Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Treacle

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Edition of 1802.

2603981Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 — Treacle1802

TREACLE, the Venice, or Mithridate, Theriaca Andromachi, a celebrated medley of drugs, composed of 60 ingredients; prepared; pulverized; and, with honey, formed into an electuary: it was reputed among the ancients to be a specific against poisons, and was formerly employed in intermittent, malignant, and other fevers. At present, however, it is superseded by the opiate electuary, which consists of purified opium, 6 drams; caraway-seeds, long-pepper, and ginger, of each 2 oz.; and three times their weight of the syrup of white poppy, boiled to the consistence of honey. The solid substances are to be pulverized, and the opium first separately incorporated with the syrup, over a moderate fire; when the other ingredients should be gradually added.—This composition is very powerful: the doses vary according to the age, sex, strength, and other circumstances; so that they ought to be regularly prescribed.