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European Elegies/Acknowledgments

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4685361European Elegies — Acknowledgments1928Watson Kirkconnell


The translator acknowledges gratefully the kindness of the following, who have granted him permission to publish renderings of copyright poetry: Jeppe Aakjær, Jean Gryparis, Emili Guanyavents, Karl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam, Aaro Hellaakoski, Johannes Jörgensen, Mileta Jakšić, Veikko Antero Koskenniemi, Vilhelm Krag, L. C. Nielsen, Lauri Pohjanpää , Yrjö Weilin, Fritz Husmann, Wladyslaw Nawrocki, Joseph Kálal, Tene (Robustiana Mujika), Lambros Porphyras (Sipsomos), Milade Čapova (for Jaroslav Vrchlícky), Dr. Viktor Novak (for Robert Lev Novak), Albert Bonnier (for Gustaf Fröding), Kustannusosakeyhtie Otava (for Eino Leino), Eugène Fasquelle (for Théodore de Banville), Albert Messein (for Paul Verlaine), Gyldendal Co. (for Sigbjörn Obstfelder), Bankdirector Kjerulf (for Theodor Kjerulf), Axel Thorsteinsson (for Steingrimur Thorsteinsson), and Madame Laurenge Angellier (for Auguste Angellier). In two or three cases, even the most rigorous search failed to establish contact with the author of the original. Should any of these meet with the present volume, I trust that he will forgive the liberty taken with his work.

The problems of editing and copyright have involved a copious and difficult correspondence with almost all parts of Europe and have laid the translator under obligation to men of letters in many lands. Special acknowledgment is made to Dr. Valdemar Vedel of Copenhagen, Dr. Joža Glonar of Laibach, Dr. Valtyr Gudmundsson of Copenhagen, Sr. D. Linarel Becerra of Madrid, Dr. Boyan Pener of Sofia, Dr. Yrjö Hirn of Helsingfors , Dr. Robert Faesi of Zürich, Mr. A. de Biéville of Paris Mr. Ejnar Smith of Djursholm, Dr. Albert Pražak of Prague, Dr. Miroslav Kalal of Banska Bystriča, Mr. Cirilo de Arzubiaga of Amorebieta-Zornotza, Mr. Eugène Heltaf of Budapest, Dr. Fd. Smetaček of Prague, Dr. Maurice Bloomfield of Baltimore, Dr. Jordi Rubio of Barcelona, Dr. M. L. Goemans of Ghent, Dr. P. Popović of Belgrade, Dr. Douglas Hyde of Dublin, Dr. Albert Verwey of Leiden, Dr. Olaf Broch of Oslo, Rudolfs Egle of Riga, Dr. Tlazzo de Lavega of Madrid, Dr. Alvaro Gil Albacete of Madrid, Dr. M. W. Vieweg of Leeuwarden, Dr. G. A. Wumkes of Leeuwarden, Mr. Fr. Khol of Prague, and Dr. Ignacy Chrzanowski of Warsaw.

He also records his gratitude to the following scholars, who have been kind enough to examine the versions in their respective fields of linguistic competence and to reassure him as to their adequacy: Prof. Nevill Forbes of Oxford (Slavonic group); Prof. Raymond Weeks of Columbia (Romance group); Prof. John Edward Lloyd and Prof. Ifor Williams of Bangor (Celtic group); Prof. J. G. Robertson of London and Prof. W. H. Howard of Harvard (Germanic group); Dr. W. H. Rouse of Cambridge (Romaic); and J. Lehtonen of Helsingfors (Finno-Ugric group).

Finally, emphasis is laid on the translator's full responsibility for all deficiencies of scholarship and art in the preceding work. In preparing a volume of so personal a nature, no assistance was sought from any source, and the translations were completed, substantially in their present form, before any one's opinion on them was asked for. The book is a monument, flawed but devoted, hewn out in the darkness by one pair of hands.