The formulae relating to canonical ensembles in the closing paragraphs of the last chapter suggest certain general notions and principles, which we shall consider in this chapter, and which are not at all limited in their application to the canonical law of distribution.[1]
We have seen in Chapter IV. that the nature of the distribution which we have called canonical is independent of the system of coördinates by which it is described, being determined entirely by the modulus. It follows that the value represented by the multiple integral (142), which is the fractional part of the ensemble which lies within certain limiting configurations, is independent of the system of coördinates, being determined entirely by the limiting configurations with the modulus. Now
, as we have already seen, represents a value which is independent of the system of coördinates by which it is defined. The same is evidently true of
by equation (140), and therefore, by (141), of
. Hence the exponential factor in the multiple integral (142) represents a value which is independent of the system of coördinates. It follows that the value of a multiple integral of the form
is independent of the system of coördinates which is employed for its evaluation, as will appear at once, if we suppose the multiple integral to be broken up into parts so small that the exponential factor may be regarded as constant in each.
In the same way the formulae (144) and (145) which express the probability that a system (in a canonical ensemble) of given configuration will fall within certain limits of velocity, show that multiple integrals of the form
relating to velocities possible for a given configuration, when the limits are formed by given velocities, have values independent of the system of coördinates employed.
These relations may easily be verified directly. It has already been proved that


are two systems of coördinates and momenta.
[2] It follows that
The multiple integral
which may also be written
and which, when taken within any given limits of phase, has been shown to have a value independent of the coördinates employed, expresses what we have called an
[3] In like manner we may say that the multiple integral (148) expresses an
extension-in-configuration, and that the multiple integrals (149) and (150) express an
extension-in-velocity. We have called
which is equivalent to
an element of extension-in-phase. We may call
an element of extension-in-configuration, and
or its equivalent
an element of extension-in-velocity.
An extension-in-phase may always be regarded as an integral of elementary extensions-in-configuration multiplied each by an extension-in-velocity. This is evident from the formulae (151) and (152) which express an extension-in-phase, if we imagine the integrations relative to velocity to be first carried out.
The product of the two expressions for an element of extension-in-velocity (149) and (150) is evidently of the same dimensions as the product
that is, as the

th power of energy, since every product of the form

has the dimensions of energy. Therefore an extension-in-velocity has the dimensions of the square root of the

th power of energy. Again we see by (155) and (156) that the product of an extension-in-configuration and an extension-in-velocity have the dimensions of the

th power of energy multiplied by the

th power of time. Therefore an extension-in-configuration has the dimensions of the

th power of time multiplied by the square root of the

th power of energy.
To the notion of extension-in-configuration there attach themselves certain other notions analogous to those which have presented themselves in connection with the notion of extension-in-phase. The number of systems of any ensemble (whether distributed canonically or in any other manner) which are contained in an element of extension-in-configuration, divided by the numerical value of that element, may be called the density-in-configuration. That is, if a certain configuration is specified by the coördinates
, and the number of systems of which the coördinates fall between the limits
is expressed by

will be the density-in-configuration. And if we set

denotes, as usual, the total number of systems in the ensemble, the probability that an unspecified system of the ensemble will fall within the given limits of configuration, is expressed by
We may call

coefficient of probability of the configuration, and

index of probability of the configuration.
The fractional part of the whole number of systems which are within any given limits of configuration will be expressed by the multiple integral
The value of this integral (taken within any given configurations) is therefore independent of the system of coördinates which is used. Since the same has been proved of the same integral without the factor

, it follows that the values of


for a given configuration in a given ensemble are independent of the system of coördinates which is used.
The notion of extension-in-velocity relates to systems having the same configuration.[4] If an ensemble is distributed both in configuration and in velocity, we may confine our attention to those systems which are contained within certain infinitesimal limits of configuration, and compare the whole number of such systems with those which are also contained within certain infinitesimal limits of velocity. The second of these numbers divided by the first expresses the probability that a system which is only specified as falling within the infinitesimal limits of configuration shall also fall within the infinitesimal limits of velocity. If the limits with respect to velocity are expressed by the condition that the momenta shall fall between the limits
the extension-in-velocity within those limits will be
and we may express the probability in question by
This may be regarded as defining

The probability that a system which is only specified as having a configuration within certain infinitesimal limits shall also fall within any given limits of velocity will be expressed by the multiple integral
or its equivalent
taken within the given limits.
It follows that the probability that the system will fall within the limits of velocity,
is expressed by
The value of the integrals (163), (164) is independent of the system of coördinates and momenta which is used, as is also the value of the same integrals without the factor
; therefore the value of
must be independent of the system of coördinates and momenta. We may call
the coefficient of probability of velocity, and
the index of probability of velocity.
Comparing (160) and (162) with (40), we get
That is: the product of the coefficients of probability of configuration and of velocity is equal to the coefficient of probability of phase; the sum of the indices of probability of configuration and of velocity is equal to the index of probability of phase.
It is evident that
have the dimensions of the reciprocals of extension-in-configuration and extension-in-velocity respectively, i. e., the dimensions of
, where
represent any tine, and
any energy. If, therefore, the unit of time is multiplied by
, and the unit of energy by
, every
will be increased by the addition of
and every

