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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tiam

From Wikisource

— tiam —

  • tiam161125
  • A block or anvil; a chopping-board; a meat-block.
cí kò̤ tiam hó̤, côih lío bŏi mih seⁿ tiam-sut;
this meat-block is a good one, and after you chop things on it, it has not chips of the wood on it.
tiam tîeh kueh cheng-khih;
you must scrape the meat-board clean.
seⁿ tiam;
an anvil.
i kâi mīn poiⁿ kàu kio níu-tiam hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
his face is pitted like a board on which buttons are made.
tu tiam;
a butcher's block.
  • tiam895965
  • To disgrace, to injure; a flaw or defect.
tiam jôk;
to disgrace; to debauch.
tiam u;
to defile; to deflower.
màiⁿ tiam tîeh; tiam tîeh cū kōi phùⁿ;
do not chip it, if chipped it will break easily.
tiam khih khṳ̀;
chipped as to break a piece out.
  • tiam43855
  • To be a recipient; to participate in.
i côiⁿ tiang-sî pat tiam kùe i kâi ṳn;
he had formerly experienced his kindness.
bò̤ khṳ̀ tiam-jíam i kâi sṳ̄;
did not get mixed up in his affairs.
kâi kâi to pat tiam tîeh i kâi hŭi;
each had been a recipient of his favor.

