Faith-healing, Christian Science and Kindred Phenomena/Index
Abercrombie, Dr., on dreams, 131, 145; report of a case of hallucination, 171.
Abernethy, Dr., on cure of dropsy through fright, 22.
Abscesses, 8, 9. 55, 56.
Absent treatment of disease, 259-261, 281-283.
Abstinence, visions produced by prolonged, 169.
Abstraction differs from revery, 120.
Academy of Sciences (France), investigation of Mesmer's phenomena by, 26.
Accidents, Christian Science views on, 268.
Addison, Thomas, on the poetry of witchcraft, 196.
Adelaide, reputed cures in, 12, 13.
Adventists, 2.
Æschylus praises astrology, 67.
Affirmation the healing power, not argument, 257, 258.
Africa, witch-doctors of, 32, 33; a self-constituted missionary to, 59; influence of Gemini in, 72.
African fever, inefficacy of faith in, 17.
Age, signs of, 274, 275.
Albania, hysteria in, 230, 231.
Albert of Brandenburg accused of witchcraft, 211, 212.
Alcohol, relapses after use of, 18; effects of, 117-119, 169.
Aldebaran, influence of, 73.
Algiers, powers of priests in, 48.
American history, coincidences in, 75, 82, 94, 95.
Ananias, prayer for Paul, 41.
Anatomy, Christian Science view of, 251.
Anderson, Joshua, case of, 137, 138, 145, 146.
Andral, on consumption, 12; hallucinations of, 169.
Anglo Saxons, witchcraft among, 211.
Animal magnetism, early performances in, 1; curative powers of, 1; discredited by French commission, 26; discussed by French Academy of Sciences, 26; artificial somnambulism, 135; its rank, 250; ignored by Christian Science, 254; Mrs. Eddy on, 261.
Animals 3; the dreams of, 122-124; effect of drugs upon, 265-268.
Anodynes, relapses after use of, 18.
Anointing, 5, 42.
Anointing service, death at an, 49.
Anthropomancy, 89.
Anxiety, visions produced by, 169.
Apparitions, 184-195.
Apollo, priestesses of, 91.
Apoplexy, produced by Aries, 73; visions attending, 169.
Apostles, miracles of the, 38-42, 45, 47; no account of failures by, 42; how their claims sustained, 47; transformation of their lives after death of Christ, 62; limited knowledge of, 219.
Apparitions, presentiments, and visions, 151-195.
Archangel, witchcraft in, 202.
Arens, Dr., controversy with Mrs. Eddy. 245-247; on poisons, 266, 267; on failures of mind-healers, 283.
Argument, no healing power in, 258.
Aries, influence of the sign, 72, 73, 75, 81, 82, 85; events influenced by Saturn in, 81; events influenced by Jupiter in, 81, 82; time of ascension in latitude of London, 85.
Aristotle, on dreams, 110; on sleep and dreams, 122-124.
Arm, cure of broken, 54, 55.
Arms, fractures of, produced by Gemini, 73.
Arthur, President, dreams concerning, 167, note.
Aruspicy, 89.
Ashmole, Sir Elias, believer in astrology, 67.
Asia, divination in, 88.
Asia Minor, superstition in, 209.
Association, effect on the mind, 35, 155.
Assurances, mistaken ideas about, 18, 45.
Astrologers, faith in coincidences, 88; quibbles and equivocations of, 89; many wise men among, 92, 93.
Astrological calculations, 71, 72, 74.
Astrology, modern votaries of, 65; reasons for investigating, 65; Goethe's belief in, 66; ancient believers in, 66, 67; its strongholds, 66; in the Bible, 67; influence on language and literature, 68; allusions to, 69, 70; the science of, 70; the exact way of judicature in, 74; historical evidence in favor of, 74-78, 80-84; influence on literature, 78; based on multiplicity of coincidences, 78; dependence on astronomy, 79; cause of failures in judicial, 79; Lilly's practice of, 81; the careers of twins alleged against, 84-87; condemned by Luther, 88; how maintained, 100; its meaning, 198.
