Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad/Flora of Carlsbad



This Flora, if we merely speak of the town, is a Flora of the forests of inferior regions; but, if we include the Metalliferous Mountains (Erzgebirge) and their highest points so far as Gottesgab, this forest region extends from one of its limits to the other.
Although some plants of the plains of Bohemia are found about Carlsbad, they do not properly belong to its Flora, and it is only near Lipkowitz, twenty english miles from Carlsbad, towards the interior of Bohemia, that we find, in great quantity, the species and individuals common to plains.
This Flora distinguishes itself principally by plants peculiar to the forests of the middle and North of Germany, and even by those which are found in the northern parts of that country, and still more by those which belong to the North of Europe. The country, with the mountains near Marienbad, and those of the environs of Ellbogen, even in its greatest extent, as far as the heigths of the , presents formations of primitive rocks, destitute of that multitude of plants growing in Bohemia upon calcareous and basaltic mountains of the adjoining circles (counties) of the kingdom. Carlsbad has in its vicinity neither lakes nor marshes, asylums of an immense number of plants.
The country presents ridges of hills, between which are broader or narrower valleys, but, at a little distance from the town, we find two of these, viz. the one in which the Teple runs rapidly in a narrow bed, and the other, crossed by the Egra, flowing quietly in a wide bed, which grows narrower higher up near Ellbogen, and expands into a greater breadth, as it descend through fertile fields and blooming meadows. Upon the left bank of the Egra, we see round hills, which, getting gradually higher, begin the , incircling agreable and well cultivated valleys.
These hills, seldom extending to mountains, are entirely or partly wooded, but these forests are mostly coniferous, but sometimes intermixed with leaf-trees. These valleys produce wheat, rye, barley and oats as well as vegetables. Flax, potatoes, thrive also in the higher parts. The raw climate of Carlsbad is unfavourable to fruit, and the best is brought from the warmer circles of Saaz and Leitmeritz.
It is truly astonishing that, in spite of the enormous quantity of salt, which (according to approximative calculations) the waters of Carlsbad pour into the Teple, viz. ℔. 786,884 of carbonate of soda, and ℔. 1,132,923 of sulfate of soda, we do not find in their vicinity any saline plants, except the Spergularia marina, whilst near Franzensbad and several wells of bitter waters, near Seydschitz, we meet with saline and sea-shore plants.
The numerous turfy grounds about Carlsbad offer many rare plants.
In the following List, the Genera are ranged according to the natural method. In order to give a more complete idea of the vegetation of the country, we have not only included the plants peculiar to forests, but the rarer ones, which this Flora offers, though foreign to them. The knowledge of the cellular or cryptogamic plants found about Carlsbad (mosses, hepatics, lichens and algs) being hitherto very imperfect, we must differ their enumeration to another opportunity.
Thalictrum aquilegifolium.
Ranunculus nemorosus.
Aconitum Camarum.
Actaea spicata.
Dentaria bulbifera.
Cardamine pratensis multiplex.
Arabis Halleri.
Teesdalia Iberis.
Thlaspi alpestre.
Viola sylvestris.
Viola— Riviniana.
Viola— mirabilis.
Parnassia palustris.
Drosera rotundifolia.
Drosera— longifolia.
Polygala oxyptera.
Polygala— Chamaebuxus.
Dianthus superbus.
Silene viscosa.
Spergularia marina.
Geranium divaricatum.
Staphyllea pinnata.
Genista tinctoria.
Trifolium spadiceum.
Galega officinalis.
Orobus tuberosus.
Orobus— albus.
Lathyrus sylvestris.
Lathyrus— latifolius.
Vicia sylvatica.
Vicia— cassubica.
Spiraea Aruncus.
Spiraea— Ulmaria.
Rosa pumila.
Rosa— alpina.
Rosa— pyrenaica.
Rosa— tomentosa.
Rubus plicatus.
Rubus fastigiatus.
