Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Scratches
SCRATCHES, a distemper in the heels of horses.
Under the article Grease (vol. ii. p. 400), we have already stated the method which is generally pursued in the treatment of this disorder: we shall therefore only observe, by way of supplement, that if the scratches prove obstinate, and the sores be deep, the following healing ointment may with advantage be applied:—Take of Venice turpentine 4 oz.; quicksilver 1 oz.; incorporate them properly, and then add honey and mutton suet, of each 2 ounces; anoint the diseased parts once or twice a day; and, if the animal be of a full or gross habit, bleeding and purging, together with proper alteratives, must be resorted to; in order to correct a vitiated state of the blood. Should, however, any cavities be formed in the horse's heels, they must first be laid open; as it is absolutely necessary to apply the dressing to the bottom, in order to effect a radical cure.