Astronomical predictions, 103.
Astronomy, dependence of astrology on, 79.
Atmospheric astrology, 70.
Attention, diversion of, 18; concentration of, 25, 28, 34, 37, 42.
Augury, meaning of, 88, 90-92, 219.
Augusta, Ga., Zadkiel's predictions of earthquakes at, 78.
Augustine, Fla., investigations at State Institution for blind and deaf at, 125.
Australia, troubles predicted for, 83; a British nativity confounded in, 88.
Austria, witchcraft in, 32, 201.
Babylon, witchcraft in, 207, 208, 220.
Bacon, Fancis, on charming warts, 21; believer in astrology, 67.
Bacon, Roger, believer in astrology, 67; charged with witchcraft, 210.
Bacteriology enlightens mysteries of witchcraft, 232.
Bailly, J. S., on commission to investigate Mesmer's phenomena, 20.
Balaam's ass, case of, 193.
Baldwin, Joseph C., case of, 164-166.
Baldwin on perpetuation of youth, 272.
Bangs, Dr. N., on impressions, 160.
Baptists, trances among, 2; catalepsy among, 60.
Barnes, George O., healing powers of, 6.
Bathing, Christian Science views on, 253.
Baxter, Richard, views of dreams, 115.
Beaumetz, adventure with Talleyrand, 158, 159.
Bedridden, cure of the, 32, 286.
Beecher, H. W., vigor of, 275.
Belgium influenced by Gemini, 72.
Belief, distinction between religious and ordinary, 63; a new meaning of the word, 251.
Bell, Thomas, case of, 137, 138.
Bell-ringing, mysterious, 191.
Benefics, 73.
Bennett, Prof. J. H., on consumption, 11, 12.
Berkeley, Bishop, alleged originator of mind-healing, 245.
Bethshan, cures at, 5, 15, 52-54.
Bible, used as book of magic, 45, 57; astrology in, 67; dreams mentioned in, 109; teachings on witchcraft, 218-223.
Birds, the dreams of, 123, 124.
Blasphemy, 49, 56, 57, 60.
Blind, cures of the, 2, 27, 39; the dreams of the, 124-127.
Blindness, limitation of curing, 16.
Blood-diseases cured by mental delusion, 21.
Boardman, Rev. W. E., cures by, 5; narrative of cure of broken arm, 54.
Body, effect of mind on, 31.
Bohemia, witchcraft in, 201, 211.
Boismont, A. Brierre de, on dreams, 113; on hallucinations, 170, 171.
Books, etc., quoted:
"American Annals," 126.
"Annals of Surgery," 271.
"Annals of Witchcraft," 213.
"Birds of India," 123.
"Brand's Popular Antiquities," 189.
"British and Foreign Medical Review," 284.
"Century Magazine," 40, 173.
"Chance and Luck," 99.
"Clinical Report on Consumption," Flint's, 11.
"Coke's Institutes," 198.
"Congregationalist, The," 49.
"Cornhill Magazine," 96, 152.
"Crown of Glory, The," 59.
"Curiosities of Literature," 208, 209.
"Der Tod als Freund," 76.
"Descent of Man," 123.
"Dictionary of Astrology," 87.
"Discoverie of Witchcraft," 209.
"Domestic Habits of Birds," 124.
"Dover Gazette," 30.
"Dreams, Nightmare, and Somnambulism," 173.
"Education of the Judgment, The," 63, 64.
"Encyclopædia Britaninca," 192.
"English Past and Present," 68, n.
"English Votaries," 197.
"Fragments of Psychology," 170.
"Galignani's Messenger," 13.
"God, Man, Matter," etc., 248.
"Grammar of Astrology," 70.
"Historical Collections of the Sussex Institute," 224.
"History of Medical Economy during the Middle Ages," 284.
"History of the Town of Rye," 36.
"History of Twins," 85.
