Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tang
- 中tang10523
- The middle; the centre; the I heart or core of; in the middle; within; in; inner; medium in size or quality; to fill; to estimate a quantity; undeviating.
- tìn-tang;
- in the centre.
- nĕ tìn-tang tìn-tang;
- just exactly in the middle.
- jît tùi tang;
- the sun is at the zenith.
- teng tìo tŏ̤ thiaⁿ tìn-tang;
- the lamp hung in the centre of the hall.
- lăi tang ŭ sĭm-mih ì-sṳ̀?
- What is the exact meaning of it?
- m̄ cai hṳ̀ tói tang sĭ cò̤-nî;
- do not know what is the condition of things inside.
- i chîo tang bô̤ gâu nâng;
- there were no wise men in the government.
- i kâi tŏ̤ pùaⁿ tìn-tang;
- it is half way to the center.
- mâk tang bô̤ nâng;
- there is no one in view.
- khíong-phàⁿ bw̄n tang cṳ cêk;
- fearful that the undesirable one among ten thousand may come to him.
- cía peh tang sẃn bô̤ cêk;
- not one in a hundred is chosen.
- tang tó hṳ́ cêk chng ío khuah;
- the main hatch is the widest.
- m̄ cai i sim tang cò̤-nî sĭeⁿ;
- do not know what he thinks in his own mind.
- cĭu hṳ́ tang lâi tô̤h;
- pick one out from the middle.
- khî-tang ŭ kúi kâi ŏi cò̤ tit;
- among them there are some that will do.
- pâng tang bô̤ cíu, lâng lâu kheh;
- if there bo no wine in the pitcher, you cannot well urge a guest to stay.
- i ke tang ŭ kâi lău bó̤ tŏ̤-kò̤;
- he has an old mother at home.
- lăi tang;
- on the inside.
- tang-hâng căi, cêk nâng tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- lone and solitary.
- khah kùe tang-hâng;
- too great isolation.
- tang tang sĭ i tŏ̤ kò̤ tīaⁿ;
- he is there all alone by himself.
- tang jîn, tôk bé,
- a solitary horseman; single handed; unaccompanied.
- tang pôiⁿ;
- on the east.
- tang hái;
- the eastern sea.
- tang-hng;
- the east.
- cŏ̤ sai hìang tang;
- sit with the back to the westward facing the east.
- tang-lâm;
- southeast.
- tang-pak;
- northeast.
- thàu cheⁿ tang;
- blows straight from the east.
- tang huang;
- east wind.
- chut jîp to sĭ kîaⁿ tang kak mn̂g;
- they always go out and in at the eastern gate.
- tang pôiⁿ chut, sai pôiⁿ lô̤h;
- rises in the east and sets in the west.
- mō̤ⁿ kìⁿ tang pôiⁿ pêh lío;
- see the dawn of daylight in the east.
- cí kúi kâi sĭ tang-îeⁿ ceng;
- these few are cups from southern Asia.
- cíu-cùi kàu tang tó̤ sai chúa;
- so drunk that he sees double.
- i tīu tŏ̤ tang mīn pôiⁿ;
- he lives on the east side.
- tang kîe-thâu ŏi cĭeⁿ cúi a bŏi?
- Is the east bridge overflown?
- 冬tang931153
- The last or winter season the close, the end; to store up; to fall into winter torpor; wintry.
- tang thiⁿ-sî;
- winter weather.
- tang thiⁿ kâi i-hôk;
- winter clothing.
- tang cì;
- the winter solstice.
- tang-coih;
- the festival of the winter solstice.
- cá tang hó̤ a sĭ mńg tang hó̤?
- Which was the better the early or the late crop?
- ún tang jú-kèng hó̤;
- the last crop of the year was the best.
- nŏ̤ kùe tang-thâu siu ŭ jîeh cōi chek?
- How much paddy did you harvest in both crops?
- cêk kùe tang siu ŭ cîaⁿ choiⁿ tàⁿ;
- at each harvest I gathered about a thousand piculs of paddy.
- cí-hûe hŭam tang, bô̤ mih seng-lí;
- it is now the dull part of the year, and there is but little traffic.
- cía sĭ síang tang-jîen kâi ūe;
- this is speaking of what must naturally happen.
- hṳ́ am tī-tîang tó̤ cò̤ tang-ke?
- Who is the abbot in that monastery.
- i sĭ tó̤ síang tang-jîen kâi;
- he is considering the probabilities.
