Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/wn
- wn-úang;
- an injustice.
- wn-úang căi;
- very unjust.
- wn-khut;
- to oppress.
- ŭ wn bô̤ sin;
- no reparation made for the injury done.
- khîu lṳ́ kio i sin wn;
- pray you to redress his wrong.
- wn-chîu būe pò̤;
- an injury still unrevenged.
- kak wn-chiu;
- to get up a quarrel.
- hâm wn sĭu khut;
- endure oppression.
- hàm wn;
- proclaim one's grievance.
- wn ngîap kúi;
- an avenging spirit.
- sói wn-lôk;
- wipe out a grudge.
- wn-wn siang pò̤;
- their mutual injuries were revenged on each other.
- á wn;
- to bend by pressure of the hand.
- ut wn;
- to bend by heat and pressure.
- tau kàu nĕ wn-wn;
- bend it till it is much curved.
- wn-kéng wn-kéng nē;
- bowed.
- mâk bâi wn-wn;
- arching eyebrows.
- bŏi wn bŏi khek, nĕ tît-tît;
- it has no carves nor crooks in it, it is perfectly straight.
- cam kêh wn;
- this needle has got bent.
- cí kâi suaⁿ sì ío wn-hŵn;
- this hill is very irregular in its outline.
- sim-tn̂g tît-căi, bô̤ wn bô̤ tŵn;
- his is a candid nature, wholly without duplicity.
- i m̄ pí hía wn-wn tŵn-tŵn kai;
- he is not like those who are given to maneuvering.
- kiaⁿ kàu cham-che lō thâu, cêk nâng wn tùi cìeⁿ pôiⁿ, cêk nâng wn tùi hìoⁿ pôiⁿ;
- when they came to the cross-roads one turned off in one direction and one in the other.
- tn̂g-wn câk-kak kâi ūi-chṳ̀, tîeh cai hûang i;
- it is a place where there are long turns and sharp corners, a spot full of intricate passages, where we must be cautions.
- lō wn lâi wn khṳ̀;
- the path winds hither and thither.
- cí tîo khoi kàu hṳ́ ĕ wn-wn khek-khek;
- this river down below there is very crooked.
- câp wn poih khek cìaⁿ kàn hṳ́ kò̤;
- after innumerable turns we reached the place.
- wn jîp hâng lăi;
- turned off into the warehouse.
- wn kùe sai pôiⁿ;
- turned off westward.
- wn jîp káng;
- turned into the canal.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ ut wn, tît-tît kîaⁿ;
- do not turn aside, go straight on.
- wn-wn khek-khek;
- tortuous, serpentine.
- 鴛鴦wn-ieⁿ1132
- Mandarin ducks, which are patterns of conjugal fidelity.
- wn-ieⁿ cím;
- a pillow for two; a double pillow used by the newly married.
- sìu cêk tùi wn-ieⁿ;
- embroidered a pair of mandarin ducks upon it.
- siang lî thien wn;
- as far apart as heaven and earth.
- chíu ẃn;
- the wrist.
- ēng chíu ẃn kâi lak;
- used strength of wrist.
- i kâi sía jī ŏi ēng ẃn lâk;
- his writing shows firmness and flexibility in the hand.
- i sĭeⁿ kâi sṳ̄ ío kú-ẃn;
- he considers what lies far ahead.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ ío kú-ẃn li tîeh ke cîⁿ;
- this being much more lasting must cost more.
- íong-ẃn sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is always like that.
- năi kàu kú-kú wń-wń kâi sṳ̄;
- this is something that never ceases.
- ẃn cẃn;
- having a disposition to yield.
- màiⁿ cn̂g kâi bô ẃn cẃn;
- do not be wholly unwilling to yield a point.
- jī ke wn cẃn cē cū sêng;
- if each would give in a little the thing would be done.
- hang-ẃn;
- an Academician.
- cía sĭ hang ẃn kâi châi-chêng;
- these are the talents of a member of the Imperial Academy.
- sĭang ẃn;
- imperial parks.
- sueh-ẃn;
- a collection of dialogues.
- màiⁿ sie ẁn;
- do not cherish mutual dislike.
- taⁿ li tó̤ i ẁn i, i ẁn i;
- at present, each is murmuring against the other.
- kio nâng kak ẁn;
- excite people's aversion.
- kak chîu kak ẁn;
- excite enmity and ill-will.
- chūa nâng ẁn-hṳ̆n;
- cause ill-will.
- íⁿ tek pò̤ ẁn;
- requite injury with kindness.
- hṳ́ i ṳn pò̤ ṳn, ẁn pò̤ ẁn;
- requite his kindness with kindness, his animosity with animosity.
- ẁn ka-kī kâi mīaⁿ khiap;
- repine at one's own lot.
- i tó̤ mâiⁿ ẁn lṳ́;
- he is cherishing dislike toward you.
- ẁn thiⁿ ẁn tī;
- bitter against the powers in heaven and on earth.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ ẁn thiⁿ ẁn tī, tîeh ẁn lṳ́ ka-kī;
- you should not complain against everybody else, you should find fault with you-self.
