Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Volume 3/Errata et Corrigenda
- Page 37, Col. 1, line 5, for for harshness, read hardness.
- Light, should be thus corrected: "And as the space equal to the diameter of the Earth's Orbit, is 180,000,000 miles, the rays of the Sun travel one half of that vast distance, namely, 90,000,000 miles in 81/4 minutes, before they illumine our Earth." 96, 1, The last period in the first paragraph of the article
- 122, 2, 27, for such, read, those.
- 133, 2, 27, after the word, breathing; add, a "small and quick pulse attended with a violent fever."
- Pickling, read, Pickle. 269, 1, 37, for
- 339, 1, 30, for gass, read, gas.