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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tau

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  • tau873109
  • To retain; to detain.
tau-lâu i nā kò̤;
press him to stay, as a guest.
a son, a child who remains, in contradistinction to a daughter, who eventually leaves her father's family.
tau-kíaⁿ kah cáu-kíaⁿ lóng-cóng poih nâng;
there are eight of them, including both sons and daughters.
i kâi mûeh kio i tau pàng kò̤;
kept his things in order to make him stay.
tau-lâu i m̄ cŭ;
could not persuade her to stay.
  • táu874680
  • A dry measure of ten quarts; the Chinese peck; a simile of size; a wine vessel.
nŏ̤ tâng cêk seng, câp seng cêk táu, câp táu cêk cîeh;
two pints make a quart, ten quarts a peck, and ten pecks a chaldron.
nîe cêk táu bí;
measure out a peck of rice.
bí táu;
a peck measure.
sĭ tōa táu a sĭ síam táu?
Are the pecks full or short measure?
cía sĭ cìaⁿ-hú táu;
this is the standard peck.
cí khí táu lâi phah hṳ́ khí táu cêk táu cìaⁿ câp-sì tâng;
if these pecks were measured out in pecks of that size, there would be about seven-tenths as many.
cí koiⁿ phò kâi táu-sek hó̤ mē?
Do they measure out good sized pecks at this shop?
i cí koiⁿ kâi táu nîe khṳ̀ ío ŭ táu-thâu;
they give fuller measure at this stop.
a rod used to level off measures of rice.
táu-kài kài hó̤-hó̤;
level it off level with the leveler.
a constellation containing four stars in Ursa Major.
a carpenter's marking-cup and line.
a sad-iron.
  • táu86698
  • To turn upside down, or end foremost; to subvert order.
cîah lău, cū tien-táu;
when one becomes old he is apt to get things confused.
i cē lāu cū-lău-tien-táu;
in growing old he has grown forgetful.
táu tì;
bottom upward.
tien-tien táu-táu;
all at loose ends.
tien-táu sĭ hui;
confound truth and error.
chṳ́ sŭ màiⁿ táu-tì;
do not mislay them from their place in the series.
  • táu34644
  • To barter; to exchange.
táu cîⁿ;
to exchange silver for cash.
táu cîⁿ phò;
a money-changer's office.
táu ūaⁿ kim ngṳ̂n;
exchange of gold and silver.
hīn-khek kâi ngṳ̂n táu sĭm-mih kè?
For how much does a dollar now exchange?
táu cêk kâi ûant-pó̤ cìaⁿ ēng cò̤ kâi gûeh;
get a bar of silver exchanged for small coin, and it is spent in a month.
cìaⁿ chiah kim li jîh-ngŏ táu;
pure gold exchanges for twenty-five dollars per ounce.
cía kim ío kĕ, táu kàu jī-câp ngṳ̂n;
this gold has more alloy in it and exchanges for twenty dollars per ounce.
hīn-khek kâi cìaⁿ siam sa-peh táu hŵn-lío bói bô̤;
now-a-days real ginseng cannot be bought although you give three hundred times its weight in silver for it.
táu to̤h-kūiⁿ;
the table of a money-changer.
  • táu6171309
  • The brain; the head.
the back of the head.
i ău-táu-búe siu lâi ngía;
her back hair is done up beautifully.
i cêng pàng ău-táu-búe a būe?
Has she yet added the Ningpo coiffure to her own hair?
i kâi ău-táu píen-píen;
the back of his head is very peaked.
  • táu92913013
  • The seat; the nates.
i sīa khṳ̀ kâi táu khah khìo;
he bends his body too much when he bends his bow.
  • táu8666430
  • To pound or crush in a mortar.
táu chùi;
break it up by pounding it in a mortar.
kieⁿ li phoi tàⁿ àiⁿ táu cap;
the directions say that the ginger-root is to be pounded and its juice taken.
  • táu866467
  • An island out at sea.
an islet; a high rock in the sea.
a mountainous island.
  • táu86611314
  • To supplicate the gods; to pray.
to pray.
to ask divine blessing.
tng thiⁿ táu-cok;
pray under the open sky.
  • tàu37478
  • A nest; a resort.
cío tàu;
a bird's nest.
koi tàu;
a fowl's nest.
tṳ tàu;
a pig's bed.
kâⁿ chīu-ki khṳ̀ co̤h tàu;
took a twig in his mouth for the building of his nest.
tìam tŏ̤ tàu tói pū kíaⁿ;
stayed in the nest hovering her brood.
kui lîo kui tàu;
return to their accustomed haunts.
mûeh tīo i kâi tàu;
spoiled their nests.
cìam tàu;
usurp a nest.
phah phùa i kâi châk-tàu;
destroy a retreat of robbers.
i bô̤ tàu cū bŏi cŭ cò̤ cêk ē;
if they have no lurking place they cannot assemble.
bô̤ tàu cū bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ châng sin;
if they have no haunt, they will have no place to conceal themselves.
kheh-cío tàu;
a magpie's nest.
hĭa tàu;
ants' nests.
bô̤ lîo bô̤ tàu;
without house or home.
  • tàu40711714
  • To struggle for; to contend; to rival in zeal for; to emulate; to do vigorously.
tàu thóiⁿ tī-tîang méⁿ;
see who will be quickest.
tàu phĕ cûn;
paddle a race in boats.
tàu sái cûn;
a regatta.
tàu cáu;
run a race.
sie tàu hì;
rival theatres.
hàm nŏ̤ pang lâi sie tàu;
call two companies of performers to emulate each other.
taù thâk cṳ;
strive to excel each other in study.
  • tàu867186
  • To reach to; to attain; complete.
tàu-tí sĭ cò̤-nî?
