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Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus/Chapter V part 3

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54. Differentiation of .

Let .
By Trigonometry this may be written
In the derivation of our formulas so far it has been necessary to apply the General Rule, p. 29 [§ 31] (i.e. the four steps), only for the following:
III Algebraic sum.
V . Product.
VII . Quotient.
VIII . Logarithm.
XI Sine.
XXV . Function of a function.
XXVI . Inverse functions.

Not only do all the other formulas we have deduced depend on these, but all we shall deduce hereafter depend on them as well. Hence it follows that the derivation of the fundamental formulas for differentiation involves the calculation of only two limits of any difficulty, viz.,

  by § 22, p. 21
and . By § 23, p. 22


Differentiate the following:

1. .
by XI
2. .
3. .
This may also be written,
by VI
  [ and .]
  by XII
4. .
by V
  [ and .]
  by VI and XI
5. . Ans. .
6. . .
7. . .
8. . .
9. . .
10. .
11. . .
12. .
13. .
14. . .

15. .

16. .

17. .

18. .

19. .

20. .

21. .

22. .

23. .

24. .

25. .

26. .

27. .

28. .

29. .

30. .

31. . .
32. . .
33. .
34. . .
35. . .
36. . .

37. Differentiate the following functions:

(a) . (f) . (k) .
(b) . (g) (l) .
(c) . (h) . (m) .
(d) . (i) . (n) .
(e) . (j) . (o) .

38. .

39. .

40. . .
41. . .
42. . .
43. . .
44. . .
45. . .
46. . .

47. Prove , using the General Rule.

48. Prove by replacing by .

55. Differentiation of .

Let ;[1]
then .
Differentiating with respect to by XI,
therefore . By (C), p. 46 [§ 43]
But since is a function of , this may be substituted in
  (A), p. 45 [§ 42]
giving .
, the positive sign of the radical being taken, since is positive for all values of between and inclusive.]

56. Differentiation of .

Let ;[2]
then .
Differentiating with respect to by XII,
therefore . By (C), p. 46 [§ 43]
But since is a function of , this may be substituted in the formula
  , (A), p. 45 [§ 42]
[ , the plus sign of the radical being taken, since is positive for all values of y between 0 and π inclusive.]

57. Differentiation of .

Let ;[3]
then .
Differentiating with respect to by XIV,
therefore . By (C), p. 46 [§ 43]
But since is a function of , this may be substituted in the formula
  , (A), p. 45 [§ 42]

58. Differentiation of .[4]

Following the method of the last section, we get


59. Differentiation of .

Let ;[5]
then .
Differentiating with respect to by IV,
therefore By (C), p. 46 [§ 43]
But since is a function of , this may be substituted in the formula
  , (A), p. 45 [§ 42]
[, and , the plus sign of the radical being taken, since is positive for an values of between 0 and and between and , including 0 and ].

60. Differentiation of .[6]

Let ;
then .
Differentiating with respect to by XVI and following the method of the last section, we get

61. Differentiation of .

Let ;[7]
then .
Differentiating with respect to by XVII,
therefore By (C), p. 46 [§ 43]
But since is a function of , this may be substituted in the formula
  (A), p. 45 [§ 42]
[, the plus sign of the radical being taken, since is positive for all values of between 0 and inclusive.]

  1. Graph of arc sin v
    Graph of arc sin v
    It should be remembered that this function is defined only for values of between -1 and +1 inclusive and that (the function) is many-valued, there being infinitely many arcs whose sines will equal . Thus, in the figure (the locus of ), when .
    In the above discussion, in order to make the function single-valued; only values of between and inclusive (points on arc ) are considered; that is, the arc of smallest numerical value whose sine is .
  2. Graph of arc cos v
    Graph of arc cos v
    This function is defined only for values of between -1 and +1 inclusive, and is many-valued. In the figure (the locus of ), when .
    In order to make the function single-valued, only values of between 0 and π inclusive are considered; that is, the smallest positive arc whose cosine is . Hence we confine ourselves to arc QP of the graph.
  3. Graph of arc tan v
    Graph of arc tan v
    This function is defined for all values of , and is many-valued, as is clearly shown by its graph. In order to make it single-valued, only values of between and are considered; that is, the arc of smallest numerical value whose tangent is (branch ).
  4. Fig. a. Graph of arc cot v
    Fig. a. Graph of arc cot v
    This function is defined for all values of , and is many-valued, as is seen from its graph (Fig. a). In order to make it single-valued, only values of between 0 and are considered; that is, the smallest positive arc whose cotangent is . Hence we confine ourselves to branch AB.
  5. Fig b. Graph of arc sec v
    Fig b. Graph of arc sec v
    This function is defined for all values of except those lying between -1 and +1, and is seen to be many-valued. To make the function single-valued, is taken as the arc of smallest numerical value whose secant is . This means that if is positive, we confine ourselves to points on arc AB (Fig. b), taking on values between 0 and (0 may be included); and if is negative, we confine ourselves to points on arc DC, taking on values between and ( may be included).
  6. Graph of y = arc csc v
    Graph of y = arc csc v
    This function is defined for all values of except those lying between -1 and +1, and is seen to be many-valued. To make the function single-valued, is taken as the arc of smallest numerical value whose cosecant is . This means that if is positive, we confine ourselves to points on the arc AB (Fig. a), taking on values between 0 and ( may be included); and if is negative, we confine ourselves to points on the arc CD, taking on values between and ( may be included).
  7. Graph of y = arc vers v. Defined only for values of between 0 and 2 inclusive, and is many-valued. To make the function continuous, is taken as the smallest positive arc whose versed sine is ; that is, lies between 0 and inclusive. Hence we confine ourselves to arc of the graph (Fig. a).