Encyclopædia Britannica, First Edition/Volume II
[edit]- Caaba
- Cab
- Cabalist
- Caballaria
- Caballeros
- Caballine
- Cabbage
- Cabbage-tree
- Cabbaging
- Cabbala
- ...
- Caherah or Al-Caherah
- Cahlo
- Cahors
- Cahys
- Cajanaburg
- Cajazzo
- Cajeput
- Caifum
- Caimacan or Caimacam
- Caiman or Caiman-Islands
- Cainians or Cainites
- Cainito
- Cairo or Grand Cairo
- Cairoan
- Cairns
- Caisson
- Caithness
- Cakile
- Calaba
- Calabash-Tree
- Calabria
- Calade
- Calahorra
- Calais
- Calamanco
- Calaminaris or Lapis Calaminaris
- ...
- Canticles
- Canto
- Canton
- Cantoning
- Cantred or Cantref
- Canvas
- Canatus
- Canzone
- Canzonetta
- Cap
- Cap of Maintenance
- Cape
- Cape of Good-Hope
- Cape-Coast-Castle
- Capella
- Caper
- Caperquin
- Caphar
- ...
- Chevroned
- Chevronel
- Chevronne or Chevronny
- Chewing-Balls
- Chiampa
- Chian Earth
- Chiapa
- Chiarasco
- Chiarenza
- Chiaro-Scuro
- Chichester
- New Chichester
- Chick or Chicken
- Chicken-Pox
- Chick-weed
- Chickling Pea
- Chicuito or Cuyo
- Chidley or Chimley
- Chief
- In Chief
- Chief Lord
- Chief-Justice
- Chieftain
- Chieri
- Chilblains
- Child-Bed
- Child-Birth
- Childermas-Day or Innocent's-Day
- Chiliad
- Chiliarcha or Chiliarchus
- Chiliasts
- Chilminar, Chelminar, or Tchelminar
- Chiltern
- Chimæra
- Chimay
- Chimera
- Chimes
- Chimney
- China
- China-Root
- China-ware
- Chinca
- Chin Cough
- Chinese
- Chiney
- Chinon
- Chio, Chios, Xio, or Scio
- Chionanthus
- Chiozzo or Chioggio
- Chippenham
- Chipping or Much-Wiccomb
- Chirography
- Chiromancy
- Chironia
- Chironomy
- Chirotony
- Chirvan
- Chirurgery
- Chisley-Land
- ...
[edit]- ...
- Fox
- Fox-Glove
- Foy or St Foy
- Fraction
- Decimal Fractions
- Fracture
- Frænum
- Frænum Linguæ
- Frænum Penis
- Fraga
- Fragaria
- France
- Francfort
- Francfort on the Oder
- Franche-Comte
- Franchise
- Franciscan Monks, Friars Minor, or Gray Friars
- Francolini
- Franconia
- Frangula
- Frangulæ Species
- Frank Language or Lingua Franca
- Frank or Franc
- Frankendal
- Francenia, Sea-Heath, or Sea-Chickweed
- Frankenstein
- Franks, Frankis, or Franquis
- Franstat or Fraustat
- Frascati or Frescati
- Fraternity
- ...