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Edgar Huntly, or The Sleep Walker/Chapter 17

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Thus was I delivered from my prison, and restored to the enjoyment of the air and the light. Perhaps the chance was almost miraculous that led me to this opening: in any other direction I might have involved myself in an inextricable maze, and rendered my destruction sure. But what now remained to place me in absolute security? Beyond the fire I could see nothing; but since the smoke rolled rapidly away, it was plain that on the opp0site side, the cavern was open to the air.

I went forward; but my eyes were fixed upon the fire. Presently, in consequence of changing my station, I perceived several feet, and the skirts of blankets. I was somewhat startled at these appearances. The legs were naked, and scored with uncouth figures: the mocassins which lay beside them, and which were adorned in a grotesque manner, in addition to other incidents, immediately suggested the suspicion that they were Indians. No spectacle was more adapted than this to excite wonder and alarm. Had some mysterious power snatched me from the earth, and cast me in a moment into the heart of the wilderness? Was I still in the vicinity of my paternal habitation, or was I thousands of miles distant?

Were these the permanent inhabitants of this region, or were they wanderers and robbers? While in the heart of the mountain I had entertained a vague belief that I was still within the precincts of Norwalk. This opinion was shaken for a moment by the objects which I now beheld: but it insensibly returned: yet, how was this opinion to be reconciled to appearances so strange and uncouth, and what measure did a due regard to my safety enjoin me to take?

I now gained a view of four brawny and terrific figures, stretched upon the ground. They lay parallel to each other on their left sides; in consequence of which their faces were turned from me. Between each was an interval, where lay a musket: their right hands seemed placed upon the stocks of their guns, as if to seize them on the first moment of alarm.

The aperture through which these objects were seen, was at the back of the cave, and some feet from the ground. It was merely large enough to suffer a human body to pass: it was involved in profound darkness, and there was no danger of being suspected or discovered as long as 1 maintained silence, and kept out of view.

It was easily imagined that these guests would make but a short sojourn in this spot. There was reason to suppose that it was now night, and that after a short repose, they would start up and resume their journey. It was my first design to remain shrouded in this covert till their departure; and I prepared to endure imprisonment and thirst somewhat longer.

Meanwhile, my thoughts were busy in accounting for this spectacle. I need not tell thee that Norwalk is the termination of a sterile and narrow tract, which begins in the Indian country: it forms a sort of rugged and rocky vein, and continues upwards of fifty miles. It is crossed in a few places by narrow and intricate paths, by which a communication is maintained between the farms and settlements on the Opposite sides of the ridge.

During former Indian wars, this rude surface was sometimes traversed by the Red-men; and they made, by means of it, frequent and destructive inroads into the heart of the English settlements. During the last war, notwithstanding the progress of population, and the multiplied perils of such an expedition, a band of them had once penetrated into Norwalk, and lingered long enough to pillage and murder some of the neighbouring inhabitants.

I have reason to remember that event. My father's house was placed on the verge of this solitude; eight of these assassins assailed it at the dead of night: my parents and an infant child were murdered in their beds; the house was pillaged, and then burnt to the ground: happily, myself and my two sisters were abroad upon a visit. The preceding day had been fixed for our return to our father's house; but a storm occurred, which made it dangerous to cross the river; and by obliging us to defer our journey, rescued us from captivity or death.

Most men are haunted by some species of terror or antipathy, which they are for the most part able to trace to some incident which befell them in their early years. You will not be surprised that the fate of my parents, and the sight of the body of one of this savage band, who, in the pursuit that was made after them, was overtaken and killed, should produce lasting and terrific images in my fancy: I never looked upon, or called up the image of a savage, without shuddering.

I knew that at this time some hostilities had been committed on the frontier—that a long course of injuries and encroachments had lately exasperated the Indian tribes—that an implacable and exterminating war was generally expected: we imagined ourselves at an inaccessible distance from the danger; but I could not but remember that this persuasion was formerly as strong as at present, and that an expedition which had once succeeded, might possibly be attempted again: here was every token of enmity and bloodshed; each prostrate figure was furnished with a rifled musket and a leathern bag tied round his waist, which was probably stored with powder and ball.

From these reflections, the sense of my own danger was revived and enforced; but I likewise ruminated on the evils which might impend over others: I should, no doubt, be safe by remaining in this nook; but might not some means he pursued to warn others of their danger? Should they leave this spot without notice of their approach being given to the fearless and pacific tenants of the neighbouring district, they might commit in a few hours the most horrid and irreparable devastation.

