Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Kulmbach
KULMBACH, or Culmbach, a town in the administrative district of Upper Franconia, Bavaria, is picturesquely situated on the White Main, and on the Bamberg-Hof line of the Bavarian State Railway, about 11 miles north-west from Baireuth, in 50° 6′ N. lat., 11° 28′ E. long. The town has several linen manufactories and a large cotton spinnery, but is chiefly famed for its many extensive breweries, the latest returns showing an annual production of 4,115,637 gallons of beer, of which 3,719,478 gallons were exported. On an eminence near the town stands the former fortress of Plassenburg, which during the 15th and 16th centuries was the residence of the margraves of Brandenburg-Kulmbach. It was dismantled in 1807, and is now used as a prison. The population in November 1881 was officially estimated at 6000.