Don Quixote
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[edit]Volume 1
[edit]- Author's Preface
- Dedication
- Chapter I - Which treats of the character and pursuits of the famous gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha
- Chapter II - Which treats of the first sally the ingenious Don Quixote made from home
- Chapter III - Wherein is related the droll way in which Don Quixote had himself dubbed a knight
- Chapter IV - Of what happened to our knight when he left the inn
- Chapter V - In which the narrative of our knight's mishap is continued
- Chapter VI - Of the diverting and important scrutiny which the curate and the barber made in the library of our ingenious gentleman
- Chapter VII - Of the second sally of our worthy knight Don Quixote of la Mancha
- Chapter VIII - Of the good fortune which the valiant Don Quixote had in the terrible and undreamt-of adventure of the windmills, with other occurrences worthy to be fitly recorded
- Chapter IX - In which is concluded and finished the terrific battle between the gallant Biscayan and the valiant Manchegan
- Chapter X - Of the pleasant discourse that passed between Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza
- Chapter XI - Of what befell Don Quixote with certain goatherds
- Chapter XII - Of what a goatherd related to those with Don Quixote
- Chapter XIII - In which is ended the story of the shepherdess Marcela, with other incidents
- Chapter XIV - Wherein are inserted the despairing verses of the dead shepherd, together with other incidents not looked for
- Chapter XV - In which is related the unfortunate adventure that Don Quixote fell in with when he fell out with certain heartless Yanguesans
- Chapter XVI - Of what happened to the ingenious gentleman in the inn which he took to be a castle
- Chapter XVII - In which are contained the innumerable troubles which the brave Don Quixote and his good squire Sancho Panza endured in the inn, which to his misfortune he took to be a castle
- Chapter XVIII - In which is related the discourse Sancho Panza held with his master, Don Quixote, and other adventures worth relating
- Chapter XIX - Of the shrewd discourse which Sancho held with his master, and of the adventure that befell him with a dead body, together with other notable occurrences
- Chapter XX - Of the unexampled and unheard-of adventure which was achieved by the valiant Don Quixote of la Mancha with less peril than any ever achieved by any famous knight in the world
- Chapter XXI - Which treats of the exalted adventure and rich prize of Mambrino's helmet, together with other things that happened to our invincible knight
- Chapter XXII - Of the freedom Don Quixote conferred on several unfortunates who against their will were being carried where they had no wish to go
- Chapter XXIII - Of what befell Don Quixote in the Sierra Morena, which was one of the rarest adventures related in this veracious history
- Chapter XXIV - In which is continued the adventure of the Sierra Morena
- Chapter XXV - Which treats of the strange things that happened to the stout knight of la Mancha in the Sierra Morena, and of his imitation of the penance of Beltenebros
- Chapter XXVI - In which are continued the refinements wherewith Don Quixote played the part of a lover in the Sierra Morena
- Chapter XXVII - Of how the curate and the barber proceeded with their scheme; together with other matters worthy of record in this great history
- Chapter XXVIII - Which treats of the strange and delightful adventure that befell the curate and the barber in the same sierra
- Chapter XXIX - Which treats of the droll device and method adopted to extricate our love-stricken knight from the severe penance he had imposed upon himself
- Chapter XXX - Which treats of address displayed by the fair Dorothea, with other matters pleasant and amusing
- Chapter XXXI - Of the delectable discussion between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, his squire, together with other incidents
- Chapter XXXII - Which treats of what befell Don Quixote's party at the inn
- Chapter XXXIII - In which is related the novel of "The Ill-Advised Curiosity"
- Chapter XXXIV - In which is continued the novel of "The Ill-Advised Curiosity"
- Chapter XXXV - Which treats of the heroic and prodigious battle Don Quixote had with certain skins of red wine, and brings the novel of "The Ill-Advised Curiosity" to a close
- Chapter XXXVI - Which treats of more curious incidents that occurred at the inn
- Chapter XXXVII - In which is continued the story of the famous Princess Micomicona, with other droll adventures
- Chapter XXXVIII - Which treats of the curious discourse Don Quixote delivered on arms and letters
- Chapter XXXIX - Wherein the captive relates his life and adventures
- Chapter XL - In which the story of the captive is continued.