- hṳ́ tang-sî ŭ kâi nâng sĭang ŏi;
- at that time there was a very competent person there.
- 丹tang84133
- A carnation or cinnabar color; loyal, sincere; medicines decocted or distilled; before a metal, answers to an oxide of it.
- bw̄n-èng-tang;
- cinnabar.
- līen-tang līen sêng-lío;
- the decoction is already distilled.
- sien-tang;
- the liquor of immortality of the rationalists.
- i tàⁿ ūe ŭ tang châng lâk;
- he speaks with the utmost sincerity.
- 厠坑tang-si1035
- A privy.
- i khṳ̀ cĭeⁿ tang-si;
- he has gone to the privy.
- táng lṳ́ tī-tîang tàⁿ, úa to m̄ hàuⁿ;
- no matter who asks me, I shall not consent.
- táng i jîeh chìo, úa to m̄-ùi i;
- however powerful they be, do not fear them.
- táng i àiⁿ sĭm-mih sṳ̄ úa to lâi cò̤;
- whatever he wants done, I am going to do it.
- táng i jîeh o̤h kâi cṳ, úa àiⁿ thâk kàu pat;
- however hard the lessons may be, I shall study till I learn them.
- táng-sṳ̄;
- those who discern wisely; leaders who influence the people for good; elders who rule rightly.
- tîeh kio táng-sṳ̄ hùe tàⁿ cai;
- must inform the elders.
- kêk lăi sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cò̤ táng-sṳ̄?
- Who are the influential members of the guild?
- cía sĭ i tâng táng kâi nâng;
- this is one of the same faction as he.
- phōiⁿ châk táng;
- suppressing thieves.
- cía sĭ châk kâi ṳ̂ táng;
- these are what remain from the band of rebels.
- i hùaⁿ nâng tó̤ kak táng;
- they are forming a junto.
- tṳ̂ tīo ak-táng;
- destroy the wicked.
- ēng chíu táng-cŭ i;
- stave it off with the hand.
- táng i m̄ cŭ;
- could not prevent it.
- i sái nâng chut lâi táng-kè, bô̤ hŭe;
- she sent some one out to receive the card, and did not see the visitor.
- úa tó̤ táng lṳ́;
- was expecting you.
- táng kàu kha sng;
- waited till my legs were stiff.
- táng cē;
- wait a moment.
- bó̤i lâi pun a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe táng lō;
- buy some thing to take to the children when I go home.
- hō̤ sīu-tàng;
- congratulate on a birthday.
- kim-jît sĭ sĭm-mih lău-îa kâi sìaⁿ-tàng?
- What god's birthday is this?
- tōa tàng êⁿ;
- the main beam.
- i sĭ kok-ke kâi tōa tàng êⁿ;
- he is a pillar of the state.
- tàng cit búe;
- an ornamented ridge on a roof.
- ah tang;
- duck's eggs.
- phûe tàng;
- eggs encased in clay.
- kîam tàng;
- pickled eggs.
- thó̤-tàng; ún-tàng;
- stable, firm, secure.
- tîeh cò̤ káu ún-tàng ún-tàng;
- must make it very secure.
- íⁿ-keng sṳ̆-lí kàu ún-ún tàng-tàng lío;
- have already arranged it so that it is perfectly safe.
- m̄ ún-tàng kâi sṳ̄ úa m̄ cò̤;
- I will not do what is unsafe.
- līo-lí thó̤-tàng lío;
- have decided upon a safe course.
- lú thóiⁿ tîeh li thó̤-thó̤ tàng-tàng, úa thóiⁿ tîeh li m̄ thó̤-tàng;
- you consider it perfectly safe, while look upon it as unsafe.
- tek-tàng;
- proper, right.
- lṳ́ tàⁿ kàu íⁿ-keng tek-tek tàng-tàng;
- what you have said sets everything right.
- úa sĭeⁿ li būe tek-tàng;
- I do not think everything is yet as it should be.
- i sĭang nâng kâi tàng lío;
- he has been taken in by some one.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ cū sĭang tàng;
- by his thus saying, he has committed himself.
- kha m̄ hó̤ tàng tîeh piaⁿ-sng;
- do not get your feet frost bitten.
- úa kâi khí khṳt chìn cúi tàng tîeh cū ńng;
- when cold water touches my teeth it sets them on edge.
- chíu khṳt chìn cúi tàng lío âng-âng;
- my hands are red with cold from being in the cold water.
- sng cē tàng chīu-hîeh cū n̂ng;
- the leaves turn yellow when the frost touches them.
