Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/thiam
- thiam-jíam;
- imbued with; tinged; corrupted by.
- cn̂g kâi bô̤ khṳ̀ thiam-jíam i;
- have nothing whatever to do with it.
- ŭ thiam-jíam tîeh a bô̤?
- Has it been tinged by absorbing anything from that?
- thiam pó;
- add something to make enough.
- thiam che khṳ̀ phōiⁿ;
- send additional messengers to attend to the matter.
- thian teng;
- to have an increase in one's family.
- thiam châi;
- increase in wealth.
- thiam hok;
- added blessings.
- thiam sīu;
- added years.
- thiam îu;
- put in some more oil.
- thiam piaⁿ;
- increase the number of soldiers.
- phah kàu thíam-thíam;
- beat him very severely.
- chîp khah thíam;
- knead too hard.
- mēⁿ thíam-thíam; i to m̄-ùi;
- he does not care how much he is scolded.
- tàⁿ khah thíam i cū khì;
- if you say too much about it, he will be angry.
- teh khah thíam cū pó khṳ̀;
- if you put too much weight upon it, it will be permanently flattened.
- lūn thíam-thíam;
- trample down violently.
- thíam-mĭⁿ;
- to play the sycophant, to praise one in order to get hisfavor.
- i cía ūe sĭ tó̤ thíam-mĭⁿ i;
- he says this in order to curry favor with him.
- thíam-mĭⁿ kâi nâng;
- a lick-spittle.
- thìam kàu lok-lok;
- tread them down till they are mashed soft.
- khì kàu kŭa tī híam-híam khṳt i thìam thâp;
- was so angry that he came near breaking a hole in the ground by stamping.
- gê-kang cang kha kâi i thìam sí;
- stamp on the centipede and kill it.
- pàng hṳ́ kûiⁿ kĕ hám kò̤, cang kha thìam cĭu cîh;
- if you put one end of it upon something and then stamp on the middle of it, you can break it.
- thîam-cĕⁿ;
- undisturbed.
- i kâi nâng thîam-cĕⁿ căi;
- she passes her life very tranquilly.
- huang éng thîam-cĕⁿ;
- the winds and waves are quiet; the storm has subsided.
- i sĭ kâi thîam-thîam cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ kâi kun-cṳ́ nâng;
- she is a very retiring and refined person.