Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Volume 3/Index to Synonyms
To the Corresponding Synonyms, or Inversions of Terms, occurring in the Third Volume.
- Indian Horehound; see Spice.
- Indian Ink; see Ink.
- Indian Rubber; see Caoutchouc.
- Infirmary; see Hospital.
- Ingrafting; see Engrafting.
- Injections; see Clysters.
- Ink-powder; see Ink.
- Iron, blueing of; see Blueing.
- Irons; see Quarter-evil.
- Itch, in Dogs; see Dog.
- Kilkenny-coal; see Coal.
- Kings-yellow; see Yellow.
- Kroute; see Crout.
- Ladies-fox-glove; see Mullein, the Great White.
- Ladies'-thistle; see Milk-thistle.
- Lady-grass, or Ladies'-traces; see Canary-grass.
- Lark's-heel; see Lark's-spur.
- Lavender-spike; see Lavender, the Common.
- Laurel-mezereon; see Spurge Laurel.
- Leasing; see Gleaning.
- Lemon-water; see Distilling.
- Life-boat; see Boat.
- Lincolnshire Cheese; see Cheese.
- Linden-tree; see Lime-tree.
- Lint-seed; see Linseed.
- Liquorice-cock's-head; see Milk-vetch.
- Live-long; see Orpine, the Common.
- Locust-tree; see Acacia.
- Lombardy-poplar; see Poplar.
- Looseness; see Diarrhœa.
- Madwort, the German; see Catchweed.
- Manheim Gold; see Zinc.
- Marcasite; see Mundic.
- Marsh-meadow-grass; see Meadow-grass.
- Marsh-rice; see Rice.
- Marsh-Tofieldia; see Spider-wort, the Marsh.
- May-beetle; see Chafer.
- May-dew; see Dew.
- Meadow-barley; see Barley.
- Meadow-burnet; see Burnet, the Great.
- Meadow-clary; see Clary.
- Meadow-rue; see Rue, the Meadow.
- Meadow Vetchling; see Vetch, the Chickling.
- Metals, blueing of; see Blueing.
- Mignonette, the Wild; see Base-rocket.
- Millepes; see Slaters.
- Mill-mountain; see Flax.
- Milt-waste; see Maiden-hair, the Common.
- Missel; see Misseltoe, the Common.
- Mokha-coffee; see Coffee-tree.
- Monk's-hood; see Wolf's-bane.
- Moon-flower; see Ox-eye, the Great White.
- Moonwort, the Royal; see Osmund Royal.
- Moor-grass; see Cotton-grass.
- Morass; see Bog, Draining, and Fen.
- More-hough; see Blend-water.
- Moss-crops; see Cotton-grass.
- Mother-of-thyme; see Thyme.
- Mountain-ash; see Quicken-tree.
- Mountain-bramble; see Cloud-berry.
- Mountain-rice; see Rice.
- Mouse-ear, the Umbelled; see Hawkweed.
- Muscovy-glass; see Mica.
- Musk-melon; see Melon, the Common.
- Musk-rat; see Beaver.
- Musk-strawberry; see Strawberry.
- Musquet; see Gun.
- Mussel; see Muscle.
- Mustard, the Wild; see Charlock.
- Naked-snail; see Slug.
- Naples-yellow; see Yellow.
- Oat-grass, the Wild; see Darnel.
- Obesity; see Corpulency.
- Oil of Vitriol; see Vitriolic Acid.
- One-Berry; see Herb Paris.
- Onopordum, the Wooly; see Thistle, the Cotton.
- Orange-water; see Distilling.
- Oswego-tea; see Spice.
- Pansies; see Heart's-ease.
- Park-leaves; see Tutsan.
- Peach-coccus; see Coccus.
- Peasling; see Pea, the Heath.
- Peasling, the Wood; see Vetch, the Bitter.
- Pekoe-tea; see Tea-tree.
- Pellitory, the Bastard; see Sneeze-wort Yarrow.
- Pepper-dilse; see Sea-wrack, the Indented.
- Pepper-stone-crop; see Stone-crop.
- Pestilence-wort; see Butter-wort.
- Plants, Diseases of; see Disease.
- Plantain, the Sea; see Sea-Plantain.
- Plaster Stone; see Gypsum.
- Po-poplar; see Poplar.
- Pompion; see Gourd, the Common.
- Prickly Yellow Wood; see Zanthoxylon.
- Princes-metal; see Zinc.
- Print; see Privet.
- Printing, or Printer's Ink; see Ink.
- Puceron; see Plant-louse.
- Puckefist; see Puff-ball, the Common.
- Purging Flax; see Flax.
- Purslane, the Sea; see Orache, the Shrubby.
- Racoon; see Bear.
- Raddle; see Reddle.
- Requin; see Shark, the Great White.
- Restless Cavy; see Guinea Pig.
- River-turtle; see Tortoise.
- Rock-stone-crop; see Stone-crop.
- Rocket-wormseed; see Mustard, the Common Hedge.
- Rocket Yellow-weed, see Base Rocket.
- Rose-bay Willow-herb; see Willow-herb.
- Rose-root; see Rose-wort.
- Rough-podded Tare; see Vetch, the Corn.
- Rowen; see Rouen.
- Rubicell; see Ruby.
- Ruddle; see Reddle.
- Rudgewick-hogs; see Hog, (in Supplement.)
- Rue-weed; see Rue, the Meadow.