- cía tîeh ẁn ka-kī, màiⁿ ẁn pât nâng;
- you should blame yourself for this, not other people.
- káⁿ ẁn, m̄ káⁿ ngân;
- dare feel but dare not express dissatisfaction.
- m̄ hó̤ ẁn pĕ-bó̤ kêng;
- one must not murmur at the poverty of his parents.
- kháu chut wn ngân;
- grumbling.
- ẁn bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀, ẁn pàng i kò̤;
- had no one else to grumble at, and so grumbled at him.
- cía bô̤ ẁn;
- this is not a cause for grievence.
- ŵn-in mih sṳ̄?
- What were the circumstances which brought it about?
- nâng cieⁿ-seⁿ sĭ sǹg cò̤ ŭ ŵn;
- when a person is thus, there is a reason for it.
- sĭm-mih ŵn-kù?
- What is the cause of it?
- ẁn-hūn;
- in sympathy with.
- i kâi ŵn-íu lṳ́ tàⁿ úa thiaⁿ;
- relate to me the causes which lead to it.
- ŭ ŵn choiⁿ lí lêng siang hŭe, bô̤ ŵn tùi mīn put siang hông;
- where there is affinity people come together from a thousand miles apart, where there is no affinity those living on opposite sides the same street do not come across each other.
- thien ŵn chò khá;
- a providential meeting.
- to bô̤ ŵn;
- no recondite causes which would produce it; no luck conducing to it.
- ŵn-hūn chíen;
- little affinity.
- hó̤ ŵn ngŏ̤;
- a lucky coincidence.
- kak nâng kak nâng kâi ŵn;
- each man has his own luck.
- kit ŵn;
- knit a relationship.
- kio i kit ŵn;
- do one's part in keeping up an intimacy.
- cía sǹg sĭ i kâi ŵn;
- this is his affinity.
- hùe ŵn;
- collect alms, as Buddhist priests do.
- tôi ŵn;
- contribute through the hands of Buddhist priests.
- chíu lah cêk pńg ŵn-phŏ;
- held in his hand a book referring to the unknown operations of fate in human affairs.
- in-ŵn;
- marry whom fate has decreed.
- síe in-ŵn;
- an illicit connection.
- bô̤ ŵn bô̤ kù;
- wholly without cause.
- ŵn a būe?
- Is it finished?
- àiⁿ ŵn lío;
- it is nearly done.
- khṳt i cîah ŵn khṳ̀;
- it was all eaten up by him.
- cîah bŏi tit ŵn;
- cannot eat it all up.
- bōi kàu ŵn;
- all sold off.
- tó pá, cîah m̄ ŵn;
- has eaten all he wants and has not eaten all of it.
- ā sĭ cò̤, tîeh cò̤ kàu ŵn-chŵn;
- if you do it at all, you must finish it.
- cò̤ kàu ŵn-ŵn chŵn-chŵn;
- completely finished.
- mih mûeh íⁿ-keng ŵn-pĭ;
- all things are wholly ready.
- ŵn kang a būe?
- Have they stopped work yet?
- ēng būe ŵn;
- it is not yet all used up.
- cò̤ ŵn lío;
- it is done.
- ūe tàⁿ būe ŵn;
- was not yet through speaking.
- sĭ tô̤h tī cêk jît àiⁿ ŵn phìa?
- What day has been fixed upon for completing the betrothal?
- nîe ŵn a būe?
- Are your taxes all paid?
- tô-che lâi chui ŵn-nîe;
- the local agent has come to has ten the payment of the taxes.
- ŵn-kak cheng-chó̤;
- the payment of grain has been made in full.
- cí cêk báu, ŵn ŭ jîeh cōi sìo;
- during this half month, many bills have been settled.
- ŵn-lâp co cîⁿ;
- pay off the rent.
- ŵn-sui cí;
- coriander seeds.
- ŵn-sui thâh pûaⁿ thâu;
- crown the dish with coriander.
- kuaⁿ ŵn;
- officers.
- sĭ bûn ŵn a sĭ bú ŵn?
- Is he a civil or a military officer?
- bûn bú kuaⁿ-ŵn cí chṳ́ cí tăn;
- both civil and military officers halt here and rest.
- cū sĭ cêk ŵn-kuaⁿ;
- it is an official.
- lêng ŵn;
- an efficient officer.
- lăi ŵn;
- a high statesman.
- ŵn gūa;
- one who fills an office without being an officer.
- ŵn gūa ńng;
- an officer in a Board who reports to its Vice President.
- àiⁿ tùi tâng-ŵn-mn̂g kò̤ jîp, a sĭ àiⁿ tùi sai-ŵn-mn̂g kò̤ jip?
- Will you go in at the eastern or the western entrance?
- ŵn-mn̂g pò̤;
- a provincial governor's circular.
- pêh ŵn;
- the white gibbon.
- ŵn seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ kâu;
- gibbons resemble monkeys.