After all, what does it amount to?
kẃn-thăi i kâi lói-sìo sĭm sĭ ciu-tàu;
the courtesy with which he treated him was perfect.
sṳ̆-lí kàu ciu-ciu tàu-tàu;
arranged in the most complete manner.
  • tàu86688
  • After all; well then; indicating the end of the matter.
tàu put jû hìe-seⁿ kèng hó̤;
the other way is not so good as that one after all.
cía tàu īa pă lío;
well then, let it pass, (a sufficient error has already occurred).
  • tàu87419114
  • To mortise in; to set a tenon.
tàu sún;
to mortise in a tenon.
cí kâi sún tàu khṳ̀ khah khùaⁿ;
this tenon does not fit tightly in the mortise.
i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ pûah tâu;
the two are throwing dice.
ĭe tâu;
shake the dice.
lok tâu;
rattle the dice in the box.
khah tâu;
gamble with dice.
  • tâu876644
  • To take or go to; to deliver; to give one's self up to; to have recourse to; to agree on; to consort with.
tâu bûn-cṳ;
deliver a dispatch.
íⁿ-keng tau mêng i kâi côk tíeⁿ;
have already sought out and informed the head of his clan.
jît cē àm cío cū khṳ̀ tâu nâ;
as soon as it is dusk the birds seek retirement among the trees.
tâu khî só̤ hàuⁿ;
agrees with whatever one likes; sycophantic.
i ka-kī cṳ̆ tâu lô̤-măng;
he let himself fall into the snare.
i soiⁿ sĭ châk lâi tâu-sêng kâi;
he is a rebel who has returned to his allegiance.
i tòa kúi peh nâng lâi tâu hâng;
he led several hundred to return to allegiance.
i khṳ̀ tâu kun;
he has enlisted in the army.
i lâi tâu tŏ̤ úa kò̤;
he came to stop at my house, as a casual visitor.
tâu seⁿ bô̤ tâu sí;
hospitality forbids the delivering over of a refugee to death.
  • tău8671629
  • A road, path or way; a circuit; the officer who oversees a circuit or region; a principle, a doctrine, that which the mind approves; rectitude or right reason; the Reason or Logos of the Rationalists, denoting an emanation, the unknown factor or principle of nature, the way it acts in matter and mind; to lead, to direct, to follow out, to go in a designated path; a classifier of courses at a feast, edicts, dispatches, gateways, walls, rivers, and bridges.
the Intendant of Circuit.
cí cêk tău kong bûn àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where is this dispatch to be sent?
i sǹg sĭ tng tău kuaⁿ;
he is exercising the power of an official.
reason, propriety, what is evidently right.
ŭ tău-lí;
has reason on his side.
bô̤ tău-lí;
is in the wrong.
cìaⁿ-tău kâi nâng;
an upright man.
hŭam sṳ tîeh chông cìaⁿ tău;
in all things correct principles must be acted upon.
tău kà;
tău-sṳ̆; tău jîn;
i cò̤ sṳ̄ ûang-tău;
he acts with rectitude.
bô̤ tău hun kun tì-kàu kok pāi;
an unreasoning, stupid monarch brings national destruction.
lō-tău tōa tîo;
a wide road.
tău thû îo-íen;
the way is long.
tău-lō tèng bô̤ có bô̤ keh;
there are no obstacles in the way.
tŏ̤ chim suaⁿ tèng siu tău;
in the recesses of the moun tains practising austerities.
chiah tău;
the equator.
i khṳ̀ chim sṳ ó̤h tău;
he has gone in search of teachers in order to study Tauism.
  • tău8681087
  • A robber; one who robs openly; to take by fraud or force; to plunder.
a bandit.
a highwayman.
i pak thau-tău nâng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ mē?
Has he ever appropriated other people's things, either slyly or forcibly?
phêng hái-tău ŭ kong;
to subdue pirates is meritorious.
  • tău8674113
  • To lead, to conduct, to point out the way; to induce to do right.
lṳ́ hó̤ khai-tău i;
you should show him the right way.
khai-tău kàu mêng-pêh mêng-pêh khṳ̂t i thiaⁿ;
set the correct method plainly before him.
a district instructor.
  • tāu8751407
  • Pulse, peas, beans, legumes.
tāu khoih;
the beans or peas themselves; the meat of pea-nuts.
pea-nuts; ground-nuts.
tī-tāu mô̤h;
the thin brown coating on the kernel of pea-nuts.
tī-tāu khak;
the shells of pea-nuts.
tī-tāu îu;
pea-nut oil.
lêk tāu, chiah tāu, o tāu, pêh tāu, n̂g tāu;
green, red, black, white and yellow peas.
tāu hū;
a filling or stuffing of mashed peas.
lêk-tāu ko̤;
dumplings containing green peas.
tāu-seⁿ; tāu-gê;
chut tāu;
have small-pox.
cèng tāu;
to vaccinate.
tān céng;
vaccine virus.
tāu cieⁿ;
small-pox pustules.
cèng îeⁿ tāu, cèng gû tāu;
vaccinate with virus from a sheep or a cow.
tāu tâk;
the matter contained in the pustules.
cí ău ŭ cí īeⁿ céng-tāu kâi huap sĭm hó̤;
in modern times there is this excellent method of vaccination.
i kâi mīn pōiⁿ-pōiⁿ sĭ chut tāu, peh tīo tāu phí;
his face is pock-marked, because he picked off the scabs when he had small-pox.
  • tāu92314915
  • A clause; a phrase.
thâk lâi ŭ kù ŭ tāu;
read with attention to the pauses.
thâk khṳ̀ bô̤ kù bô̤ tāu;
read with no regard to the punctuation.
kù tāu hó̤;
the clauses are of proper length; the style is pleasant.