  • tiam1137511
  • The upright post to which the oar of a Chinese boat is attached.
tàu cíeⁿ-tiam lâi kò̤;
put the post into its socket and row.
  • tíam8952035
  • A black spot, a speck, a dot, a little, a mite; a comma; the stroke of a clock; in mechanics a point; the spot where the weight or ower acts or touches; a particle; speckled, starred, dotted; to mark for correction; to prick off; to soil or spot; to light, as a lamp; to nod in assent.
cêk tíam, cêk phuah;
a dot slanting toward the right, and a stroke slanting toward the left.
lṳ́ ci-tíam i thóiⁿ;
you point it out for him to look at.
i taⁿ tíam khṳ̀ cò̤ kuaⁿ;
he is now designated for office.
cí hûe kúi tíam ceng?
What time is it now by the clock?
câp-it tiám lío;
it is already eleven o'clock.
àiⁿ hiah cîah tiám-sim;
will stop and take lunch.
khim-tíam hâng-lîm;
designated as a member of the National Academy.
cêk tíam to bŏi chò̤;
there is not the least mistake in it.
úa thóiⁿ i kâi cṳ tíam tāⁿ khṳ̀;
I think there is an error in the punctuation.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ i tíam thâm cìaⁿ lôh;
so his gorge is settled.
ēng ke ŭ tíam cîⁿ;
used a little more money.
i pùaⁿ tíam bŏi lô̤h lāu;
it does not leak a bit.
chûn tíam-kíaⁿ tīaⁿ;
have but a little bit left.
cí pak ūe tíam-jíam lâi hó̤ thóiⁿ;
this scroll is tinted beautifully.
i kâi mīn tèng kúi tíam poiⁿ;
she has several small-pox marks on her face.
lîm-cîⁿ cúi tíam-tíam tih, bô̤ cha chî;
the drops fall one by one from the eaves, but do not fall outside the gutter below.
àiⁿ tíam tī-tîang khṳ̀?
Whom will you designate as the one to go?
tíam mîaⁿ;
to call the roll of names.
ĕ-kùa àiⁿ tíam íong-càng;
in the afternoon the roll of braves will be called.
sĭ àiⁿ tíam khṳ̀ sie thâi, a sĭ àiⁿ tíam khṳ̀ síu ìo-kháu;
are those whose names are marked to be sent off to fight, or to guard the passes?
hŏ tíam;
rain drops.
cêk tíam hŏ;
a drop of rain.
tíam teng;
light the lamp.
kio úa tíam húe;
light my light for me.
cêk tíam cêk ûeh;
a dot and a dash.
mâk-îeh tíam lô̤h khṳ̀ lîang-lîang;
when the eye-water is dropped in it makes my eye feel very cool.
ēng mâk-îeh tíam mâk;
take eyewater and drop it in the eye.
tíam cêk tíam îu;
drop a drop of oil on it.
cheng-khih căi bô̤ tíam nah-sap;
very clean, with no speck of dirt upon it.
bûe-hue-tíam; hue-tíam hue-tíam;
flowered; speckled.
poiⁿ tíam;
hi-tíam hi-tíam;
slightly flecked.
buah hún, tíam in-nî;
pat on powder and rouge.
khîeh khṳ̀ phah-siah-phò tíam i màiⁿ lāu;
take it to the shop where pewter ware is made, and get a drop of pewter dropped on it, to stop the leak.
  • tìam895535
  • A shop, stand, inn, or tavern.
nín kâi pó̤ tìam tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where is your stand?
cí koiⁿ sĭ kheh-tìam, hṳ́ koiⁿ sĭ mêⁿ-tìam;
this is an eating-house, and that a lodging-house.
hṳ́-kò̤ khui koiⁿ cíu-tìam;
a restaurant has been opened there.
jît àm cū khṳ̀ chūe hiah-tìam;
went at dusk to seek a lodging.
tìam-ke būe cêng gût;
the inn-keeper had not yet gone to bed.
the tavern-keeper.
ŭ cêk kâi tìam-phûa chu lâi ciu-ciap nâng-khek;
an old dame belonging to the inn came out to receive the travellers.
  • tìam635239
  • To hide; to keep out of sigh; to elude search; to abscond.
tìam miⁿ-miⁿ;
closely hidden.
tìam tŏ̤ i chù lăi;
concealed in his house.
tìam bô̤ nâng thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
secreted so as not to be seen.
ka-kī li tìam-bûa, chíaⁿ pât nâng chut lâi tàⁿ ūe;
kept out of sight himself, and got some one else to come out and negotiate.
m̄ cai i tìam tŏ̤ tī kò̤;
do not know in what place he is concealed.
  • tîam399996
  • Sweet or pleasant to the taste.
lṳ́ cîah tîeh ŭ jîeh tîam?
How sweet do you find it?
màiⁿ lô̤h khah tîam;
do not sweeten it too much.
cí īeⁿ tîam lâi kàng, hṳ́ īeⁿ tîam lâi cheng;
this sort has a strong sweet taste, and that has a mild sweet taste.
i kâi chùi tîam câi;
he speaks flatteringly.
tîam kùe bît;
sweeter than honey.
cí cho̤h hṳ̂ cíaⁿ-tîam căi;
this fish is very fresh and sweet.
cîah tîeh ŏi tîam a bŏi?
Does it taste sweet?
i to sĭ cang tîam ngân khá gṳ́ tó̤ kuang nâng;
he makes use of honeyed words and flattering speech to beguile people.
i hàuⁿ cîah tîam;
she is fond of sweets.
tîam līo phò;
confectioner's shop.
chue tîam kúe;
steamed sweet cake.
tîam āⁿ;
sweet fillings in dumplings.
cí nŏ̤ lîap thô̤ sng tîam căi;
these two peaches are of a delicious acidulated sweetness.
kîam sng tîam;
salt, acid, and sweet.
tîam bûe pó;
plums dried in sugar.
cúi cîah tîeh ŏi kam-tîam;
the water tastes very delicious.
i kâi nâng tham tîam;
she longs for sweet things.
i mîaⁿ-ke cò̤ seng-lí, kìⁿ tîeh nâng chùi tîam cîh kût;
he is a skilled salesman, and whenever he meets anyone he is very affable.
khah tîam lío, thn̂g màiⁿ cài lô̤h;
it is already too sweet, do not put in any more sugar.
  • tīam899616
  • Peaceful; tranquil; quiet.
undisturbed; calm.
éng tīam-cĕⁿ;
the waves have gone down.
tīam-cĕⁿ, bŏi lô̤-cŏ̤;
placid, not agitated.
huang tīam, éng cĕⁿ;
the wind ceased, and the waves went down.
cí kâi tī-hng ío tīam-cĕⁿ;
this is a more quiet spot.
  • tīam6052034
  • Still, silent, undisturbed.
lṳ́ tīam-tīam, m̄-hó̤ tàⁿ;
you keep quiet and do not speak.
lṳ́ tīam-tīam, bŏi tàⁿ;
you are silent, and cannot tell.
ût lô̤h tīam-tīam sĭeⁿ tŏ̤-lí;
laid down and quietly thought of the doctrine.
chùi tīam-tīam kio é kâi cêk īeⁿ;
mouth as silent as a dumb person's.
hĭⁿ tīam-tīam thiaⁿ, sim tīam-tīam sĭeⁿ;
let the ear quietly listen and the mind quietly consider.
thàng jît tīam-tīam, chŵn thiaⁿ-m̄-kìⁿŭ siaⁿ;
the whole day has been still and not a sound has been heard.
tīam-tīam cŏ̤ tŏ̤ pâng lăi thóiⁿ cṳ;
sat undisturbed in the room, reading a book.
tīam-cĕⁿ kâi ūi-chṳ̀;
a quiet spot.
tīam-tīam cîah, m̄-hó̤ tàⁿ ūe;
eat quietly and do not talk.
àm-cĕⁿ tīam-tīam khàu, bô̤ nâng thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
secretly and steadily cried, and no one heard him.
tīam-tīam cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ;