Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/uah
- 活ûah258856
- Running, bubbling, like water; living, lively, active; bright, cheerful; to live; to vivify; life; motion; the germ of life; movable; a living; livelihood; occupation; applied to some drugs to indicate their efficacy.
- m̄ cai i sĭ sí a sí ûah;
- do not know whether he is dead of a live.
- bōi ûah;
- it will not live.
- ŏi ûah; i ûah tŏ̤ kò̤;
- it is alive.
- ûah-ûah lîah lâi phah sí;
- take him alive and beat him to death.
- cheⁿ ûah;
- live and active.
- hôk-ûah;
- to revive.
- hwn-ûah khí lâi;
- to come to life again.
- ûah sîn;
- a god that takes cognizance of things.
- ûah hût;
- a living Buddha; a merciful, generous man.
- sĭ ûah jī a sĭ sí jī?
- Is it a verb or a noun?
- cí-kâi chn̂g-mīn àiⁿ cò̤ ngĕ kâi a ûah kâi?
- Do you the top of the table fixed to the standard, or made so that it can be taken off?
- i khì kàu àiⁿ sí àiⁿ ûah;
- he is so angry that he will die rather than yield the point.
- i cang cam kang tó̤ tō ûah;
- she lives by her needle.
- khùaⁿ-ûah;
- comfortable.
- ûah-tăng;
- active, lively.
- tôk-ûah;
- a kind of angelica root.
- i cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ sĭ m̄-hó̤ î-ûah kâi;
- having said that he cannot slip out of it.
- i sĭ m̄ cai sí ûah ā! He is unaware that he is in great danger there! i kâi nâng ûah-phuah căi;
- she is a very bustling body.
- ûah nêk;
- the voluntary muscles.
- ûah cúi cîⁿ;
- current coin.
- ūe kàu cū sĭ kâi ûah kâi;
- drawn to the life.
- cèng-lô̤h cū ûah;
- it germinates as soon as it is planted.
- i kâi mâk-sîn ûah căi;
- the expression of her eyes is very vivacious.
- ūe tîeh tàⁿ ûah, màiⁿ cn̂g kâi tàⁿ ngĕ khṳ̀;
- make your speech somewhat ambiguous and do not put all your statements in such shape that you cannot recede from them.