Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tio
- tio-khek ìn-póiⁿ;
- to engrave the wooden blocks on which printing is done.
- sûi i khṳ̀ tio-kuah;
- let him engrave it as he pleases.
- tio hue thâh táu;
- adorned with carved ornamentation.
- i kâi jī-ûeh tio lâi ngía;
- he carves beautifully.
- tio to̤h;
- to grave or chase.
- tio lâi bŏi sit cin;
- nothing has been lost from the pattern in transferring it to wood.
- cía put kùe sĭ phû-phû nē tio;
- this is nothing more than a slight cutting into the wood.
- tio ìn;
- to engrave a seal.
- tio to̤;
- graving tools.
- khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē tio, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē câk;
- use the knife and the chisel very carefully in the cutting.
- tio phûe;
- the fur of the sable.
- tio-chṳ́;
- the sable.
- i chen̄g kâi tio-chṳ́ bé-kùa;
- he wore a riding jacket of sable.
- tio búe;
- sables' tails, worn by military men.
- kim tio;
- undyed or reddish sable.
- sng so̤h cē lô̤h cháu-bâk cū tio-lêng;
- when frost and snow come the herbage withers.
- cía chīu kâi ki hîeh năi sng-so̤h bŏi tio;
- this tree does not lose its verdure even in winter.
- ngô̤-thông sĭang-téng cá tio;
- the catalpa tree loses its leaves earliest of all.
- hue-bâk tó̤ tio-châng lío;
- the foliage is already fading.
- tio-sŏng;
- contentious; fond of litigation, and pressing the case without just cause; truculent.
- tio-mâng;
- violent and barbarous.
- cêk pùaⁿ tio cêk pùaⁿ mâng;
- a mixture of wickedness and barbarity.
- i kâi a-pĕ sĭ chut mîaⁿ tio pit;
- his father is well known for his rabid writings.
- tio ak cṳ cì;
- outrageous and wicked beyond endurance.
- théng-tio;
- dictatorial and overbearing.
- tio-phwt;
- willful.
- tio-tio nē;
- ruthless.
- i kâi sin châi ío kûiⁿ-tio;
- he is of fine stature.
- cêk kâi li kûiⁿ-tio kûiⁿ-tio nē, cêk kâi li ói-kó ói-kó;
- one is tall and slender and the other short and sturdy.
- lî khah tìo-íen;
- is too in accessible.
- cí kâi tī-hng khah tìo-íen;
- this place is too remote and difficult to reach.
- i tiang-sî khui tìo?
- When are the funeral rites to be performed?
- khui saⁿ jît tìo;
- will have the funeral rites performed for three days.
- tăi-sì sĭ chit jît sêng hôk cū kui-tìo;
- generally, the funeral rites are performed after the mourning garments have been worn seven days.
- khṳ̀ tìo-cì kâi nâng cōi căi;
- a great number of persons went to offer condolence.
- tìo-hà;
- mourning.
- tìo-sng;
- affliction.
- 吊tìo886303
- To suspend; to hang up; to demand; to ask for; to call for; to lift, as by a cord; a thousand cash.
- lîah i lâi tìo;
- seize and hang him.
- tìo pàng chīu-câng tèng;
- hang up on a tree.
- tìo tùi-lîin;
- hang up scrolls.
- tìo ki teng;
- suspend a lamp.
- tìo kâi kìaⁿ;
- hang a picture.
- tìo-pàng tû lăi;
- hang it up in the wardrobe.
- saⁿ-tìo;
- a clothes rack.
- ngṳn̂-tĭaⁿ ēng jîh cōi tìo?
- How many strings of paper ingots will be required?
- cu tìo;
- strings of beads.
- līo tìo ŭ kâi tn̆g khṳ̀;
- some of the strings of strass beads have broken.
- cîⁿ chûn saⁿ sì tìo;
- have three or four strings of cash left.
- cí kâi mueh bói câp gūa tìo cîⁿ;
- paid more than ten thousand cash for this article.
- chíaⁿ tău-thâi tìo lâi ka-kī chin mn̄g;
- ask the Intendant of Circuit to call and cross-question them himself.
- tìo-ùaⁿ-kẁn lâi ngīam thóiⁿ;
- call for and officially examine the records of the case.
- tìo ŭ kúi peh kâi kheh khí lâi;
- ordered some hundreds of the passengers to disembark.
- tìo ăm;
- to hang one's self.
- i khṳ̀ kò̤ tìo-pàng;
- he went and asked for an order to set him at liberty.
- tìo tit chut a tìo m̄ chut?
- Did he succeed in getting him set free on demanding it?
- tìo-tháng;
- a pail with a high bail.
- cang phìe tìo sio;
- remand and destroy the warrant, as when an affair is settled.
- khṳ̀ kò̤ tìo tŏiⁿ;
- go and request an order for the eviction of a tenant.
- tŏiⁿ m̄ khéng khṳt i tìo;
- the tenant would not allow him to remand it.
- tìo-nâ;
- a basket with bulging sides and small neck.
- tìo cie-pâi;
- a buletin board.
- só̤-sî tìo tiah sin;
- has the key attached to his person.
