English for Teachers/Unit 5/Chapter 1

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2047483English for Teachers — Unit 5 Chapter 1Daniel D. Holt

Unit 5

Chapter 1

Expressions of Comparison (p. 456)

more/the most + adj.
like, the same...as

different/differ from

NOTE: "so... as" usage restricted to formal writing after negatives only.

I. Recognition

Identify all expressions of comparison in the Comprehensive Reading.

II. Quotations/Proverbs/Idioms

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.

My love is like a red, red rose.

Like father, like son.

sweet as sugar
fit as a fiddle
sharp as a razor
old as the hills
light as a feather
solid as a rock
good as gold

tough as nails
happy as a lark
cool as a cucumber
high as a kite
dry as a bone
right as rain
black as coal

leaks like a sieve
drinks like a fish
eats like a horse
smokes like a chimney
walks like a man
quick like a bunny

Americans are the most materialistic of peoples, and, on the other hand, they are the most idealistic; the most revolutionary and, conversely, the most conservative; the most rampantly individualistic, and, simultaneously, the most gregarious and herd-like; the most irreverent toward their elders, and contrariwise, the most abject worshippers of "Mom."

- What's American about America
by J.A. Kouwenhoven

My love is deeper than the deepest ocean,
Wider than the sky;
Warmer than the warmest sunshine.
Softer than a sigh.

- From an American folksong

III. Exchanges

A: Are Korean schools very different from American schools?
B: Yes, I think so.

A: How does Korean education compare with American education?
B: Korean education is better than American education.

A: Are American students more independent than Korean students?
B: I don't know. What do you think?
A: In my opinion, yes.

IV. Writing

A. Here is a list of items which represent American schools. Make a similar list of items which you feel represent Korean schools. Explain any differences. Are there any common elements?

American schools

  1. noisy
  2. co-educational
  3. 6 hour schoolday
  4. mostly public
  5. mandatory to age 16
  6. impolite, disrespectful students
  7. physical punishment rare
  8. 20-30 students in a class
  9. free tuition and books
  10. no uniforms

Korean schools


B. Connect the following pairs of sentences using:

as + much
+ as
  1. American schools have a lot of problems. So do Korean schools. Korean schools have as many problems as American schools.
  2. Korean classrooms have a lot of students. American classrooms don't. ____________________
  3. American students have a lot of freedom. Korean students don't. ____________________
  4. Korean students have a lot of respect for their elders. American children don't. ____________________
  5. Korean students have a lot of classes. American students don't. ____________________
  6. Korean students have a lot of ability. So do American students. ____________________
  7. America has a lot of public schools. So does Korea. ____________________