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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tho

From Wikisource


  • thó920320
  • Earth; ground; lands; territory; soil; a region.
i sĭ m̄ hôkcúithó;
the climate does not agree with him.
tàⁿ cò̤ thó-ūe cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
How would you say this in common parlance?
tàⁿ lâi hŵn-lío kâⁿ thó-thâm;
what he says has still an admixture of words from the local dialect.
thó im sĭ cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What is the local pronunciation of this word?
hṳ́-kò̤ kâi hong-thó nâng-chêng căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
What are the manners and customs there?
cía sĭ in-kò̤ kâi thó súaⁿ;
these are the native products there.
kak chù to sāi ŭ thó-tī îa;
each place has its local deities.
i sĭ hŭam tîeh thó-sîn;
he has offended the god of the land.
ŭ hĕ thó tîeh s(illegible text)a thó;
if you make a vow to the divinity that presides over a particular spot, you must pay the vow thereto.
sĭ tô̤h tī cêk jît tŏng thó?
What day has been selected as a lucky one for beginning the excavation?
i kâi pî-thó m̄-hó̤;
his appetite is not good.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi pó thó k(illegible text)en pî;
this medicine creates an appetite.
nâng sí cū àiⁿ kui thó;
when a man man dies he returns to dust.
i kâi thó-cheⁿ seⁿ lâi ngía căi;
the end of his nose is very exquisitely formed.
  • thó68999
  • Bent on; inclined to; on one side.
i thó àiⁿ, úa thó m̆;
he is bent upon it, and I am determined not to do it.
i li thó hĕng hṳ́ kâi nâng, úa li thó sieh hṳ́ kâi nâng;
he is inclined to dislike that person, and I am inclined to like him.
cêk nâng cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n thó cōi li bô̤ sì-lâk, cêk nâng sì-lâk thó tōa li bô̤ cíⁿ-ngṳ̂n;
one had money without influence and the other had great influence but no money.
i thó àiⁿ phah i;
she is determined to whip him.
  • thó892174
  • To bulge; protuberant.
mâk thó-thó;
protruding eyes.
i kâi tó-câi thó chut lâi;
he has rupture at the navel.
i kâi mâk sĭ thó-cu, m̄ hó̤ ui;
his eye has an extruded lens, an is incurable.
ŭ kò̤ thó chut li pó kò̤ nap jîp;
the places where it bulges out will make up for those where it juts in.
  • thò920106
  • A hare or rabbit.
phah cêk ciah thò;
shot a hare.
i sĭ sìe thò kâi;
he was born in the year of the hare.
thò hâu;
the hair of the rabbit, used for fine pencils or brushes.
  • thò920303
  • To vomit; to disgorge; to spit out; to disclose; to tell all.
cīeⁿ li thò, ĕ li sìa;
vomiting and purging simultaneously.
sĭ cŏ-jîen cū thò sìa kâi;
a sudden attack of vomiting with diarrhea.
cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ cū thò chut lâi;
threw it up as soon as he had taken it.
cîh thò kàu tn̂g-tn̂g chut lâi;
run your tongue out as far as possible.
úa thiaⁿ i sĭ pùaⁿ thun pùaⁿ thò kâi ūe;
I think he kept back a part, and told a part.
hía ūe thun-thun thò-thò m̄ sĭ tît-tît cū tàⁿ;
that is concealing some of the facts and disclosing others, it is not telling a straight-forward story.
i hó̤-hó̤ sĭ-sĭ cò̤ ŏi áu-thò?
How is it that he gags and vomits when there is no unusual cause for it?
thò hueh;
bleed at the lungs.
thò kàu kŭa táⁿ chut lâi;
threw up bile.
phīⁿ tîeh cū thò;
the smell of it makes me vomit.
i m̄ khéng thò cin chêng;
he is unwilling to disclose the real state of the case.
ūe-ūe thó;
retch and vomit.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi cí thò;
this medicine will stop the vomiting.
i kâi cîⁿ cîah m̄ lô̤h lêng-ūaⁿ thò chut lâi hâiⁿ nâng;
he could not make way with the money, and so disgorged and returned it.
cang îeh kẁn i thò;
take medicine to produce vomiting.
àiⁿ thò bŏi thò;
am nauseated but cannot vomit.
  • thô9183210
  • Earth; soil; mud; clods; dirt.
tàⁿ thô;
to carry earth in baskets slung at the ends of a pole over the shoulder.
chîeⁿ sĭ thô chîeⁿ;
the wall is a mud wall.
co̤h thô sîaⁿ;
build amud village.
thôu ûi;
an enclosing wall made of earth.
thô khò;
a cellar.
thô kang;
a sexton; to work in earth.
bói kúi sin thô ang-kíaⁿ khṳt a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe thit-thô̤;
buy some clay dolls for the children to play with.
líu cĕ suaⁿ thô lâi tĭen hó̤ a sĭ líu hái thô̤ lâi tĭen hó̤?
Shall I dig the earth to fill it in with from the hills or from the shore?
cía suaⁿ kâi thô-sek hó̤;
the soil on these hills appears good.
cí kò̤ kâi thô kien-jŭn căi;
the soil here is very mellow.
artificial mill-stones, made of earth, and used in hulling rice.
  • thō8321626
  • To send forward by the pressure of a liquid.
thō îeh-îⁿ, àiⁿ cang sĭm-mûeh thō?
What shall I take after the pills to send them down?
cá-sîn li cang tăⁿ-ĭam-thng thō;
when I took them before I rinsed them down with water that had been boiled and salted.
ēng kieⁿ-thng thō;
take ginger-tea to send it down with.
chong cho̤h nêk-chò̤-thng lâi thō pn̄g;
make some broth to assist the rice in its course down the gullet.