Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Volume 1/Index to Synonyms
To the Corresponding Synonyms, or Inversions of Terms, occurring in the First Volume.
- Abele-tree; see Poplar, the White.
- Acetite of Copper; see Verdigrease.
- Agio; see Bank.
- Argentine, the Common; see Thistle, the Cotton.
- Agriculture; see Husbandry.
- Ale-hoof; see Ground-Ivy.
- Almond-leaved Willow; see Willow.
- Alpine Bistort; see Bistort, the Small.
- Apoplexy, in Farriery; see Staggers.
- Apple-Quince; see Quince.
- -Rose; see Rose.
- -tree, Coccus; see Coccus.
- Arbutus, the Black-berried Alpine; see Strawberry-tree.
- Arcell; see Liverwort, the Dark-coloured.
- Archangel, the Red; see Dead-nettle.
- Archangel, the White; see Dead-nettle.
- Argol; see Orchal.
- Arrow-grass; see Barilla.
- Ash-weed; see Goutweed.
- Asp; see Poplar.
- Asthma, in Farriery; see Cough.
- Balass; see Ruby.
- Balm of Gilead; see Gilead.
- Balsam of Copaiba; see Copaiba.
- Balsamine-sage; see Sage.
- Bank-cresses; see Mustard, the Common Hedge.
- Banstickle; see Stickleback, the Common.
- Barley-big; see Bere.
- Bastard-cress; see Mithridate-mustard.
- Bastard Saffron; see Safflower.
- Bath-cheese; see Cheese (in Supplem.)
- Beach-sumach; see Sumach, the Narrow-leaved.
- Bear-berries, or Bear-whortle-berries; see Strawberry-tree.
- Beetle; see Chafer.
- Bidet; see Water-closet.
- Bird-grass; see Meadow-grass, the Roughish.
- Bird's-foot Trefoil; see Trefoil, the Common Bird's-foot.
- Bites of Dogs; see Dog.
- Bitter-apple; see Cucumber.
- Blackberry-bearing Alder; see Alder Buckthorn.
- Black-legs; see Quarter-evil.
- Black-thorn; see Sloe-tree.
- Bladder, in Horses; see Diabetes and Strangury (in Supplem.)
- Bladder Campion; see Spading Poppy.
- Bladder-locks; see Sea-wrack, the Esculent.
- Blessed-thistle; see Thistle.
- Blowing of Fish; see Fish.
- Blue Hawk; see Hen-harrier.
- Blue Ink; see Ink.
- Blanks; see Buck-wheat.
- Breeze; see Gad-fly.
- Brimstone; see Sulphur.
- British Viper; see Viper, the Common.
- Broken-wind; see Wind.
- Bruisewort; see Soapwort, the Common.
- Brussels-Carpet; see Carpet.
- Buck; see Deer.
- Bucket; see Well.
- Bugloss, the Greater Garden; see Alkanet.
- Bulbous Crow-foot; see Crow-foot.
- Bullace-plum; see Plum-tree.
- Bunt; see Puff-ball, the Common.
- Burn-baiting; see Burning of Land.
- Burnet-rose; see Rose.
- Bur-reed; see Bur-weed (in Supplem.)
- Cabbage-lettuce ; see Lettuce.
- Cacao-tree; see Chocolate-tree (in Supplem.)
- Calabash; see Gourd.
- Calaguala; see Cough.
- Cam-ho-tea; see Tea-tree.
- Canal-coal ; see Coal.
- Carolina-poplar; see Poplar.
- Caroline-thistle; see Carline.
- Carrion-crow; see Crow.
- Case-charr; see Charr.
- Catch-fly; see Fly, the Catch.
- Cat's-foot; see Cud-weed.
- Chagreen; see Shagreen.
- Channel; see Kennel.
- Chedder-cheese; see Cheese.
- Cheshire-cheese; see Cheese.
- Childing-pink; see Pink.
- Chili-strawberry; see Strawberry.
- Chimney-swallow; see Swallow, the Common.
- China Orange; see Orange.
- Chirurgeon; see Surgeon.
- Chive, or Chived-garlic; see Garlic.
- Chronology; see Kalendar.
- Cider; see Cyder.
- Cieling; see Ceiling.