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Ephemera (Buck)/The Isle

From Wikisource
3891780Ephemera — The IsleMitchell Starrett Buck


How the sea glitters in the sunlight! Far out over the flashing waters, seest thou the white sail of that speeding boat which almost seems to fly above the ripples?

Here on this pebbled beach, caressed by the clear blue waters, where spreading reaches from the lapping waves glide up like the pleading hands of nereids, the gods are very near.

They say, to this lovely island, mighty Zeus, concealed by the semblance of a white bull, bore on his back Europa, the peerless virgin, the source of his desire.

It may be at this very spot they came up from the waters. Perhaps among the grassy dells through which we lately wandered, they also loved. Perhaps in this grotto by the shore they slept, wearied with love, the virgin murmuring through some happy dream, her fair head pillowed on a god-like breast.