h kàn ceng sĭ o̤h;
- whatever be the art to be acquired, it is difficult to learn it thoroughly.
- sŭ-sût kàu mêng-pêh;
- state it clearly.
- cía sĭ sût i kâi ūe cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
- this is quoting what he said.
- pĕ cak, kíaⁿ sût;
- the son follows the practices of his father.
- ciah eng sṳ̂t lô̤h lâi tìo koi-kínⁿ;
- a hawk swooped down and carried off a chicken.
- i tŏ̤ hṳ́ téng thóiⁿ tíaⁿ-tīaⁿ cū sût lô̤h lâi;
- he fixes his gaze on it from above and then darts down.
- i tin-tò̤ thâu sût lô̤h khṳ̀;
- he pitched down head foremost.