The alarm could only be diffused in one way. Could I not escape unperceived, and without alarming the sleepers, from this cavern? The slumber of an Indian is broken by the slightest noise; but if all noise be precluded, it is commonly profound. It was possible, I conceived, to leave my present post, to descend into the cave, and issue forth without the smallest signal: their supine posture assured me that they were asleep: sleep usually comes at their bidding; and if, perchance, they should be wakeful at an unseasonable moment, they always sit upon their haunches, and leaning their elbows on their knees, consume the tedious hours in smoking. My peril would be great: accidents which I could not foresee, and over which I had no command, might occur, to awaken some one at the moment I was passing the fire: should I pass in safety, I might issue forth into a wilderness of which I had no knowledge, where I might wander till I perished with famine, or where my footsteps might be noted and pursued, and overtaken by these implacable foes. These perils were enormous and imminent: but I likewise considered that I might be at no great distance from the habitations of men, and that my escape might rescue them from the most dreadful calamities. I determined to make this dangerous experiment without delay.

I came nearer to the aperture, and had consequently a larger view of this recess. To my unspeakable dismay, I now caught a glimpse of one, seated at the fire: his back was turned towards me, so that I could distinctly survey his gigantic form and fantastic ornaments.

My project was frustrated. This one was probably commissioned to watch and to awaken his companions when a due portion of sleep had been taken: that he would not be unfaithful or remiss in the performance of the part assigned to him, was easily predicted: to pass him without exciting his notice, and the entrance could not otherwise be reached, was impossible. Once more I shrunk back, and revolved with hopelessness and anguish the necessity to which I was reduced.

This interval of dreary foreboding did not last long. Some motion in him that was seated by the fire attracted my notice: I looked, and beheld him rise from his place and go forth from the cavern. This unexpected incident led my thoughts into a new channel. Could not some advantage be taken of his absence? Could not this opportunity be seised for making my escape? He had left his gun and hatchet on the ground: it was likely, therefore, that he had not gone far, and would speedily return. Might not these weapons be seised, and some provision be thus made against the danger of meeting him without, or of being pursued?

Before a resolution could be formed, a new sound saluted my ear: it was a deep groan, succeeded by sobs that seemed struggling for utterance, but were vehemently counteracted by the sufferer. This low and bitter lamentation apparently proceeded from some one within the cave:—it could not be from one of this swarthy band: it must then proceed from a captive whom they had reserved for torment or servitude, and who had seized the opportunity afforded by the absence of him that watched, to give vent to his despair.

I again thrust my head forward, and beheld lying on the ground apart from the rest, and bound hand and foot, a young girl. Her dress was the coarse russet garb of the country, and bespoke her to be some farmer's daughter. Her features denoted the last degree of fear and anguish; and she moved her limbs in such a manner as showed that the ligatures by which she was confined, produced by their tightness, the utmost degree of pain.

My wishes were now bent, not only to preserve myself, and to frustrate the future attempts of these savages, but likewise to relieve this miserable victim. This could only be done by escaping from the cavern, and returning with seasonable aid:—the sobs of the girl were likely to rouse the sleepers: my appearance before her would prompt her to testify her surprise by some exclamation or shriek. What could hence be predicted but that the band would start on their feet, and level their unerring pieces at my head?

I know not why I was insensible to these dangers. My thirst was rendered by these delays intolerable; it took from me in some degree the power of deliberation: the murmurs which had drawn me hither continued still to be heard; some torrent or cascade could not be far distant from the entrance of the cavern, and it seemed as if one draught of clear water was a luxury cheaply purchased by death itself: this, in addition to considerations more disinterested, and which I have already mentioned, impelled me forward.

The girl's cheek rested on the hard rock, and her eyes were dim with tears; as they were turned towards me, however, I hoped that my movements would be noticed by her gradually, and hence lessen her surprise. This expectation was fulfilled: I had not advanced many steps before she discovered me. This moment was critical beyond all others in the course of my existence—my life was suspended, as it were, by a spider's thread; all rested on the effect which this discovery should make upon this feeble victim.

I was watchful of the first movement of her eye which should indicate a consciousness of my presence: I laboured, by gestures and looks, to deter her from betraying her emotion: my attention was at the same time fixed upon the sleepers, and an anxious glance was cast towards the quarter whence the watchful savage might appear.

I stooped and seized the musket and hatchet. The space beyond the fire was, I expected, open to the air: I issued forth with trembling steps: the sensations inspired by the dangers which environed me, added to my recent horrors, and the influence of the moon, which had now gained the zenith, and whose lustre dazzled my long benighted senses, cannot be adequately described.