"Influence of the Mind upon the Body," 3.
"Iutroduction to Astrology," 71.
"Journal of Medical Science," 11.
"Journal of Psychological Medicine," 148, 149.
"Lancet, The," 11, 272.
"La Presse," 118.
"Lay of the Last Minstrel," 123.
"Lectures on Physiology, etc., of Central Nervous System," 271, n.
"Life of Bangs," 160.
"Life of Tennent," 138.
"Literature, etc., of Dreams," 111, n.
"London Medical Record," 230.
"Macaulay's History of England," 24.
"Medical Critic and Psychological Journal," 128.
"Medical Record," 55.
"Mental Evolution in Animals," 123.
"Mental Physiology," 20.
"Mystery of Healing," 55.
"Newark Courier," 165.
"New Princeton Review," 124.
"Norfolk Beacon," 94.
"Notes and Queries," 164.
"Old Theology in its Application to the Healing of the Sick," 245.
"On Divination," 89.
"Personified Unthinkables," 249, 250.
"Phantasms of the Living," 140.
"Philadelphia Times," 200.
"Philosophy of Apparitions," 185.
"Philosophy of Mystery," 124.
"Physic and Physicians," 284.
"Pneumatolopy," 173, 174.
"Practice of Medicine," 11.
"Princeton Review," 146.
"Provincial Medical Journal," 52.
"Psychological Journal," 157.
"Quarterly Review," 102.
"Rasselas," 184.
"Records of Salem Witchcraft," 225, note, 236.
"Reports of Trials for Murder by Poisoning," 203.
"Romeo and Juliet," 134.
"Salem Witchcraft," 216.
"Saturday Review," 65.
"Science and Health," 240, 245.
"Science of the Stars," 72-76.
"Scrambles among the Alps," 130.
"Selfhood Lost in Godhood," 255.
"Songs of the Russian People," 202.
"Story of the Bacteria," 232.
"Study of Words," 68, note.
"Sun," New York, 199.
"Superstition and Force," 228.
"Supposed Miracles," 23.
"Text-book of Astrology," 67, 79, 87, 88.
"Theory of Apparitions," 186.
"Trial of Witches," 218.
"Visions: a Study of False Sight," 181.
"Zion's Herald," 19.
Boston, Mass., cures by Dr. Newton in, 2; cures of, and death from, consumption, 19.
Boudet on consumption, 12.
Bourbon family, planetary influence over, 76.
Brabant influenced by Gemini, 72.
Brahe,Tycho, believer in astrology, 67.
Braid, Mr., cures by, 27.
Brain, cessation of action of, 116.
Brainerd unable to work miracles, 47.
Brain-fever produced by Gemini, 73.
Bridgman, Laura, the dreams of, 125.
Bright's disease, imaginary, 7; cured by Christian Science, 256.
Britain influenced by Aries, 72.
Brodie, Sir Benjamin, cases authenticated by, 20; confessions of, 99; on dreams, 116.
Brooke, Sir Robert, examination of Mr. Lilly, 80.
Brougham, Lord, views on dreaming, 116.
Brown-Sequard, Dr. C. E., report of case of insanity, 270.
Brunswick influenced by Aries, 72.
Bryant, Dr., cures by, 33; quarrel with Dr. Newton, 34, 35.
Bulgaria, witchcraft in, 201.
Burglauer, cure of a student of, 4.
Burgundy influenced by Aries, 72.
Bury, Agnes, planetary influence over, 76.
Business affairs foretold by astrology, 70.
Buzzell, Dr., cure of cholera by, 286.
Byron, Lord, allusion to astrology, 69; on ghosts and apparitions, 190.
Calvin, John, unable to work miracles, 47; connection with witchcraft, 212.
Canaanites, witchcraft among, 208.
Canada, trouble predicted for, 83; witchcraft in, 200, 201.
Cancer, cures of, 5, 15; mistaken diagnoses of, 8; quack methods concerning, 8; of stomach, fatal case, 58; inability of mental healers to cure, 283.
