In order to consider more particularly the distribution of a canonical ensemble in energy, and for other purposes, it will be convenient to use the following definitions and notations.
Let us denote by
the extension-in-phase below a certain limit of energy which we shall call
. That is, let
the integration being extended (with constant values of the external coördinates) over all phases for which the energy is less than the limit

. We shall suppose that the value of this integral is not infinite, except for an infinite value of the limiting energy. This will not exclude any kind of system to which the canonical distribution is applicable. For if
taken without limits has a finite value,
[1] the less value represented by
taken below a limiting value of

, and with the

before the integral sign representing that limiting value, will also be finite. Therefore the value of

, which differs only by a constant factor, will also be finite, for finite

. It is a function of

and the external coördinates, a continuous increasing
function of

, which becomes infinite with

, and vanishes for the smallest possible value of

, or for

, if the energy may be diminished without limit.
Let us also set
The extension in phase between any two limits of energy,


, will be represented by the integral
And in general, we may substitute


in a

-fold integral, reducing it to a simple integral, whenever the limits can be expressed by the energy alone, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of the energy alone, or with quantities which are constant in the integration.
In particular we observe that the probability that the energy of an unspecified system of a canonical ensemble lies between the limits
will be represented by the integral[2]
and that the average value in the ensemble of any quantity which only varies with the energy is given by the equation
where we may regard the constant

as determined by the equation
In regard to the lower limit in these integrals, it will be observed that

is equivalent to the condition that the value of

is the least possible.
In like manner, let us denote by
the extension-in-configuration below a certain limit of potential energy which we may call
. That is, let
the integration being extended (with constant values of the external coördinates) over all configurations for which the potential energy is less than


will be a function of

with the external coördinates, an increasing function of

, which does not become infinite (in such cases as we shall consider
[5]) for any finite value of

. It vanishes for the least possible value of

, or for

, if

can be diminished without limit. It is not always a continuous function of

. In fact, if there is a finite extension-in-configuration of constant potential energy, the corresponding value of

will not include that extension-in-configuration, but if

be increased infinitesimally, the corresponding value of

will be increased by that finite extension-in-configuration.
Let us also set
The extension-in-configuration between any two limits of potential energy


may be represented by the integral
whenever there is no discontinuity in the value of

as function of

between or at those limits, that is, whenever there is no finite extension-in-configuration of constant potential energy between or at the limits. And in general, with the restriction mentioned, we may substitute


in an

-fold integral, reducing it to a simple integral, when the limits are expressed by the potential energy, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of
the potential energy, either alone or with quantities which are constant in the integration.
We may often avoid the inconvenience occasioned by formulae becoming illusory on account of discontinuities in the values of
as function of
by substituting for the given discontinuous function a continuous function which is practically equivalent to the given function for the purposes of the evaluations desired. It only requires infinitesimal changes of potential energy to destroy the finite extensions-in-configuration of constant potential energy which are the cause of the difficulty.
In the case of an ensemble of systems canonically distributed in configuration, when
is, or may be regarded as, a continuous function of
(within the limits considered), the probability that the potential energy of an unspecified system lies between the limits
is given by the integral

may be determined by the condition that the value of the integral is unity, when the limits include all possible values of

. In the same case, the average value in the ensemble of any function of the potential energy is given by the equation

is not a continuous function of

, we may write


in these formulae.
In like manner also, for any given configuration, let us denote by
the extension-in-velocity below a certain limit of kinetic energy specified by
. That is, let
the integration being extended, with constant values of the coördinates, both internal and external, over all values of the momenta for which the kinetic energy is less than the limit


will evidently be a continuous increasing function of

which vanishes and becomes infinite with

. Let us set
The extension-in-velocity between any two limits of kinetic energy


may be represented by the integral
And in general, we may substitute



in an

-fold integral in which the coördinates are constant, reducing it to a simple integral, when the limits are expressed by the kinetic energy, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of the kinetic energy, either alone or with quantities which are constant in the integration.
It is easy to express
in terms of
. Since
is function of the coördinates alone, we have by definition
the limits of the integral being given by

. That is, if
the limits of the integral for

, are given by the equation
and the limits of the integral for

, are given by the equation
But since

represents a quadratic function, this equation may be written
The value of

may also be put in the form
Now we may determine


from (279) where the limits are expressed by (281), and


from (284) taking the limits from (283). The two integrals thus determined are evidently identical, and we have
i. e.,

varies as

. We may therefore set

is a constant, at least for fixed values of the internal coördinates.
To determine this constant, let us consider the case of a canonical distribution, for which we have
Substituting this value, and that of
from (286), we get
Having thus determined the value of the constant

