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Executive Order 1347

From Wikisource

It is hereby ordered that the following-described tract of land situate at Valdez, on the easterly shore of Valdez Bay, District of Alaska, be reserved, subject to private rights, for a cable-landing reservation, at Valdez, Alaska, in connection with the operation and maintenance of the United States military telegraph and cable lines in Alaska.

Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of cable reservation No. 2, as shown on blue print of a map prepared by Capt. B. O. Lenoir, Signal Corps, United States Army, February 25, 1911, said point being 50 feet 2.88 inches from the junction of said southwest side with Reservation Avenue and 25 feet from the west corner of said cable reservation No. 2; thence in a straight line to a point on the northeast side of the old Von Gunther Building, now occupied by Charles Crawford as a planing mill, 63 feet 6 inches from its junction with the dock, and 25 feet from the north corner of the extension appended to the rear of the planing mill; thence directly to extreme low tide in a line parallel with the dock and distant therefrom 75 feet; thence along the edge of extreme low water 90° to a point 75 feet distant; thence 90° returning parallel with the dock, at a distance therefrom of 150 feet, to a point 50 feet from the west corner of Crawford's planing mill, and in prolongation of the southwest side of this planing mill (said point being 138 feet 6 inches from the junction of the southwest side of this building with the dock; said west corner of building includes the extension on rear of building and as the extension would exist if continued uniformly across the rear of building); thence in a straight line to the west corner of cable reservation No. 2; thence along the southwest side of cable reservation No. 2 to the place or point of beginning. Said cable landing reservation being 25 feet wide at its northeast end, which abuts on cable reservation No. 2. The south boundary of cable landing reservation crosses the southwest line of Front Street, 77 feet 2 inches from the junction of the southwest line of Front Street with the dock. The north boundary of cable landing reservation crosses the southwest line of Front Street 48 feet 3 inches distant from the crossing of the south boundary. The width of the cable landing reservation at this point is 48 feet 3 inches. The width of the cable landing reservation at and from the southwest side of the old Von Gunther Building, or Crawford's planing mill, and its prolongation to extreme low water being 75 feet and parallel to the dock. Its southeast or nearest side being distant from the dock 75 feet.

Signature of William Howard Taft
Wm. H. Taft.

The White House, May 6, 1911.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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