For a minute I was unable to distinguish objects: this confusion was speedily corrected, and I found myself on the verge of a steep. Craggy eminences arose on all sides: on the left hand was a space that offered some footing; and hither I turned: a torrent was below me, and this path appeared to lead to it: it quickly appeared in sight, and all foreign cares were for a time suspended.

This water fell from the upper regions of the hill, upon a flat projecture which was continued on either side, and on part of which I was now standing. The path was bounded on the left by an inaccessible wall, and on the right terminated at the distance of two or three feet from the wall, in a precipice: the water was eight or ten paces distant, and no impediment seemed likely to rise between us. I rushed forward with speed.

My progress was quickly checked. Close to the falling water, seated on the edge, his back supported by the rock, and his legs hanging over the precipice, I now beheld the savage who left the cave before me: the noise of the cascade, and the improbability of interruption, at least from this quarter, had made him inattentive to my motions.

I paused. Along this verge lay the only road by which I could escape: the passage was completely occupied by this antagonist: to advance towards him, or to remain where I was, would produce the same effect—I should, in either case, be detected. He was unarmed; but his outcries would instantly summon his companions to his aid: I could not hope to overpower him, and pass him in defiance of his opposition; but if this were effected, pursuit would be instantly commenced: I was unacquainted with the way; the way was unquestionably difficult: my strength was nearly annihilated; I should be overtaken in a moment, or their deficiency in speed would be supplied by the accuracy of their aim: their bullets, at least, would reach me.

There was one method of removing this impediment: the piece which I held in my hand was cocked; there could be no doubt that it was loaded—a precaution of this kind would never be omitted by a warrior of this hue: at a greater distance than this, I should not fear to reach the mark. Should I not discharge it, and at the same moment rush forward to secure the road which my adversary's death would open to me?

Perhaps you will conceive a purpose like this to have argued a sanguinary and murderous disposition. Let it be remembered, however, that I entertained no doubts about the hostile designs of these men: this was sufficiently indicated by their arms, their guise, and the captive who attended them. Let the fate of my parents be likewise remembered: I was not certain but that these very men were the assassins of my family, and were those who had reduced me and my sisters to the condition of orphans and dependants. No words can describe the torment of my thirst: relief to these torments, and safety to my life were within view. How could I hesitate?

Yet I did hesitate: my aversion to bloodshed was not to be subdued but by the direst necessity. I knew, indeed, that the discharge of a musket would only alarm the enemies which remained behind; but I had another and a better weapon in my grasp: I could rive the head of my adversary, and cast him headlong, without any noise which should be heard, into the eavern.

Still I was willing to withdraw, to re-enter the cave, and take shelter in the darksome recesses from which I had emerged: here I might remain unsuspected till these detested guests should depart: the hazards attending my re-entrance were to be boldly encountered, and the torments of unsatisfied thirst were to be patiently endured, rather than imbrue my hands in the blood of my fellow men. But this expedient would be ineffectual if my retreat should be observed by this savage: of that I was bound to be incontestibly assured: I retreated, therefore, but kept my eye fixed at the same time upon the enemy.

Some ill fate decreed that I should not retreat unobserved. Scarcely had I withdrawn three paces when he started from his seat, and turning towards me, walked with a quick pace. The shadow of the rock, and the improbability of meeting an enemy here, concealed me for a moment from his observation. I stood still: the slightest motion would have attracted his notice; at present, the narrow space engaged all his vigilance: cautious footsteps, and attention to the path, were indispensable to his safety. The respite was momentary, and I employed it in my own defence.

How otherwise could I act? The danger that impended, aimed at nothing less than my life; to take the life of another was the only method of averting it: the means were in my hand, and they were used: in an extremity like this, my muscles would have acted almost in defiance of my will.

The stroke was quick as lightning, and the wound mortal and deep: he had not time to descry the author of his fate; but, sinking on the path, expired without a groan. The hatchet buried itself in his breast, and rolled with him to the bottom of the precipice.

Never before had I taken the life of a human creature: on this head I had, indeed, entertained somewhat of religious scruples: these scruples did not forbid me to defend myself, but they made me cautious and reluctant to decide; though they could not withold my hand when urged by a necessity like this, they were sufficient to make me look back upon the deed with remorse and dismay.

I did not escape all compunction in the present instance; but the tumult of my feelings was quickly allayed. To quench my thirst was a consideration by which all others were supplanted: I approached the torrent, and not only drank copiously, but laved my head, neck, and arms, in this delicious element.