Capua influenced by Aries, 72.
Cardan of Milan, astrologer, 67; his horoscope of Luther, 88.
Carey unable to work miracles, 47.
Carpenter, Dr. W. B., cases authenticated by, 20, 23; investigations by, 27; on dreams, 131.
Carrol, Ned, case of, 165.
Catalepsy or conversion? 60.
Cause and effect, establishment of law of, 79.
Cellini, Benvenuto, hallucinations of, 169.
Census of hullucinations of the sane, 171, 172.
Chaldea, astrology in, 66.
Chaldean astrologers, contention of Diogenes with, 84.
Chaldeans, witchcraft among, 208.
Chance, laws of, 99, 100; possibilities of, 164.
Character foretold by astrology, 70.
Charity begins at home, 59.
Charles II., touches for scrofula, 24; planetary influence over, 76.
Charleston, S. C., the earthquake a "judgment," 60; Zadkiel's predictions concerning earthquakes at, 78.
Charlotte of Mexico, planetary influence over, 76.
Chaucer, believer in astrology, 67.
Chemicalization, 253, 254.
Chemistry, planetary influence over, 73; coincidences of, 103.
Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, vision of, 180.
Chester Cathedral, touching for scrofula at, 24.
Chickering, Prof. J. W., Jr., on the dreams of the deaf, 126.
Children, illusions among, 172, 173; diseases of, 278.
China, astrology in, 66; witchcraft in, 207.
Chloroform, effects of, 118.
Cholera, effect of mental impressions in panic of, 51.
Christ, miracles of, 38-42, 45, 47; question of his subjection to limitations marking faith-healers, 39; doctrines of, 40; no account of failures by, 42; his works unparalleled by Christian faith-healers, 42; how his claims sustained, 47; investigation of his miracles, 61-63; resurrection of, 62; apparition of the risen, 195.
Christian, his resort in extremis, 44.
Christian faith-healers, claims of, practically discredited, 41.
Christianity, not responsible for faith-healing delusion, 46; cause injured by faith-healers, 46.
Christianity and witchcraft, 209-212.
Christian religion, the part of dreams in, 109.
Christian Science, 239 et seq.; the technical language of, 250, 251; distinguished from faith cure, 262, 263; views on surgery, 269; absurdity of the scheme, 275; explanation of alleged success of, 275 et seq.
Christian Science institutes, 242.
Christian Science mind-healing, course of tuition in, 242.
Christian Scientist Association, 241, 242.
Christian Scientists, cant of, 251.
Chronic cases, cures of, 15.
Church of Christ, 241.
Church-wall mortar, cure by, 49.
Cicero, on destinies of twins, 84; on divination, 89-92; on the Oracle of Delphi, 91, 92; on dreams, 109, 110, 135.
Circulatory system, effect of concentrated attention on, 25, 37, 38.
Clairvoyance, 139, 154; Mrs. Eddy on, 261.
Clairvoyants, how regarded by Christian Scientists, 252.
Clarke, Dr. E. H., on visions of the dying, 181.
Coincidences, multiplicity of, 78; in English history, 81, 82; of other events, 82, 83; what necessary to form a law, 83; astrologers' faith in, 88; the support of divination, 89, 92, 93; frequency of, 93; in names, 93, 94, 100, 101; in dates, 94, 95; as regards Friday, 94, 95; in last words, 95, 96; in marriages, 96; in resemblances, 96; in medicine, 98, 99; in chances, 99, 100; of the letter M, 100, 101; their interpretation, 102-106; Prof. Airy on, 100; possibilities of, 106; impartiality of, 146; incomputability of, 147.
Coke, Lord, on witchcraft, 198.
Colchester, manifestations by, 97, 98.
Cole, Major, assistant to Mr. Simpson, 49.
Coleridge, S. T., composition of "Kubla Khan" by, 114, 115.
Columbus, coincidences regarding, 94.