- Chapter XLI - In which the captive still continues his adventures
- Chapter XLII - Which treats of what further took place in the inn, and of several other things worth knowing
- Chapter XLIII - Wherein is related the pleasant story of the muleteer, together with other strange things that came to pass in the inn
- Chapter XLIV - In which are continued the unheard-of adventures of the inn
- Chapter XLV - In which the doubtful question of Mambrino's helmet and the pack-saddle is finally settled, with other adventures that occurred in truth and earnest
- Chapter XLVI - Of the end of the notable adventure of the officers of the Holy Brotherhood; and of the great ferocity of our worthy knight, Don Quixote
- Chapter XLVII - Of the strange manner in which Don Quixote of la Mancha was carried away enchanted, together with other remarkable incidents
- Chapter XLVIII - In which the canon pursues the subject of the books of chivalry, with other matters worthy of his wit
- Chapter XLIX - Which treats of the shrewd conversation which Sancho Panza held with his master Don Quixote
- Chapter L - Of the shrewd controversy which Don Quixote and the canon held, together with other incidents
- Chapter LI - Which deals with what the goatherd told those who were carrying off Don Quixote
- Chapter LII - Of the quarrel that Don Quixote had with the goatherd, together with the rare adventure of the penitents, which with an expenditure of sweat he brought to a happy conclusion
Volume 2
[edit]- Dedication
- The Author's Preface
- Chapter I - Of the interview the curate and the barber had with Don Quixote about his malady
- Chapter II - Which treats of the notable altercation which Sancho Panza had with Don Quixote's niece, and housekeeper, together with other droll matters
- Chapter III - Of the laughable conversation that passed between Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the bachelor Samson Carrasco
- Chapter IV - In which Sancho Panza gives a satisfactory reply to the doubts and questions of the bachelor Samson Carrasco, together with other matters worth knowing and telling
- Chapter V - Of the shrewd and droll conversation that passed between Sancho Panza and his wife Teresa Panza, and other matters worthy of being duly recorded
- Chapter VI - Of what took place between Don Quixote and his niece and housekeeper; one of the most important chapters in the whole history
- Chapter VII - Of what passed between Don Quixote and his squire, together with other very notable incidents
- Chapter VIII - Wherein is related what befell Don Quixote on his way to see his lady Dulcinea del Toboso
- Chapter IX - Wherein is related what will be seen there
- Chapter X - Wherein is related the crafty device Sancho adopted to enchant the lady Dulcinea, and other incidents as ludicrous as they are true
- Chapter XI - Of the strange adventure which the valiant Don Quixote had with the car or cart of "The Cortes of Death"
- Chapter XII - Of the strange adventure which befell the valiant Don Quixote with the bold knight of the mirrors
- Chapter XIII - In which is continued the adventure of the knight of the grove, together with the sensible, original, and tranquil colloquy that passed between the two squires
- Chapter XIV - Wherein is continued the adventure of the knight of the grove
- Chapter XV - Wherein it is told and known who the knight of the mirrors and his squire were
- Chapter XVI - Of what befell Don Quixote with a discreet gentleman of La Mancha
- Chapter XVII - Wherein is shown the furthest and highest point which the unexampled courage of Don Quixote reached or could reach; together with the happily achieved adventure of the lions
- Chapter XVIII - Of what happened Don Quixote in the castle or house of the knight of the green gaban, together with other matters out of the common
- Chapter XIX - In which is related the adventure of the enamoured shepherd, together with other truly droll incidents
- Chapter XX - Wherein an account is given of the wedding of Camacho the rich, together with the incident of Basilio the poor
- Chapter XXI - In which Camacho's wedding is continued, with other delightful incidents
- Chapter XXII - Wherin is related the grand adventure of the cave of Montesinos in the heart of La Mancha, which the valiant Don Quixote brought to a happy termination
- Chapter XXIII - Of the wonderful things the incomparable Don Quixote said he saw in the profound cave of Montesinos, the impossibility and magnitude of which cause this adventure to be deemed apocryphal
- Chapter XXIV - Wherein are related a thousand trifling matters, as trivial as they are necessary to the right understanding of this great history
- Chapter XXV - Wherein is set down the braying adventure, and the droll one of the puppet-showman, together with the memorable divinations of the divining ape
- Chapter XXVI - Wherein is continued the droll adventure of the puppet-showman, together with other things in truth right good
- Chapter XXVII - Wherein it is shown who Master Pedro and his ape were, together with the mishap Don Quixote had in the braying adventure, which he did not conclude as he would have liked or as he had expected
- Chapter XXVIII - Of matters that Benengeli says he who reads them will know, if he reads them with attention
- Chapter XXIX - Of the famous adventure of the enchanted bark
- Chapter XXX - Of Don Quixote's adventure with a fair huntress
- Chapter XXXI - Which treats of many and great matters
