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Executive Order No. 321 (Elpidio Quirino)

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Executive Order No. 321 (1950)
by Elpidio Quirino

Source: Official Gazette. Manila, Philippines. Vol. 46, No. 6. Bureau of Printing . 1950. pp. 2427–2430.

4612066Executive Order No. 3211950Elpidio Quirino

Malacañan Palace


Executive Order No. 321


Reverence and respect for the accepted symbols of national solidarity are indicative of true patriotism and love of country. In order to develop and consecrate such sublime virtues and to inculcate in the minds of our people and a just pride in their native land, I, Elpidio Quirino, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby prescribe the following rules for the observance of the National Flag and the National Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines:


1. The National Flag shall be displayed in all public office buildings, official residence, public squares, and institutions of learning every day throughout the year, and shall be raised at sunrise and lowered at sundown. It should be on the mast at the break of day, should remain flying throughout the day but shall not stay flying after the sun has actually set, except when specially prescribed. The flagstaff must be straight, slightly and generally tapering at the end.

2. The Flag should never be used to return the salute of any individual or organization. It should never be dipped by way of compliment or salute to or for any person, except when used for exchanging courtesy as official act between States.

3. The only flag that may float above the National Flag is a church pennant to symbolize "God above Country."

4. The Flag, if flown from a flagpole, should have its blue field on top in time of peace and the red field on top in time of war; if in a hanging position, the blue field should be to the right (left of the observer) in time of peace, and the red field to the right (left of observer) in time of war.

5. In hoisting the Flag, it should be raised clear to the top-end of the flagpole which, if planted on the ground, should be at a prominent place and higher than the roof of the principal building in the compound, or of such height as would give the flag a commanding position within the compound. If the pole is attached to a building, it should be on top of its roof, and if placed at a window, it must project at an angle pointing upward.

6. When the National Flag is used together with the flag of the Armed Forces or civil organization or with that of another nation, it must always be above or on the right of the other flag. When the National Flag is displayed in a parade with those of foreign nations, it shall always be in front of the center of the line of the other flags.

7. When the Flag is passing in a parade or in review, the people, if walking, should halt, stand at attention, uncover and salute; if sitting, they should stand at attention, uncover and salute.

8. The Flag shall be displayed on Independence Day (July fourth), on National Heroes Day (November thirtieth), Rizal Day (December thirtieth) of each year, and on such other historic of special occasions as the President may designate, not only in all office public buildings, official residences, public squares, and institutions of learning, but, whenever practicable, also in all private buildings and homes, from sunrise to sunset.

9. On national holidays of his country and other historic or special occasions, any alien whose country is at peace with the Philippines may display the flag of his nation on any building or property owned or rented by him without simultaneously displaying the Flag of the Philippines. However, if the alien is located in a building or other property owned or rented by the Philippine Government, the Flag of the Philippines shall always be displayed when that of his own country is displayed. When so displayed, the flag of the alien's country should at least be of the same size as the Flag of the Philippines which shall be placed on the right of the former (left of the observer facing the flags).

10. When lowering the Flag, no part thereof should touch the ground. It should be handled and folded reverently. While the Flag is being raised or lowered, and while the National Anthem is being played the people should face the Flag, stand at attention, uncover, and salute. Moving vehicles should stop, and the passengers should alight, stand at attention, uncover, and salute.

11. The Flag may be hoisted at half-mast in sign of mourning. To display the Flag at half-mast, it must first be hoisted to full-mast, allowing it to fly there for a moment before bringing it to half-mast. From this position it may be raised but not lowered. To lower the Flag at sunset or at any other time when ordered, it must again be hoisted to full-mast before bringing it down.

12. The Flag shall never be festooned, and shall always hang with nothing to cover its surface. It shall always occupy the highest place of honor and shall not be placed under any picture, or below a person.

13. The Flag shall never be used as a staff or whip, or covering for tables, or curtain for doorways. However, the Flag may be used by the Armed Forces to cover the casket of their honored dead, which includes deceased civilians who had rendered services in the Army, Navy, or civil office of great responsibility. The white triangle of the sun and stars will cover the head end of the casket, the blue stripe to the right, the red to the left of the deceased, with both colors evenly divided on each side of the casket. The Flag should not be lowered to the grave or allowed to touch the ground. Wreaths of flowers should not be placed on top of a flag-shrouded casket. A small cross of flowers may be placed over the Flag as a symbol of "God above Country."

14. No imprint shall be made on the Flag nor shall it be marred by advertisement, or in any manner desecrated. It shall not be worn as a whole or part of a costume. It shall not be used as a pennant in the hood or in any part of a motor vehicle except in celebration of the Independence Day, "Fourth of July," or on such other patriotic occasions as the President may designate.

15. It is inappropriate to use the Flag in a dancing pavilion or in any place where hilarity is prevailing. Its use inside or outside a cockpit, club or other places where gambling or other vices are held is prohibited.

16. When the Flag is used in unveiling a statue or monument, it should not be allowed to fall to the ground but should be carried aloft to wave out, forming a distinctive feature of the ceremony. The Flag shall never be used as a covering for the statue.

17. A National Flag worn out through wear and tear, should not be thrown on a garbage heap or used as rag. It should be reverently burned to avoid misuse or desecration thereof.


1. The National Anthem should not be played except on public acts of official or semi-official character or in formal ceremonies of civic nature. People in the immediate vicinity, if outdoors, should face the band, uncover, stand at attention, and salute.

2. Whenever a band is present during the lowering of the Flag, the National Anthem should be played by the band. The Flag should be lowered slowly in such a manner that the termination of the lowering coincides with the last note of the music. Anyone present should face the Flag, stand at attention, and salute as hereinafter prescribed in this Order. If the National Anthem is played indoors, everyone present should stand at attention, face the band, and salute.

3. The National Anthem should not be played and sung for mere recreation, amusement or entertainment purposes, in social gatherings purely private in nature or at political or partisan meetings or places of hilarious or vicious amusement. It should, however, be sung in schools so the children may know it by heart.


1. Members of the Armed Forces of the country and those belonging to semi-military and police organizations in uniform should adopt the military salute provided in their regulations.

2. Civilians if outdoors should stand at attention, and if wearing hats, should uncover and hold the hats over their hearts. Complete silence should be observed and no person should be allowed to walk while the ceremony is going on.

Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the fourth.

Elpidio Quirino
President of the Philippines

By the President:
Teodoro Evangelista
Executive Secretary

This work is in the public domain because it is a work of the Philippine government (see Republic Act No. 8293 Sec. 176).

All official Philippine texts of a legislative, administrative, or judicial nature, or any official translation thereof, are ineligible for copyright.

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