Comet B, connection with death of Garfield, 75, 82.
Comets, Shakspere's mention of, 69.
Common cause, inquiry as to, 19 et seq.
Common sense cannot be supplanted by prayer, 161.
Communists, violence by, predicted for Paris, 83.
Condorcet on dreams, 131.
Confessions of witchcraft, retraction of, 227-229, 234.
Congenital affections, limitation of faith cures of, 16.
Congregationalists, trances among, 2; catalepsy among, 60.
Connecticut, Millerites and Adventists in, 2; Mrs. Mix's cures in, 6; witchcraft in, 213, 214.
Constantine favored torture, 228.
Constantine of Russia, planetary influence on, 76.
Constipation, cure of obstinate, 25.
Consumption, cures of, 5; imaginary, 7; simulated by liver diseases, 7; deceitful character of, 9, 10; frequent spontaneous recoveries from, 10, 12; in Scotland, 11; Prof. J. H. Bennett on, 11; one of Dr. Cullis's cures, 19; case of Dr. Newton's daughter, 35; planetary influence on, 73; inability of mental healers to cure, 283.
Contracted joints, cures of, 4, 38.
Conversion, what is, 60, 61.
Convictions, strength of, 154.
Convulsions, cures of, 15.
Correspondence, cures by, 5, 259, 260, 282.
Cotton famine in England, planetary influence on, 82.
Courage, planetary influence on, 73; views of Christian Scientists on, 252.
Cracow influenced by Aries, 72.
Criticism, cure by, 286, 287.
Crœsus, prophecy concerning, 92.
Croup produced by Gemini, 73.
Crucifixion, the, 40.
Cruelty, planetary influence on, 73.
Cruveilhier on consumption, 12.
Crystal Palace, illusion at burning of, 189).
Cullis. Dr. Chas., cures by, 5, 15; failures of, 16; a cure of consumption and its results, 19; story of cure of broken arm, 54.
Cures, testimony as to, 6-14; condition of patients prior to alleged, 13, 14; imaginary or exaggerated, 14; have the facts a common cause? 14, 19 et seq.; limitations of, 15-19; extolled, 19; by natural mental causes, 20-25.
Current events, knowledge of, imparted by dreams, 136 et seq.
Daniel an astrologer, 67.
Daphne a diviner, 209.
Darcet on commission to investigate Mesmer's phenomena, 26.
Dates, coincidences in, 94, 95.
Davy, Sir Humphrey, cure of paralysis by, 25.
Day-dreaming, 120.
Dead, raising the, 2; raised by Christ, 39; consulting the, 89; reappearance of the, 184 et seq.
Deaf, cured by Christ, 39; dreams of the, 125-127.
Deafness, limitation of curing. 16; cures of, 16.
Death, possibility of escaping, 2; inevitability of, 44; coincidences in the hour of, 102, 103; effects of fear of, on mind, 130; foretold in dreams, 136 et seq.; dreams of, 140, 145, 147; presentiments concerning, 162, 168; Christian Science view of, 275.
Deferment of percipience, 140.
Deiotarus, King, belief in divination, 90.
Delirious persons, extraordinary strength shown by, 51.
Delirium, its causes and effects, 119.
Delphi, oracle at, 90.
Del Rio on torture, 228.
Delusions, encouraged by faith-healing doctrine, 45; self-perpetuating, 46.
Dementia, lack of evidence of cure of, 16; the dreams of, 128.
Democritus, belief in astrology, 66, 79.
Demonology, 198.
Denmark, influenced by Aries, 72; witchcraft in, 202.
Dentist, use of animal magnetism by, 1.
De Quincey, Thomas, experiences, 117.
Detroit, cures by Dr. Bryant at, 33, 34.
Devil, how he affects dreams, 149.
Devils, cast out by Christ, 39; cast out by SS. Peter and Paul, 41; cures attributed to, 45.
"Devil's Sonata," composition of, 115.
Diagnosis, how mistaken, plays into hands of faith healers, 25.
