Edwards's Botanical Register/Volume 16/1316. Banksia undulata
BAŃKSIA* unduláta.
Waved-leaved Banksia.
Nat. ord. Proteaceaæ.
BANKSIA. Suprà, vol. 8, fol. 688.
B. undulata; foliis cuneato-oblongis dentatis undulatis subtús reticulatis glabriusculis, stigmate cylindraceo sulcato, caule arboreo. Rami cinerei tomentosi. Folia 4-5-uncias longa, cuneata, obtusa, vix truncata, in petiolo sensim attenuata, grossé serrata, undulata, subtùs viridia, reticulata, glabra, costá tomentosá. Amenta oblonga, obtusa; bracteæ tomentose. Calyx fulvo-sericeus, stylo multó brevior. Stylus rectus, ascendens, nunquam recurvatus. Stigma oblogum, sulcatum, glabrum.
Whether this is any thing more than a variety of Banksia serrata, we cannot undertake to decide. It is certainly not the same as the plant cultivated in our Gardens under that name, differing in the shortness of its leaves, and their very undulated surface. Mr Campbell, Gardener to the Comte de Vandes, in whose collection it exists, finds it permanently distinct both from B. serrata and æmula.
It is a fine greenhouse plant, attaining a height of 9 or 10 feet, and flowering in September and October.
Branches ash-coloured, downy. Leaves 4 or 5 inches long, cuneate, obtuse, scarcely truncate, tapering by degrees into the petiole, coarsely serrated, wavy, green beneath, reticulated, smooth, with a downy midrib. Heads of flowers oblong, obtuse; bracteæ downy. Calyx fulvous, silky, much shorter than the style. Style straight, ascending, never curved backwards. Stigma oblong, furrowed, smooth.
Named in compliment to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, late President of the Royal Society, - a gentleman who will ever be remembered with gratitude, as the kindest friend, the firmest supporter, the most powerful protector, that has yet been recorded in the history of science.