- cí kúi nî kâi hun-kuah ē-ē khṳt sng tàng sīo khṳ̀;
- these last few years, the potato vines have been repeatedly injured by the frost.
- chin-chĭeⁿ phang tàng tîeh hìeⁿ-seⁿ, lô̤h khṳ̀ hè-cē-kìe;
- like the sting of a bee, stinging as it goes in.
- hiet-kíaⁿ tàng nâng sĭang thìaⁿ;
- the sting of a scorpion is most painful.
- tàng tîeh tī-kò̤?
- Where were you stung?
- khṳt àm-chì-máng tàng lô̤h khṳ̀ tâp-cē-tùn;
- when stung by a silent mosquito, he starts.
- khṳt bun tàng kàu kâi-lâu kâi-lâu;
- stung by gnats till he is all blotches.
- cêk tàng;
- instantly; in a morning.
- i cêk tàng cìaⁿ cē ŭ khŵn, cū théng khi-hŭ nâng;
- just as soon as he has a little power, he imposes on people at random.
- ngw̄n tàng;
- the first day of the year.
- kha chíu kûaⁿ tàng;
- hands and feet have chilblains on them.
- kha kûaⁿ tàng;
- chilblains on the feet.
- 同tâng933303
- Together; all at once; all united; identical; same; alike; agreeing; sharing in; to equalize; joint.
- tâng īeⁿ;
- the same species.
- sie tâng;
- alike.
- m̄ sie tâng;
- unlike.
- tâng cŏ̤;
- sit together.
- tâng khĭa-khí;
- live together.
- tâng cîah;
- mess mates.
- tâng ût;
- bedfellows.
- tâng sṳ̄ kâi nâng;
- those doing the same sort of business; those having the same interests.
- tâng bó̤, m̄ tâng lāi;
- the same capital does not always bring the same interest.
- i nŏ̤ nâng sĭ tâng pĕ tâng bó̤ seⁿ kâi, sĭ tâng-pau hiaⁿ-tĭ;
- those two, having the same father and the same mother, are own brothers.
- nŏ̤ nâng tâng khṳ̀;
- the two went together.
- tâng lâi kâi nâng;
- those who came at the same time.
- seⁿ lâi m̄ tâng;
- they do not resemble each other.
- tău tâng, sío ĭ;
- the difference is less than the similarity.
- tăi khài sie tâng;
- a general resemblance.
- tâng sèⁿ, m̄ tâng phài;
- of the same surname but not of the same blood.
- tâng lūi;
- the same species.
- tâng mîaⁿ;
- the same name.
- nŏ̤ nâng tâng sim;
- the two are of one mind about it.
- tâng im, m̄ tâng ì-sṳ̀;
- of the same sound, but of different meaning.
- tâng nî kuaⁿ;
- officers appointed in the same year.
- i nŏ̤ nâng cò̤ tâng-nî;
- they were both born in the same year.
- kio i sĭ tâng pâng;
- is of the same class as he.
- cò̤-pû tâng kam tâng khó;
- sharing the same joys and sorrows.
- i sĭ tâng i a sĭ tâng lṳ́?
- Does he affiliate with him or with you?
- tâng hieⁿ-lí;
- fellow villagers.
- pêh tâng;
- brass.
- âng tâng;
- copper.
- tâng khì;
- brass ware.
- tâng cheⁿ;
- verdigris.
- tâng ngṳ̂n;
- counterfeit money.
- tâng sùaⁿ;
- copper wire.
- tâng pô̤h;
- sheets of copper.
- tang tíaⁿ;
- a copper kettle.
- tâng ue;
- a brass saucepan.
- tâng pûaⁿ;
- a brass salver.
- tâng tṳ̄;
- brass chop-sticks.
- tâng mīn-phûn;
- brass wash-basin.
- tâng teng;
- copper tacks.
- tâng teh;
- bronze paper weight.
- chàu tâng-sang;
- smells of copper; purse-proud.
- tâng póiⁿ ìn kâi;
- printed on copper type.
- tâng si;
- fine copper wire.
- hùi tâng;
- old copper.
- cù tâng póiⁿ;
- cast copper type.
- tâng-lô̤;
- a gong.
- tâng cîⁿ;
- copper cash.
- sieⁿ tâng kâi;
- plated with copper.
- kîⁿ tâng kâi;
- brass rimmed.
- àiⁿ ki tâng a m̆?
- Do you want a fine line of brass around it?
- in tâng;
- a chimney.
- hun-tâng;
- a tobacco pipe.
