Edinburgh Review/Volume 7

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Volume 7, Number 13 (October, 1805)

Art. I. Madoc, a Poem: in Two Parts. By Robert Southey.  
II. A Tour in America in 1798, 1799, and 1800: Exhibiting Sketches of Society and Manners, and a particular Account of the American System of Agriculture, with its recent Improvements. By Richard Parkinson.  
III. Medical Reports on the Effects of Water, Cold and Warm, as a Remedy in Fever and other Diseases, whether applied to the Surface of the Body, or used internally. By James Currie, M.D.  
IV. An Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat. By John Leslie.  
V. Hints towards Forming the Character of a Young Princess.  
VI. Flore du Nord de la France: ou Descriptions des Plantes Indigènes, et de celles cultivèes dans les Départemens de la Lys, de l'Escaut, de la Dyle, et des Deux-Nèthes, y compris les Plantes qui naissent dans les Pays Limitrophes de ces Départemens, &c. By F. Roucel.  
VII. A Short Statement of Facts relative to the late Election of a Mathematical Professor in the University of Edinburgh, &c. By Professor Dugald Stewart.  
VIII. L'Eneide: Traduite par Jaques de Lille. And Virgile à Jacques de Lille: ou Dialogue des M(???) la Traduction des Six Premiers Livres de P(???). By M. Quenneville.  
IX. A Short Account of the Cause of the Disease in Corn, called by Farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust. By Sir Joseph Banks.  
X. Memoirs of C.M. Talleyrand de Perigord, &c. By the Author of the Revolutionary Plutarch.  
XI. Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tenessee [sic]. By F.A. Michaux, M.D.  
XII. Academical Questions. By W. Drummond.  
XIII. Observations on the Present State of the Highlands of Scotland; with a View of the Causes and probable Consequences of Emigration. By the Earl of Selkirk.  
XIV. The Works of Edmund Spenser, with the principal Illustrations of Various Commentators. To which are added, Notes, &c. By John Tod, M.A.  
XV. Mes Souvenirs de Vingt Ans de Sejour à Berlin; ou, Frederick le Grand, sa Famille, sa Cour, &c. By Dieudonné Phiebault.  
XVI. The Horrors of the Negro Slavery existing in our West India Islands, demonstrated from Official Documents recently presented to the House of Commons.