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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tiap

From Wikisource


  • tîap893649
  • To grasp divining straws in the hand.
tîap si;
to cast lots.
tîap si sĭ tîap tîeh sĭm-mih khùe?
What was indicated by the lot which he drew?
butterflies; hinges of foreign pattern.
ôi sĭ àiⁿ bói tîap-thâu kâi;
wishes to buy shoes that have ornamentation on the toes.
àiⁿ ēng thih kâi îap-tîap a tâng kâi îap-tîap?
Do you wish to use iron or brass hinges?
cí kâi îap-tîap ēng kú huang-hāi, tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ ūaⁿ kâi îap-tîap;
these hinges having been used a long time are worn out, and must be replaced by new ones.
  • tîap891919
  • A card or letter of introduction; official instruction.
kâi nâng tîeh ēng kâi tîap;
a card must be used for each person.
ēng jîeh cōi cîⁿ kio i chíu tîap?
How much money is required to get from him a card to the god who is to be consulted?