Rubus— cordifolius.
Rubus— hirtus.
Rubus— corylifolius.
Rubus— Weyhii.
Rubus— nitidus.
Rubus— dumetorum.
Rubus— Bellardi.
Rubus— saxatilis.
Comarum palustre.
Potentilla alba.
Epilobium tetragonum.
Epilob— montanum.
Circaea alpina.
Sedum maximum.
Sedum— Telephium (purpureum Auctor).
Sedum— villosum.
Montia lamprosperma.
Ribes alpinum.
Ribes— nigrum.
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium.
Sanicula europaea.
Astrantia major, β. spinulosa: (involucri foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis apice serraturas 1—3 spinosas gerentibus umbellam paulo excedentibus).
Selinum palustre.
Angelica sylvestris.
Libanotis vulgaris.
Pimpinella magna.
Peucedanum cervaria.
Myrrhis odorata.
Lonicera nigra.
Sambucus racemosa.
Asperula odorata.
Galium sylvaticum.
Galium— rotundifolium.
Galium— boreale.
Valeriana officinalis,. exaltata.
Scabiosa sylvatica.
Cnicus heterophyllus.
Cnicus— eriophorus.
Cnicus— acaulis.
Centaurea nigrescens.
Gnaphalium sylvaticum.
Tussilago alba.
Inula salicina.
Artemisia scoparia.
Arnica montana.
Hieracium collinum.
Hieracium— sylvaticum.
Hieracium— Schmidtii.
Prenanthes purpurea.
Sonchus alpinus.
Phyteuma spicatum.
Phyteuma— nigrum.
Vaccinium Oxycoccos.
Erica carnea.
Erica— vulgaris, β. hirsuta.
Pyrola rotundifolia.
Pyrola— minor.
Pyrola— media.
Pyrola— chlorantha.
Pyrola— uniflora.
Thesium alpinum.
Plantago atrata.
Lysimachia thyrsiflora.
Lysimachia— nemorum.
Menyanthes trifoliata.
Swertia perennis.
Gentiana cruciata.
Gentiana— ciliata.
Gentiana— Amarella.
Veronica montana.
Veronica— longifolia.
Veronica— serpyllifolia, β. neglecta.
Pinguicula vulgaris.
Euphrasia Rostkowiana.
Scrophularia vernalis.
Digitalis ochroleuca.
Verbascum Lychnitis, β. album.
Atropa Belladonna
Myosotis strigulosa.
Myosotis— sylvatica.
Myosotis— spassiflora.
Pulmonaria officinalis.
Melittis Melissophyllum.
Lamium rugosum.
Betonica stricta.
Rumex scutatus.
Polygonum Bistorta.
Alnus incana.
Betula carpatica.
Betula— nana.
Salia grandifolia.
Salix— sphacelata.
Salix— praecox.
Salix— splendens.
Allium ursinum.
Ornithogallum umbellatum,
Ornithogallum β. refractum.
Ornithogallum— nutans.
Lilium Martagon.
Leucojum vernum.
Orchis coriophora.
Orchis— latifolia, cum varietatib.
Orchis— sambucina.
Corallorhisa innata.
Gymnadenia albida.
Neottia nidus avis.
Listera cordata.
Listera— ovata.
Polygonatum verticillatum.
Polygonatum— multiflorum.
Scheuchzeria palustris.
Juncus squarrosus.
Luzula maxima.
Carex pulicaris.
Carex— digitata.
Carex cyperoïdes.
Carex— Drymeia.
Eriophorum caespitosum.
Poa sudetica.
Triodia decumbens.
Bromus asper.
Bromus— giganteus.
Molinia caerulea.
Arundo sylvatica.
Elymus europaeus.
Equisetum sylvaticum.
Lycopodium clavatum.
Botrychium rutaceum.
Woodsia hyperborea.
Woodsia— ilvensis.
Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum.
Aspidium Oreopteris.
Aspidium— Thelipteris.
