Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/thiap
- thó̤-thiap;
- well adjusted; properly arranged; well managed; nicely put together.
- i kâi sṳ̄ cò̤ lâi thó̤-thiapcăi;
- his affairs are very thoroughly settled.
- sṳ̆-lí kàu thó̤-thó̤ thiap-thiap;
- put in most perfect order.
- thó̤i-thiap; thí-thiap;
- to take up another's cause; to act in behalf of another; to patronize; to accommodate another.
- i ío thói-thiap nâng;
- he is more accommodating.
- úa īa m̄ sĭ thói-thiap i, cū m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- I should not do thus if I did not consider his interests in the case.
- i mih sṳ̄ thí-thiap căi, m̄ pí hía bô̤ thí-thiap nâng kâi;
- he is very accommodating about everything, and not like those who will yield nothing to others.
- iap-thiap;
- neat, orderly, nicely adjusted.
- siu-sîp kàu iap-iap thiap-thiap;
- very nicely arranged.
- i tá-pàng kàu hìeⁿ iap-thiap sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ nâng-kheh a m̄ sĭ?
- It is because she is going to pay a visit that she is so carefully attired is it not?
- cí kâi sĭ i thiap sin kâi hia-thâu;
- this is her waiting maid.
- pó-thiap;
- to make up a loss or supply a deficiency; to meet an exigency by a donation; to help, as by giving alms.
- ēng pó-thiap i jîeh cōi cíⁿ?
- How much should be given him to make up what is wanting?
- thiap i saⁿ kâi ngṳ̂n hŵn būe kàu;
- if you help him to the amount of three dollars, he will then not have enough.
- 帖thiap893505
- Written scrolls, writings, documents, manuscripts; a billet; visiting-cards, of which there are many sorts; a placard.
- i lâi cò̤ nŏ̤ peh kâi pêh-thiap;
- he came and wrote out two hundred notices of the funeral.
- cía ēng chŵn-thiap a míen?
- Should this note be a formal one of five folds or not?
- cíu thiap;
- a billet, an informal note.
- pài thiap;
- a visiting card.
- kŭ mûeh kâi thiap;
- a card sent with a gift.
- hue-âng thiap;
- pale red cards.
- bâk-âng thiap;
- deep red cards.
- kim-hue thiap;
- an note of invitation to one who has just taken his degree.
- thiap-âp;
- a card-case.
- síeⁿ thiap;
- a notice of reward offered.
- thiap nêk, thiap thàu;
- the note itself and the envelope enclosing it.
- thiap mīn, thiam chiam;
- the outside of the note and the address thereon.
- chut cie-thiap, cie nâng cò̤ kang;
- issue a notice that laborers are wanted.
- pàng thiap;
- send out invitations.
- khîeh thîap;
- received written invitations.
- chin-chĭeⁿ tó̤ thîap châ kho pé;
- like laying up bundles of fire-wood.
- cih lío thîap khí;
- after folding them up, lay them in a pile.
- thîap sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
- pile them up evenly.
- thîap khah kûiⁿ;
- stacked too high.