Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Lily, the Water
LILY, the Water, or Nymphæa, L. a genus of plants comprising nine species, two of which are natives of Britain; namely,
1. The lutea, Yellow Water-lily, or Watercan; which grows in gentle rivers, pools, and ditches; blows in the months of July and August. When the small yellow flowers begin to fade, the seed returns to the water, in which element it attains to maturity, and again germinates. This aquatic vegetable is eaten by hogs; but goats do not relish its flavour, and it is totally refused by horses, cows, and sheep. The flowers possess an odour similar to that of brandy; and the roots, if moistened with milk, are said by Linnæus to destroy crickets and cock-roaches.
3. The alba, White Water-lily, Candock, or Water-socks, which grows in ponds and slow rivers; flowers in the month of July. This species is one of the most beautiful British plants, and may be propagated by transplanting its bulbous roots in the winter.—It is eaten by hogs, but disliked by goats, and totally rejected by cows and horses.—The roots are employed in Ireland, and the Island of Jura, for dyeing a dark brown colour; but the Egyptians eat them boiled, and convert the seeds into bread. The Swedes also, in prevailing dearth, have used the root of this plant as a substitute for corn; though it requires to be previously divested of its bitter taste, by frequent ablutions.
According to Gleditsch, the roots of the white and yellow lily are equally useful in tanning and currying.