- pûn hō̤-tâng;
- blow a horn as a signal.
- tak tâng;
- a section of the trunk of a bamboo used as a measure, and holding a pint.
- ji câp tâng cêk táu;
- twenty pints make a peck.
- cêk tâng bí jî-cap cîⁿ;
- a measure of rice is twenty cash.
- cìaⁿ-hú tâng;
- the standard pint, dry measure.
- bí tâng;
- a pint measure, for measuring rice.
- huang tâng;
- an envelope for letters.
- chō̤ pit kâi pit tâng;
- a cylindrical vase used to hold pens.
- peh-hue-tâng;
- a kaleidoscope.
- hieⁿ tâng; hieⁿ sùⁿ tâng;
- a packet of incense.
- làu-tâng;
- a conduit pipe.
- síam tâng;
- short measure in pints.
- pùaⁿ tâng;
- half a pint.
- nîe pêⁿ tâng a nîe cui tâng?
- Does he fill the measure to a level, or does he heap it up?
- pûah cîh i kâi kha-tâng-kut;
- fell and broke his shin bone.
- kó-cá kâi nâng kûiⁿ-tōa căi, líu tîeh i kha-tâng-kut ku-ā chieh kûiⁿ;
- people of olden times were very large, and shin bones have been dug up that were several feet in length.
- lûi tâng;
- it thunders.
- thiaⁿ kìaⁿ hn̆g-hn̆g lûi tâng;
- hear the thunder afar off.
- m̄ sĭ lûi tâng cò̤-nî thiaⁿ tîeh kio lûi tâng hìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- If is not thundering why do I hear a sound like thunder?
- cía saⁿ-thâu lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭ tōa tâng hó̤, a sĭ tît tan̂g hó̤, a sĭ khih-khin tâng hó̤?
- Do you think this tunic should have a lapel that buttons under the arm, or one that runs all the way to the bottom of the garment, or one that does not quite reach the bottom?
- kùa tâng-thâu kìaⁿ;
- wear a small mirror attached to the upper button on the tunic.
- put tăng sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- but it is not simply that.
- put tăng nŏ̤ nâng, hŵn ŭ ke;
- there were not two person merely, there were others beside.
- khá tăng úa tīaⁿ?
- How could I be the only one?
- khá tăng cía sṳ̄ tīaⁿ?
- How can this be the only outcome of it?
- i hui tăng ka-kī àiⁿ lâi, hŵn àiⁿ tòa pât nâng lâi;
- he is not only coming himself, but is going to bring others along with him.
- tăng kìⁿ hùaⁿ nâng tó̤ khĭa, m̄ cai sĭ tī-tîang;
- merely saw several persons standing there, but did not know who they were.
- tăng sĭ úa cò̤ m̄ lâi;
- but I cannot do it.
- ŏi tăng a bŏi?
- Is it heavy?
- bŏi tăng;
- it is not very heavy.
- ŏi khin ŏi tăng;
- sometimes light and sometimes heavy.
- tăng căi;
- very heavy.
- ŏi jîeh tăng?
- How heavy is it?
- saⁿ kṳn tăng;
- three catties in weight.
- bô̤ saⁿ nít tăng;
- scarcely any weight.
- sĭ sĭm-mûeh sĭang téng tăng?
- What is the heaviest of things?
- in sĭang tăng;
- lead is heaviest.
- kim tăng kùe ngṳ̂n;
- gold is heavier than silver.
- cí kâi ío tăng;
- this is the heavier.
- lṳ́ kâi ngân ío tăng;
- your words have more weight.
- jû kîaⁿ tăng;
- the farther you carry it the more burdensome it becomes.
- chìn thóiⁿ jîeh tăng;
- heft it and see how heavy it is.
- m̄ cai khin tăng;
- do not know the weight.
- tăng cāi;
- a heavy load.
- tăng ēng i;
- repose confidence in him.
- tăng jĭm;
- weighty resresponsibility.
- teh tăng tàⁿ;
- impose a heavy burden upon.
- màiⁿ teh khah tăng;
- do not overburden him.
- tîeh teh tăng cē cìaⁿ bŏi pun huang chue tīo;
- you must place something heavy upon it and then the wind will not blow it away.
- cho tăng kâi khang-khùe;
- heavy drudgery.
- khah tăng, kng m̄ khí;
- so heavy that we cannot carry it.
- màiⁿ taⁿ khah tăng;
- do not carry too heavy loads.
- bw̄n kṳn tăng;
- of immense weight.