- Chapter XXXII - Of the reply Don Quixote gave his censurer, with other incidents, grave and droll
- Chapter XXXIII - Of the delectable discourse which the duchess and her damsels held with Sancho Panza, well worth reading and noting
- Chapter XXXIV - Which relates how they learned the way in which they were to disenchant the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso, which is one of the*rarest adventures in this book
- Chapter XXXV - Wherein is continued the instruction given to Don Quixote touching the disenchantment of Dulcinea, together with other marvellous incidents
- Chapter XXXVI - Wherein is related the strange and undreamt-of adventure of the distressed duenna, alias the countess Trifaldi, together with a letter which Sancho Panza wrote to his wife, Teresa Panza
- Chapter XXXVII - Wherein is continued the notable adventure of the distressed duenna
- Chapter XXXVIII - Wherein is told the distressed duenna's tale of her misfortunes
- Chapter XXXIX - In which the Trifaldi continues her marvellous and memorable story
- Chapter XL - Of matters relating and belonging to this adventure and to this memorable history
- Chapter XLI - Of the arrival of Clavileno and the end of this protracted adventure
- Chapter XLII - Of the counsels which Don Quixote gave Sancho Panza before he set out to govern the island, together with other well-considered matters
- Chapter XLIII - Of the second set of counsels Don Quixote gave Sancho Panza
- Chapter XLIV - How Sancho Panza was conducted to his government, and of the strange adventure that befell Don Quixote in the castle
- Chapter XLV - Of how the great Sancho Panza took possession of his island, and of how he made a beginning in governing
- Chapter XLVI - Of the terrible bell and cat fright that Don Quixote got in the course of the enamoured Altisidora's wooing
- Chapter XLVII - Wherein is continued the account of how Sancho Panza conducted himself in his government
- Chapter XLVIII - Of what befell Don Quixote with Dona Rodriguez, the duchess's duenna, together with other occurrences worthy of record and eternal remembrance
- Chapter XLIX - Of what happened Sancho in making the round of his island
- Chapter L - Wherein is set forth who the enchanters and executioners were who flogged the duenna and pinched Don Quixote, and also what befell the page who carried the letter to Teresa Panza, Sancho Panza's wife
- Chapter LI - Of the progress of Sancho's government, and other such entertaining matters
- Chapter LII - Wherein is related the adventure of the second distressed or afflicted duenna, otherwise called Dona Rodriguez
- Chapter LIII - Of the troublous end and termination Sancho Panza's government came to
- Chapter LIV - Which deals with matters relating to this history and no other
- Chapter LV - Of what befell Sancho on the road, and other things that cannot be surpassed
- Chapter LVI - Of the prodigious and unparalleled battle that took place between Don Quixote of La Mancha and the lacquey Tosilos in defence of the daughter of Dona Rodriguez
- Chapter LVII - Which treats of how Don Quixote took leave of the duke, and of what followed with the witty and impudent Altisidora, one of the duchess's damsels
- Chapter LVIII - Which tells how adventures came crowding on Don Quixote in such numbers that they gave one another no breathing-time
- Chapter LIX - Wherein is related the strange thing, which may be regarded as an adventure, that happened Don Quixote
- Chapter LX - Of what happened Don Quixote on his way to Barcelona
- Chapter LXI - Of what happened Don Quixote on entering Barcelona, together with other matters that partake of the true rather than of the ingenious
- Chapter LXII - Which deals with the adventure of the enchanted head, together with other trivial matters which cannot be left untold
- Chapter LXIII - Of the mishap that befell Sancho Panza through the visit to the galleys, and the strange adventure of the fair Morisco
- Chapter LXIV - Treating of the adventure which gave Don Quixote more unhappiness than all that had hitherto befallen him
- Chapter LXV - Wherein is made known who the knight of the white moon was; likewise Don Gregorio's release, and other events
- Chapter LXVI - Which treats of what he who reads will see, or what he who has it read to him will hear
- Chapter LXVII - Of the resolution Don Quixote formed to turn shepherd and take to a life in the fields while the year for which he had given his word was running its course; with other events truly delectable and happy
- Chapter LXVIII - Of the bristly adventure that befell Don Quixote
- Chapter LXIX - Of the strangest and most extraordinary adventure that befell Don Quixote in the whole course of this great history
- Chapter LXX - Which follows sixty-nine and deals with matters indispensable for the clear comprehension of this history
- Chapter LXXI - Of what passed between Don Quixote and his squire Sancho on the way to their village
- Chapter LXXII - Of how Don Quixote and Sancho reached their village
- Chapter LXXIII - Of the omens Don Quixote had as he entered his own village, and other incidents that embellish and give a colour to this great history
- Chapter LXXIV - Of how Don Quixote fell sick, and of the will he made, and how he died
This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.
Original: |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
Translation: |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |