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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 7

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 7
3890098Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 71910James Wilson Bright


Ðys [godspel] sceal on þone fēorðan sunnandæg ofer pentecosten.

1. Nellen gē dēman, þæt gē ne sȳn fordēmede.

2. Witodlīce ðām ylcan dōme þe gē dēmað, ēow byð gedēmed; and on ðām ylcan gemete þe gē metaþ, ēow byþ gemeten.

3. Tō hwī gesihst þū þæt mot on þīnes brōþor ēagan, and þū ne gesyhst þone bēam on þīnum āgenum ēagan?[1]

4. Oþþe hūmeta cwyst þū tō þīnum brēþer, Brōþur, þafa þæt ic ūt ādō þæt mot of þīnum ēagan, þonne sē bēam biþ on þīnum āgenum ēagan?[2]

5. Lā þū līccetere, ādō ǣrest ūt ðone bēam of þīnum āgenum ēagan, and behāwa þonne þæt þū ūt ādō þæt mot of þīnes brōður ēagan.[3]

6. Nellen gē syllan þæt hālige hundum, nē gē ne wurpen ēowre meregrotu[4] tōforan ēowrum swȳnon, þē lǣs hig mid hyra fōtum hig fortredon, and hig þonne ongēan gewende ēow tōslȳton.[5]

Ðys godspel sceal tō gangdagon.

7. Biddaþ, and ēow bið geseald; sēceaþ, and gē hit findaþ; cnuciað, and ēow biþ ontȳned.[6]

8. Witodlīce ǣlc þǣra þe bit, hē onfēhþ; and sē þe sēcð, hē hyt fint; and þām cnuciendum bið ontȳned.[7]

9. Hwylc man is of ēow, gyf his sunu hyne bit hlāfes, sylst þū him stān;[8]

10. oððe gyf hē bytt fisces, sylst þū him nǣddran?[9]

11. Eornustlīce nū gē þe yfle synt cunnun gōde sylena ēowrum bearnum syllan, mycle mā ēower Fæder þe on heofenum ys syleþ gōd þām þe hyne biddað.[10]

12. Eornustlīce ealle þā þing ðe gē wyllen þæt men ēow dōn, dōþ gē him þæt sylfe; þæt ys sōþlīce ǣ and wītegena bebod.[11]

13. Gangað inn þurh þæt nearwe geat; for þon[12] þe þæt geat is swȳþe wīd, and sē weg is swīþe rūm þe tō forspillednesse gelǣt, and swȳþe manega synt þe þurh þone weg farað.[13]

14. Ēalā hū neara and hū angsum is þæt geat and sē weg þe tō līfe gelǣdt, and swȳþe fēawa synt þe þone weg findon![14]

Ðys godspell gebyrað on þǣre nygoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

15. Warniað ēow fram lēasum wītegum, þā cumað tō ēow on scēapa gegyrelum, ac hig bēoð innane rēafigende wulfas.[15]

16. Fram hyra wæstmun gē hī undergytað. Cwyst þū gaderað man wīnberian of þornum, oððe fīcæppla of þyrncinum?[16]

17. Swā ǣlc gōd trēow byrþ gōde wæstmas, and ǣlc yfel trēow byrþ yfele wæstmas.[17]

18. Ne mæg þæt gōde trēow beran yfle wæstmas, ne þæt yfele trēow gōde wæstmas.[18]

19. Ǣlc trēow þe ne byrð gōdne wæstm sȳ hyt forcorfen, and on fȳr āworpen.

20. Witodlīce be hyra[19] wæstmum gē hig oncnāwað.

21. Ne gǣð ǣlc þǣra on heofena rīce þe cwyþ tō mē, Drihten, Drihten; ac sē þe wyrcð mīnes Fæder willan þe on heofenum is, sē gǣð on heofena rīce.[20]

22. Manega cweþað on þām dæge tō mē, Drihten, Drihten, hū ne wītegode wē on þīnum naman, and on þīnum naman wē ūt āwurpon dēoflu, and on þīnum naman wē worhton mycle mihta?[21]

23. Þonne cweðe ic tō him, Þæt ic ēow nǣfre ne cūðe; gewītað fram mē, gē þe worhton unrihtwȳsnesse.[22]

24. Eornustlīce ǣlc þǣra þe ðās mīne word gehȳrð, and þā wyrcð, byþ gelīc þām wīsan were sē hys hūs ofer stān getimbrode;[23]

25. þā cōm þǣr rēn and mycele flōd, and þǣr blēowun windas, and āhruron on þæt hūs, and hyt nā ne fēoll; sōðlīce hit wæs ofer stān getimbrod.[24]

26. And ǣlc þǣra þe gehȳrþ ðās mīne word, and þā ne wyrcð, sē byþ gelīc þām dysigan men þe getimbrode hys hūs ofer sandceosel;[25]

27. þā rīnde hit, and þǣr cōmun flōd, and [26] blēowun windas, and āhruron on þæt hūs, and þæt hūs fēoll, and hys hryre wæs mycel.

Ðys [godspel] sceal on þone þryddan sunnandæg ofer epiphaniam.

28. Þā wæs geworden, þā sē Hǣlend þās word geendode, þā wundrode þæt folc his lāre.

29. Sōþlīce hē lǣrde swylce hē anweald hæfde, and nā swā swā hyra bōceras and sundorhālgan.[27]

  1. A, broðer, B, broður; Corp., egan; A, B, eagan.
  2. Corp., cwistiþu, A, cwyst ðu, B, cwyst ðu; A, broðor (second time).
  3. A, broðer.
  4. A, Nellon ge þæt halige syllan hundum (changed order); A, worpen; A, meregrota.
  5. A, swynum þy læs.
  6. A, secað; A, cnyssað (for cnuciað).
  7. A, seceð; A, fyndeð; A, cnyssendum (for cnuciendum).
  8. A, sylest.
  9. A, byt, B, bitt; A, sylest; A, B, nædran.
  10. A, Eornostlice; A, B, yfele; A, synd; A, cunnon; A, mycele; A, eowre fæder.
  11. A, Eornostlice; A, wyllon; B, witigena.
  12. A, in; B, nearuwe; A, for ðam ðe þæt get.
  13. A, forspyllednysse; B, gelætt; A, synd.
  14. A, nearu; B, ancsum; A, læt (for gelædt); A, synd; B, finden.
  15. A, gegyrlum; B, reafiende.
  16. B, Cwysþu; A, winbergean; A, þyrcenum.
  17. B, tryw (twice).
  18. B, om. Ne . . . beoran yfle wæstmas (homœoteleuton; supplied by the scribe on the margin); A, yfele (twice).
  19. A, heora.
  20. A, hefena (second time).
  21. B, Manege; A, witegodon; B, om. and on . . . deoflu (homœoteleuton; supplied by the scribe on the margin); A, awurpan; A, mycele.
  22. A, unryhtwysnysse.
  23. A, Eornostlice.
  24. A, mycel, B, micele (first e above the line).
  25. A, dysegan; A, stanceosel.
  26. A, com; A, bleowon.
  27. A, heora; A, sunder-.