European Elegies/Bibliography
The originals of the foregoing translations were chosen from the following volumes:
Latin and Romance Group—
- The Oxford Book of Latin Verse, ed. by H. W. Garrod (Oxford, 1912).
- Chrestomathie de l'ancien français, ed. by L. Constans (Paris, 1906).
- Provenzalisches Liederbuch, ed. by Erhard Lommatzsch (Berlin, 1917).
- The Oxford Book of French Verse, ed. by St. John Lucas (Oxford, 1907).
- Le Chemin des Saisons, by Auguste Angellier (Paris, 1920)
- The Oxford Book of Portuguese Verse, ed. by Aubrey F. G. Bell (Oxford, 1925).
- Campo de Flores, by João de Deus Ramos (Lisbon, 1893).
- The Oxford Book of Spanish Verse, ed. by J. Fitzmaurice Kelly (Oxford, 1913).
- Antologia de Poetes Catalans Moderns, ed. by Alexandre Plana (Barcelona, 1914).
- Anthologia Helvetica, ed. by Robert Faesi (Leipzig, 1921).
- The Oxford Book of Italian Verse, ed. by St. John Lucas (Oxford, 1910).
- Antologia Rumena, ed. by Carlo Tagliavini (Heidelberg, 1923).
Teutonic Group—
- Althochdeutsches Lesebuch, ed. by Wilhelm Braune (Halle, 1921).
- Dichtungen aus mittelhochdeutscher Frühzeit, ed. by Hermann Jantzen (Leipzig, 1910).
- The Oxford Book of German Verse, ed. by H. G. Fiedler (Oxford, 1911).
- Up sassisch Eer, ed. by John Eimers (Jena, 1910).
- Angelsächsisches Dichterbuch, Lyrik und Heldenepos, ed. byLevin L. Schücking (Cöthen, 1919).
- The Pearl, ed. by Charles G. Osgood (Boston, 1906).
- Nederlandsche Dichterhalle, ed. by J. F. J. Heremans (Ghent, 1858).
- Al de Gedichten van K. L. Ledeganck (Antwerp, 1909).
- Corpus Poeticum Boreale, ed. by Vigfusson and Powell (Oxford, 1883).
- The Oxford Book of Scandinavian Verse, ed. by Gosse and Craigie (Oxford, 1925).
- Nyere Dansk Lyrik, ed. by Olaf Hansen (Copenhagen, 1921).
- Norsk Lyrik, ed. by Kristofer Randers (Kristiania, 1903).
- Dikter, Verner von Heidenstam (Stockholm, 1919).
Celtic Group—
- Historical Reader of Old Irish, ed. by Julius Pokorny (Halle, 1923).
- Duanaire Gaedhilge, ed. by Rois ni Ogain (Dublin, 1921).
- The Four Ancient Books of Wales, ed. by W. F. Skene (Edinburgh, 1868).
- Caniadau Cymru, ed. by W. Lewis Jones (Bangor, 1907).
- The Gaelic Songs of Duncan MacIntyre, ed. by Calder (Edinburgh, 1912).
- Soniou Breiz-Izel, ed. by F. M. Luzel (Paris, 1890).
Hellenic, Albanian, Basque, and Romany—
- Lyra Graeca, ed. by J. M. Edmonds (London, 1922).
- Euripidis Fabulae, Tomus I, ed. by G. Murray (Oxford, 1901).
- Crestomazia Neohellenica, ed. by E. Brighenti (Milan, 1908).
- Lulet e Verësë, by Naim Be' Frashëri (Sofia, 1906).
- Idazkiak eta Olerkiak, by Tene (Zornotza'n, 1923).
- Vom wandernden Zigeunervolke, by Heinrich von Wlislocki (Hamburg, 1890).
Balto-Slavonic Group—
- The Oxford Book of Russian Verse, ed. by Maurice Baring (Oxford, 1924).
- A. S. Pushkin, Sobranie Sochineni. (Berlin, 1921).
- Ivan Franko, Z Vershin i Nizni, ed. by Vasil Simovich (Winnipeg, 1920).
- Lettisches Lesebuch, by J. Endzelin (Heidelberg, 1922).
- Litauisches Elementarbuch, ed. by M. J. A. Voelkel (Heidelberg, 1923).
- Bard Polski, ed. by Boleslaw Koreywo (Warsaw, 1925).
- Poezye Adama Mickiewicza, ed. by Piotr Chmielowski (Warsaw, 1888).
- Česka Lyra, ed. by Prochaska (Prague, 1926).
- Sobrane Spisy Basnicke Hviezdoslava, Vol. V. (Turčianský sv. Martin, 1921).
- Stritarjeva Antologija, ed. by Ivan Prijatelj (Laibach, 1919).
- Simon Jenko, Zbrani Spisi, ed. by Joža Glonar (Laibach, 1921).
- Srpska Chitanka, ed. by Jovanovich and Ivkovich (Belgrade, 1925).
- Bulgarski Poeti Antologia, ed. by Khr. Chankov (Sofia, 1922).
Finno-Ugric Group—
- Kantele, Koulun Runokirja, ed. by J. W. Juvelius (Porvoossa , 1922).
- Kootut Runot, V. A. Koskenniemi (Porvoossa, 1925).
- Kleine Lappische Chrestomathie, ed. by K. B. Wiklung (Helsingfors, 1894).
- Eesti rahvalaulude Antoloogia, ed. by Karl Peterson (Tallinas, 1918).
- Költök Albuma, ed. by Rado Antal (Budapest, 1904).