- tăng cŭe;
- an aggravated offense.
- cŭe tăng;
- the offense is heinous.
- cang tăng khw̆n hù i;
- give him great authority.
- m̄ kàu tăng;
- not of full weight.
- lṳ́ téng thóiⁿ jîeh cōi tăng siaⁿ;
- you weigh it and see how much it weighs.
- tăng-tăng sīa lṳ́ kâi nâng-chêng;
- thank you earnestly for your kindness.
- tăng kàu chìn m̄ phû;
- so heavy I cannot lift it with both hands.
- tăng kùe mīaⁿ ùaⁿ;
- a case of life and death.
- tăng kùe pang êⁿ;
- more important than the main beam in a roof.
- pēⁿ tăng;
- a serious illness.
- phŏ̤ tîeh thîm-thîm tăng;
- in holding it in the arms found it to be of leaden weight; tăng khṳ̀ tìm; of great density.
- khui tăng keng;
- shoot with a large bow.
- tăng tī;
- important places.
- tăng phah sì-câp;
- forty heavy blows.
- màiⁿ tàⁿ khah tan̆g;
- do not speak with too great emphasis.
- taⁿ tăng kê;
- wear the heavy cangue.
- tîm tăng;
- a grave disorder.
- tăng ceh;
- severe punishment.
- cok tăng;
- full weight.
- tăng chìn;
- more to the pound.
- khuang ke tăng súaⁿ;
- ruin the family and squander the estate.
- i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ hùang-hùang tăng-tăng;
- his behaviour is most reckless, unmannerly and lawless.
- cí kâi sĭ lăng-tăng kíaⁿ-tĭ;
- this is a dissipated fellow.
- ciu jît lăng-lăng tăng-tăng, m̄ hàuⁿ cò̤ cìaⁿ keng sṳ̄;
- loafs around all day long and will engage in no regular occupation.
- tī-hng khah khùang-tăng;
- the place is too wild and wide, and is not sung and cozy.
- ēng i lâi sie-hŭ cáu-tăng;
- employ him to run here and there on errands.
- tīam-tīam, m̄-hó̤ tin-tăng;
- keep perfectly still, do not move.
- chīu hîeh cn̂g kâi bŏi tin-tăng, tn̆g tíam huang;
- the leaves of the trees are motionless, there is no breeze.
- àiⁿ cò̤ tàu ngĕ kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ cò̤ ûah tăng kâi?
- Shall I make it firmly mortised together, or make it so that it can be taken apart?
- tiaⁿ tîeh cū ŏi tin-tăng;
- if you touch it, it shakes.
- màiⁿ mûeh i tin-tăng;
- do not joggle it.
- i kâi thâu ā sĭ m̄ tăng, tī-tîang káⁿ?
- Who dares do anything except at his nod?
- chò tăng;
- vinegar jars.
- tăng-thâu-puah hó̤ khàm tăng;
- a certain small pot used as a cover to jars, is good to cover the jar with.
- lŏ cêk tăng kîam bûe;
- put a jar of plums in pickle.
- koi tăng;
- a pottle of chicken, presented by parents to a daughter soon after she has borne a child.
- kĭ-tăng;
- to superstitiously avoid certain times, names, or acts.
- kĭ-tăng cìeⁿ, kĭ-tăng hìeⁿ;
- shun this, that, and the other, with superstitious fear.
- i sĭang kĭ-tăng cía sṳ̄;
- she avoids this with the utmost dread.
- tăng-ke;
- boat people.
- tăng ke î; tăng ke phûa;
- boat women.
- tăng-ke-î cûn;
- a boat-woman's boat.
- suaⁿ tāng chim căi;
- a deep recess among mountains.
- sien tāng;
- fairy grottoes.
- cí kâi suaⁿ ŭ ku-ā kâi tāng;
- this mountain has several caverns in it.
- tāng pâng, hue cek;
- the nuptial chamber, with its red candles.
- cîeh tāng;
- a stone cavern.
- khĭa-khí tŏ̤ ngâm-tāng hṳ́ lăi;
- dwells in caves.
- nā cí tāng cúi kháu;
- stay here at the entrance of the gorge.
- kàu hṳ́ tāng tói-tói ho̤h cōi lí lō;
- it is many miles to the inmost recesses of the canon.
- sua tāng, cîeh tāng;
- sand ballast and stone ballast.
- cài cía hùe sĭ cún kùe teh tāng;
- to carry this merchandise is merely more convenient than taking in ballast.