Dice throwing, wager on, 99, 100.
Diet, how regarded by Christian Scientists, 252.
Diogenes the Stoic, on destinies of twins, 84.
Diphtheria cured by criticism. 286, 287.
Disease, cured without medicine, 2; simulated by hysteria, 7; difficulties of diagnosis, 11; resistance of, 14; Christian doctrine for cases of, 44; predicated, 83.
Diseases, imaginary, 7; external or internal, 7; produced by Aries, 72, 73; by Gemini, 73.
Diseases of accumulation, how influenced, 38.
Divination, 88-93. 198; how maintained, 89, 92, 93, 106; condemned by Moses, 219.
Divine healing, A. B. Simpson on, 49.
Divine mind and its ideas the only realities, 243.
Diviners, 92, 93.
Divine will, 50.
Divining-rod, the Bible as a, 57.
Divining-rods, 207.
Doctrine of chances, use of, in investigation, 142, 143.
Dog, a somnambulistic, 124; mental commands to a, 267, 268.
Dogs and apparitions, 193.
Dove, trial of, 203.
Dover, N. H., séance at, 30-32.
Drake, S. G., on witchcraft, 205, 213, 232.
Dream, picking up the lost thread of a, 121.
Dream expounding, 207.
Dreaming, as inducing somnambulism, 124; differentiated from insanity, 133.
Dreaming sleep distinguished from revery, 120.
Dreaming that one is dreaming, 131.
Dreams, superstition about, 45; the food of superstition, 57; their cause, investigation, and influence, 107-111, 115-150; analogies of, 115-122; phenomena of, 121-150; of the aged, 127, 128; compared with reveries, 129; vividness of, 129; premonitions of future events in, 136 et seq.; recurrence of, 137-139, 141, 144-146, 150; correspondences of, 140, 141; coinciding, 145; responsibility for, 148; rational use of, 148-150; how affected by the devil, 149; as evidences of acceptance with God, 149; habit of narrating, 150; as precursors of nervous prostration, 150; relation to presentiments, 152; persistence of, 173.
Dream state, passage from, to the waking state, 121.
Dropsy, cures of, 21, 38, 276; planetary influence on, 73.
Drugs, effects of, 117-119; Christian Science view of, 264-267, 276.
Dryden, Charles, horoscope of, 67.
Dryden, John, believer in astrology, 67; on foreboding, 152.
Duff unable to work miracles, 47.
Dying, visions of the, 181-184.
Dyspepsia, simulations of other diseases by, 7; I am treated by Dr. Bryant for, 33.
Dyspeptic, prayer for a, 258, 259.
Ear, healing of the cut-off, by Christ, 40.
Earthquake a "judgment," 60.
Eurthquakes, foretold by astrology, 70; Zadkiel's predictions of, 78, 83.
Ecclesiasticus on medicine and physicians, 290, 291.
Eclipses, predictions of, 103.
Eddy, Mrs. M. B. G., discoverer of the science of metaphysical healing, 239 et seq.; value of her books, 252; cure of heart-disease by, 260, 282; on mesmerism, 261; on spiritualism, 261; on clairvoyance, 261; on faith cure, 261; on food, 263; on drugs, 264; on poisons, 266; on physical wounds, 269; on insanity, 270; on perpetuation of youth, 272, 273, 275; belief in immortality of, 275; experiments with homeopathy, 275, 276; failures of, 282, 283.
Egypt, astrology in, 66; witchcraft in, 207, 208, 220; influenced by Gemini. 72.
Electricity, 117; relation to phenomena of witchcraft, 232; an element of mortal mind, 244.
Electro-biology, 27, 135.
Elijah, test of Divine power, 45.
Ellis on apparitions, 188, 189.
Emerson, R. W., alleged originator of mind-healing, 245.
Emotional cure, 25.
Emotional excitement, 51, 61.
Empyrean, the Order of the, 250.
Enchantment, 32, 198, 201.
Endor, the Witch of, 221-223.
