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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/teh

From Wikisource


  • teh10693214
  • To crush; to press down upon; a weight.
teh kàu bih-bih;
crushed it flat.
teh tīo;
crushed out.
teh i sît;
press it down solid.
cṳ-cheh teh;
a bookweight.
tâng teh;
a brass paper-weight.
teh m̄ kín;
it does not press it down tightly.
chù tó̤, teh sí nâng;
the house fell, and crushed some people under it.
ôi teh tîeh nâng a bŏi?
Was any one crushed under it?
teh tăng tàⁿ;
crushed under a heavy burden.
sin-khó kâi nâng, taⁿ-taⁿ teh-teh;
one who has a hard lot, and is heavily burdened.
màiⁿ teh khah tăng;
do not lay on too heavy a weight.
hău-seⁿ kíaⁿ ŏi taⁿ ŏi teh;
young people can bear up under heavy burdens.
teh kî;
to play chess.
teh bô̤ nŏ̤ pûaⁿ kî, jît cū àm;
before we had played two games of chess it was sundown.
i kâi kî teh îaⁿ i;
he beat him at chess.