Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Orchal

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Edition of 1802.

ORCHAL, Argol, or Cudbear; Lichen Roccella, L. an indigenous plant, growing upon the rocks on the coast of Guernsey; the Isle of Portland; and, we understand, also in some parts of the Highlands of Scotland.—This species attains the height of two or three inches, having cylindrical stems, which are internally white. It abounds on the islands of Teneriffe, and the Canaries, whence it is imported into Britain.

Argol is of a light colour, though it is sometimes found of a dark-grey: when mixed with lime, urine, and alkaline salts, this moss is formed into a dark-red paste, which has received the different names above-mentioned, and is much used in dyeing wool of a deep red or purple colour.—Orchal is subject to the sum of 2s. 10 1/2d. per cwt. on importation; but, if it be brought into Britain expressly for the use of dyers, it is admitted free of duty, by the 8 Geo. I. c. 15, § 10; provided it be legally imported, regularly entered, and landed.