by the addition of
It should be observed that the quantities which have been called extension-in-configuration and extension-in-velocity are not, as the terms might seem to imply, purely geometrical or kinematical conceptions. To express their nature more fully, they might appropriately have been called, respectively, the dynamical measure of the extension in configuration, and the dynamical measure of the extension in velocity. They depend upon the masses, although not upon the forces of the system. In the simple case of material points, where each point is limited to a given space, the extension-in-configuration is the product of the volumes within which the several points are confined (these may be the same or different), multiplied by the square root of the cube of the product of the masses of the several points. The extension-in-velocity for such systems is most easily defined as the extension-in-configuration of systems which have moved from the same configuration for the unit of time with the given velocities.
In the general case, the notions of extension-in-configuration and extension-in-velocity may be connected as follows.
If an ensemble of similar systems of
degrees of freedom have the same configuration at a given instant, but are distributed throughout any finite extension-in-velocity, the same ensemble after an infinitesimal interval of time
will be distributed throughout an extension in configuration equal to its original extension-in-velocity multiplied by
In demonstrating this theorem, we shall write
for the initial values of the coördinates. The final values will evidently be connected with the initial by the equations
Now the original extension-in-velocity is by definition represented by the integral
where the limits may be expressed by an equation of the form
The same integral multiplied by the constant

may be written
and the limits may be written
(It will be observed that

as well as

is constant in the integrations.) Now this integral is identically equal to
or its equivalent
with limits expressed by the equation
But the systems which initially had velocities satisfying the equation (172) will after the interval

have configurations satisfying equation (177). Therefore the extension-in-configuration represented by the last integral is that which belongs to the systems which originally had the extension-in-velocity represented by the integral (171).
Since the quantities which we have called extensions-in-phase, extensions-in-configuration, and extensions-in-velocity are independent of the nature of the system of coördinates used in their definitions, it is natural to seek definitions which shall be independent of the use of any coördinates. It will be sufficient to give the following definitions without formal proof of their equivalence with those given above, since they are less convenient for use than those founded on systems of coördinates, and since we shall in fact have no occasion to use them.
We commence with the definition of extension-in- velocity. We may imagine
independent velocities,
of which a system in a given configuration is capable. We may conceive of the system as having a certain velocity
combined with a part of each of these velocities
. By a part of
is meant a velocity of the same nature as
but in amount being anything between zero and
. Now all the velocities which may be thus described may be regarded as forming or lying in a certain extension of which we desire a measure. The case is greatly simplified if we suppose that certain relations exist between the velocities
, viz: that the kinetic energy due to any two of these velocities combined is the sum of the kinetic energies due to the velocities separately. In this case the extension-in-motion is the square root of the product of the doubled kinetic energies due to the
taken separately.
The more general case may be reduced to this simpler case as follows. The velocity
may always be regarded as composed of two velocities
, of which
is of the same nature as
, (it may be more or less in amount, or opposite in sign,) while
satisfies the relation that the kinetic energy due to
combined is the sum of the kinetic energies due to these velocities taken separately. And the velocity
may be regarded as compounded of three,
, of which
is of the same nature as
of the same nature as
, while
satisfies the relations that if combined either with
the kinetic energy of the combined velocities is the sum of the kinetic energies of the velocities taken separately. When all the velocities
have been thus decomposed, the square root of the product of the doubled kinetic energies of the several velocities
, etc., will be the value of the extension-in-velocity which is sought.
This method of evaluation of the extension-in- velocity which we are considering is perhaps the most simple and natural, but the result may be expressed in a more symmetrical form. Let us write
for the kinetic energy of the velocities
combined, diminished by the sum of the kinetic energies due to the same velocities taken separately. This may be called the mutual energy of the velocities
. Let the mutual energy of every pair of the velocities
be expressed in the same way. Analogy would make
represent the energy of twice
diminished by twice the energy of
, i. e.,
would represent twice the energy of
, although the term mutual energy is hardly appropriate to this case. At all events, let
have this signification, and
represent twice the energy of
, etc. The square root of the determinant
represents the value of the extension-in-velocity determined as above described by the velocities

The statements of the preceding paragraph may be readily proved from the expression (157) on page 60, viz.,
by which the notion of an element of extension-in-velocity was
originally defined. Since

in this expression represents the determinant of which the general element is
the square of the preceding expression represents the determinant of which the general element is
Now we may regard the differentials of velocity


as themselves infinitesimal velocities. Then the last expression represents the mutual energy of these velocities, and
represents twice the energy due to the velocity

The case which we have considered is an extension-in-velocity of the simplest form. All extensions-in-velocity do not have this form, but all may be regarded as composed of elementary extensions of this form, in the same manner as all volumes may be regarded as composed of elementary parallelepipeds.
Having thus a measure of extension-in-velocity founded, it will be observed, on the dynamical notion of kinetic energy, and not involving an explicit mention of coördinates, we may derive from it a measure of extension-in-configuration by the principle connecting these quantities which has been given in a preceding paragraph of this chapter.
The measure of extension-in-phase may be obtained from that of extension-in-configuration and of extension-in-velocity. For to every configuration in an extension-in-phase there will belong a certain extension-in-velocity, and the integral of the elements of extension-in-configuration within any extension-in-phase multiplied each by its extension-in-velocity is the measure of the extension-in-phase.