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Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic/General Sources

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The letters, diaries, and books of Swedenborg are, of course, the main sources for his biography. Next come the three-volume Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg, collected, translated, and annotated by R. L. Tafel (London, Swedenborg Society, Inc., 1875, 1877), and the Chronological List of Swedenhorg Documents (in manuscript) (Bryn Athyn, Pa.), collected by Alfred H. Stroh and Sigrid O. Sigstedt (S. C. Odhner). The translations of Swedenborg's letters by Alfred Acton, published in The New Philosophy, have been used as far as possible in preference to Tafel's translations, and indebtedness should be acknowledged to Dr. Acton’s excellent introductions and annotations to those of Swedenborg's works which he has translated. Many articles in the Swedenborgian magazines New Church Life and New Philosophy, published at Bryn Athyn, Pa., have been enlightening.


Journal A.S.P.R., for The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research (New York, 40 E. 34 St.)

N .C .L., for New Church Life, published at Bryn Athyn, Pa.

N.P., for The New Philosophy, published by The Swedenborg Scientific Association, Bryn Athyn, Pa.

Proceedings S.P.R., for The Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (London, 31, Tavistock Sq.)

Tafel, for the work cited above.

The titles of some of Swedenborg's works have been abbreviated as follows:

A .C ., for Arcana Celestia

A.K., for The Animal Kingdom

C .L., for Conjugial Love

D.D., for Dream Diary (Swedenborgs Drömmar)

D.L.W., for Divine Love and Wisdom

E.A.K., for The Economy of the Animal Kingdom

H.H., for Heaven and Hell

Sp.D., for The Spiritual Diary (also known as Memorabilia)

T.C.R., for The True Christian Religion

W.E., for The Word Explained

W.L.G., for Of the Worship and Love of God