- hùe-mûehⁿ tìo cĭeⁿ lâu;
- the goods are lifted by ropes into the loft.
- 條tîo888756
- A strip; a slip; a twig; a spear; a section; a classifier of long and slender objects; anything long and slender.
- i kâi mô̤ⁿ cho tîo;
- her hair is coarse.
- cía li khah tōi tîo, hía li khah sòi tîo;
- this is too thick and that too slender.
- khîeh tîo so̤h lâi pâk;
- take a rope and tie it up.
- íⁿ-tîo;
- a trestle.
- pang-tîo;
- bed boards.
- cêk tîo si;
- a silken filament.
- thih tîo;
- iron bars.
- cí ki ki-tîo ío ńng;
- this twig is more flexible.
- ēng nŏ̤ tîo tòa lâi pâk-bûa;
- take two girdles and tie them together.
- kìm tîo;
- a prohibitory notice.
- cêk tîo piⁿ;
- a queue.
- cí tîo sĭ tōa lō;
- this is the main road.
- cêk tîo si-sùaⁿ;
- a thread of sewing-silk.
- cûah tîo thâu-mô̤ⁿ hûn;
- lacks a hair's breadth of it.
- hṳ́ tói kâi tîo-lî cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
- What is said in the rules of procedure?
- che-thóiⁿ sìo-tîo ŏi chau tāⁿ mē;
- examine and see whether a mistake has been made in copying the bill.
- tîo cûa so̤ cĭeⁿ chīu câng;
- a snake crawled up into the tree.
- cí tîo kîe ngŏ tún;
- this bridge has five piers.
- cêk tîo cháu cē kûe cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- if there be a spear of grass in his way he tumbles down.
- sî-pie kâi huap-tîo tn̆g khṳ̀;
- the mainspring of the watch is broken.
- tîo-līen sĭ kim kâi a sĭ tâng kâi?
- Is the chain gold or brass?
- kim nî cí hâng lăi hwt ŭ kúi tîo cûn;
- this year the firm has sent out several vessels.
- kúi tîo chiu hi-hi;
- a few sparse whiskers.
- tîn tîo;
- rattans.
- ciⁿtîo;
- felt rugs.
- tîo sùaⁿ chng m̄ kùe;
- I cannot string them upon this thread.
- i kâi sío-bâk tîo-tîo tît-tît;
- his bills are all correct.
- lō tîo hn̆g căi;
- it is a long journey.
- bói tîo bâk;
- buy a stick of ink.
- cêk tîo sìo;
- an account or bill.
- àng-sok m̄ tîo;
- cannot bring into subjection.
- ak-cí m̄ tîo;
- cannot succeed in curbing it.
- koi-tîo;
- a hen roost.
- koi cĭeⁿ tîo lío;
- the chickens have gone to roost.
- koi-tîo bô̤ keh mêⁿ kau-ún;
- an earth worm does not pass the night on a hen roost.
- soiⁿ tĭo;
- a forerunner.
- kit tĭo;
- a good omen.
- hiong tĭo;
- a bad omen.
- khùe-tĭo;
- prognostication.
- sue tĭo;
- an ominous sign; an indication of poverty or decadence.
- sǹg lô̤h ŭ cêk tĭo kah câp ngŏ bw̄n;
- reckoned it up and made the amount to be a million and a hundred and fifty thousand.
- tĭo i lâi;
- summon him.
- suang-tĭo;
- called to court.
- ŭ suang bô̤ tĭo;
- to give orders without summoning the recipient to Peking.
- sek tīo;
- to throw away.
- tìu tīo;
- to fling away.
- hìⁿ tīo;
- to shake off.
- put tīo;
- to put aside.
- tò̤ tīo;
- to pour out.
- tok tīo;
- to chop off.
- 掉tīo887648
- Used as an auxiliary verb, following another, and denoting the accomplishment of the action.
- thâi tīo;
- to slaughter.
- kak tīo;
- to throw away.
- mûeh tīo;
- to spoil by manipulation.
- á tīo;
- to break of by a wrench.
- sie tīo;
- to burn up.
- cám tīo;
- to chop off.
- pêⁿ tīo;
- to rake off.
- àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih tīo-thâu?
- What tune do you want it sung in?
- cía sĭ sĭm-mih khieⁿ tīo?
- What air is this?
- séⁿ sîaⁿ tīo;
- a Cantonese air.
- tīo khí khṳ̀ khṳt i cih;
- toss it up and let him catch it.
- tīo cĭeⁿ lâu-téng;
- toss it into the upper storey.
- tīo m̄ khui; cannot toss it off.
- tīo ŭ lâk cìaⁿ tīo tit khui;
- fling it with force and then you can fling it off.
- úa tīo, lṳ́ sah;
- I will throw it, and you catch it.
- tīo kùe chîeⁿ;
- flung it over the wall.
- tīo lô̤h hái;
- cast it into the sea.
- khṳt i tīo tŏ̤ céⁿ tói khṳ̀ lío;
- it has been thrown into the tank by him.
- tīo lô̤h húe-lô;
- throw it into the stove.