, we may
substitute it in the general expressions (286), and obtain the following values, which are perfectly general:
It will be observed that the values of
for any given
are independent of the configuration, and even of the nature of the system considered, except with respect to its number of degrees of freedom.
Returning to the canonical ensemble, we may express the probability that the kinetic energy of a system of a given configuration, but otherwise unspecified, falls within given limits, by either member of the following equation
Since this value is independent of the coördinates it also represents the probability that the kinetic energy of an unspecified system of a canonical ensemble falls within the limits. The form of the last integral also shows that the probability that the ratio of the kinetic energy to the modulus
falls within given limits is independent also of the value of the modulus, being determined entirely by the number of degrees of freedom of the system and the limiting values of the ratio.
The average value of any function of the kinetic energy, either for the whole ensemble, or for any particular configuration, is given by


, and

, for any value of

The definitions of
, and
where the integrations cover all phases for which the energy is less than the limit

, for which the value of

is sought. This gives


are connected with

by the equation
vanishes at the upper limit, i. e., for
, and we get by another differentiation
We may also write
etc., when

is a continuous function of

commencing with the value

, or when we choose to attribute to

a fictitious continuity commencing with the value zero, as described on page 90.
If we substitute in these equations the values of
which we have found, we get

may be substituted for

in the cases above described. If, therefore,

is known, and

as function of



may be found by quadratures.
It appears from these equations that
is always a continuous increasing function of
, commencing with the value
, even when this is not the case with respect to
. The same is true of
, when
, or when
increases continuously with
from the value
The last equation may be derived from the preceding by differentiation with respect to
. Successive differentiations give, if

is therefore positive if

. It is an increasing function of

, if

. If

is not capable of being diminished without limit,

vanishes for the least possible value of

, if

. If

is even,
That is,

is the same function of

, as


is large, approximate formulae will be more available. It will be sufficient to indicate the method proposed, without precise discussion of the limits of its applicability or of the degree of its approximation. For the value of
corresponding to any given
, we have
where the variables are connected by the equation (300). The maximum value of

is therefore characterized by the equation
The values of


determined by this maximum we shall distinguish by accents, and mark the corresponding values of functions of


in the same way. Now we have by Taylor's theorem
If the approximation is sufficient without going beyond the quadratic terms, since by (300)
we may write
where the limits have been made

for analytical simplicity. This is allowable when the quantity in the square brackets has a very large negative value, since the part of the integral
corresponding to other than very small values of

may be regarded as a vanishing quantity.
This gives
From this equation, with (289), (300) and (309), we may determine the value of

corresponding to any given value of

, when

is known as function of

Any two systems may be regarded as together forming a third system. If we have
given as function of
for any two systems, we may express by quadratures
for the system formed by combining the two. If we distinguish by the suffixes
the quantities relating to the three systems, we have easily from the definitions of these quantities
where the double integral is to be taken within the limits
and the variables in the single integrals are connected by the last of these equations, while the limits are given by the first two, which characterize the least possible values of


It will be observed that these equations are identical in form with those by which
are derived from
, except that they do not admit in the general case those transformations which result from substituting for
the particular functions which these symbols always represent.
Similar formulae may be used to derive
for the compound system, when one of these quantities is known as function of the potential energy in each of the systems combined.
The operation represented by such an equation as
is identical with one of the fundamental operations of the theory of errors, viz., that of finding the probability of an error from the probabilities of partial errors of which it is made up. It admits a simple geometrical illustration.
We may take a horizontal line as an axis of abscissas, and lay off
as an abscissa measured to the right of any origin, and erect
as a corresponding ordinate, thus determining a certain curve. Again, taking a different origin, we may lay off
as abscissas measured to the left, and determine a second curve by erecting the ordinates
. We may suppose the distance between the origins to be
, the second origin being to the right if
is positive. We may determine a third curve by erecting at every point in the line (between the least values of
) an ordinate which represents the product of the two ordinates belonging to the curves already described. The area between this third curve and the axis of abscissas will represent the value of
. To get the value of this quantity for varying values of
, we may suppose the first two curves to be rigidly constructed, and to be capable of being moved independently. We may increase or diminish
by moving one of these curves to the right or left. The third curve must be constructed anew for each different value of