England, Faith Homes in, 59; influenced by Gemini, 72; civil war in, 75; cotton famine in, 75; influenced by Aries, 75; witchcraft in, 203, 204, 206, 212, 237.
Englewood, N. J., supposed miracle at, 23, 24.
English, belief in witchcraft among, 198, 199, 201-203.
Epilepsy, visions attending, 169.
Epileptics cured by Christ, 39.
Esau, planetary influence over, 85; dissimilarity from Jacob, 85, 86.
Ether, effects of, 118.
Europe, troublous times in, 81; divination in, 88.
Eutychus restored to life by St. Paul, 41.
Evans, Dr. W. F., on mind-healing, 249; differs from Mrs. Eddy and Miss Taylor, 257.
Evidence, probable and conclusive, 10, 11; heating of minds of witnesses, 12; dangers of admitting without allowance, 13, 14; conditions on which its value depends, 14; Lord Gardenstone's researches, 18, 19; importance of accurate, 29, note; as to Christ's miracles, 61-63; the examination of, 78 et seq.; rules of, 227. See also Testimony.
Evil eye, the, 201.
Exercise, how regarded by Christian Scientists, 252.
Expectancy, 28, 42.
Expectations of life, 105.
External diseases, testimony to cure of, 8.
Extreme unction, 43, note; cures by refusal of, 286.
Eye cannot be restored by faith, 38.
Failures, unrecorded, 59.
Faith, efficacy of, 2, 34; stimulation of, 5; cures by, 6; limits scrutiny of testimony, 15; disappointments to, 16; cases of mistaken, 17; not essential in healing-works of Christ and apostles, 41, 42; the tests of, 42; maintained by coincidences, 89; as means to cure, 278; a potent cause in awakening, 281.
Faith vs. medical skill, 17.
Faith-cure, a pitiable superstition, 45; Mrs. Eddy on, 261; distinguished from Christian Science, 262, 263.
Faith-cures, bearings of occult causes upon, 26 et seq.
Falth-healers, comparison of cures with those of other sects, 15, 38; dissensions among, 16; limitations of powers, 38; claims to supernatural powers discredited, 42; dispense with oil, 43; representations concerning God's methods, 44, 45; failures of, 46, 52-55; their defense examined, 46-49; atrocious doctrines of, 57; compared with Christian Scientists, 279, 283.
Faith-healing, produces selfishness, 45; tendency to mental derangement, 46.
Faith-healing phenomena, root questions concerning, 3.
Faith-homes, 57-60.
Fancy as means to cure, 278.
Faraday, on future life, 63, 64; planetary influence on, 76.
Female complaints, 7, 15.
Ferdinand II., planetary influence on, 76.
Fever, attempted cure by faith, 2; a fatal case of African, 17; visions produced by, 169.
Fever and ague simulated by hysteria, 7.
Figure of the heavens, a, 71, 72, 74.
Finger cannot be restored by faith, 38.
Fire, arousing will-power by, 50.
Fires, prediction of great, 81, 83.
Fixed stars, influence of, 73.
Flamsteed, believer in astrology, 67.
Flanders influenced by Gemini, 72.
Flint, Prof., on consumption, 11.
Flint, Mich., investigations at institution for blind and deaf, 125, 426.
Florence influenced by Aries, 72.
Fluxes cured by mental delusion, 21.
Flying in the air, 113.
Folk-lore, 199.
Food, Christian Science views of, 263, 264.
Forbes, Sir John, on vis medicatrix naturæ, 277; on mental remedies, 284.
Force of manner, speech, or thought, 42.
Forebodings, 152, 153.
Forgery of signatures, 104.
Foster, Charles, manifestations of, 97, 98.
France, witchcraft in, 201, 211.
Franklin, Benjamin, on commission to investigate Mesmer's phenomena, 26; effect of dreams on 131.
Freaks of nature, 274.
Friday, coincidences regarding, 94, 95.
Fright, beneficial effect of, 22.
