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Egyptian Literature/The Book of the Dead/Of Entering into the Great House

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4255375Egyptian LiteratureThe Book of the Dead: Of Entering into the Great House1901


From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheet 10).]

The Chapter of entering into the Great House. The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:

“Homage to thee, O Thoth. I am Thoth, who have weighed the two divine Fighters (i.e., Horus and Set), I have destroyed their warfare and I have diminished their wailings. I have delivered the Atu fish in his turning back, and I have performed that which thou didst order concerning him, and afterward I lay down within my eye. [I am he who hath been without opposition. I have come; do thou look upon me in the Temple of Nem-hra (or Uhem-hra).] I give commands in the words of the divine aged ones, and, moreover, I guide for thee the lesser deities.”