Fuertes, Prof., testimony as to Towne séance, 29, 31.
Future, foretelling the, 71.
Future events foretold in dreams, 136 et seq.
Future life, Faraday on, 63, 64.
Galen, belief in astrology, 66.
Galvinism, supposed action of, 22.
Gardenstone, Lord, researches of, 18.
Garfield, Gen., cometary influence on death of, 75, 76, 82; presentiment concerning assassination of, 166, 167, note.
Gases, action of, relation to phenomena of witchcraft, 232.
Gassner, Father Joseph, cures by, 5, 15; influence on Mesmer, 28.
Gautier, Théophile, on the effects of hashish, 118.
Gemini, influence of, 72, 73, 75, 77, 82.
George III., planetary influence on, 76.
Germany, witchcraft in, 32, 201, 212; influenced by Aries, 72; torture in, 228.
Ghosts, 194, 201.
God, power of, 12, 154; pecuniary needs of, 57; the Christian Scientists' views of, 244; personality of, 538.
Goethe, influence of planets on his birth, 66; belief in astrology 66; visions of, 169; compared with Shakspere, 196.
Going out with the tide, 102.
Gordon, Rev. Mr., relation of cure of broken arm, 55.
Gout, cure of, 38.
Grant, Gen., planetary influence on surrender of Lee to, 75.
Great Britain, nativity in, confounded in Australia, 88.
Great Plague predicted, 77.
Greece, astrology in, 66; divination in, 89; witchcraft in, 201; belief in apparitions in, 187.
Greek churches, cures in, 4, 5.
Greeks, witchcraft among, 209.
Green, Chancellor H. W., on Tennent's case, 146, 147.
Greenberger, Prof., on the dreams of the deaf, 126.
Green-stick fracture of forearm, 55.
Greenwood, Frank, case of, 165.
Gregory, Dr., effect of dreams on, 131.
Grey, Sir George Francis, anecdote of, 96, 97.
Griesinger, on hallucinations, 169, 171.
Grimke, Mrs., on mental healing, 249, 250.
Grotesque ideas, conception of, 133.
Gustavus IV., planetary influence on, 76.
Habitual visions, 176, 181.
Hale, Hon. John P., coincidence of name, 94.
Hale, Rev. Mr., on witchcraft, 233, 235.
Hale, Sir Matthew, on witchcraft, 218; the stained ermine of, 197.
Hall, Dr. Marshall, on fatal diseases of children, 278.
Hall, Prof. G. S., on Laura Bridgman's dreams, 125; on work of Society for Psychical Research, 139.
Hallucinations, 168-181.
Hamilton, Sir William, on dreams, 115.
"Hamlet," the ghost in, 196.
Hartley, Dr. David, on dreams, 150.
Hashish, effects of, 117-119, 169.
Hazzard on Christian Science, 259-261.
Head, fractures of, produced by Gemini, 73; visions produced by blows on, 169.
Headache cured by silver dollar, 22.
Heart-diseases, simulated by hysteria and indigestion, 7; value of testimony as to cure of, 8; fatal case at an anointing service, 49; cured by Mrs. Eddy, 259, 260, 282.
Heathen compared with Spiritualists, 48.
Heller, Brother, African missionary scheme, 59.
Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, vision of, 180.
Hercules, influence of, 73.
Heredity, influence of, 86, 87.
Heresy and witchcraft, 211, 212.
Herodotus on dreams, 110.
Hibbert, Dr., on apparitions, 185.
Hieroglyphics, Lilly's, 77, 78, 80, 81.
Hill, Dr. L. G., at Dover séance, 30.
Hip-joint, dislocated, cured by mental surgery, 269.
Hippocrates, belief in astrology, 66.
Hobgoblin, vision of a, 173.
Hohenlohe, Prince, cures by, 3, 4, 15.
Holland, Sir Henry, cases authenticated by, 20; experience in dreaming, 116; on sleep, 121; on somnambulism, 135.
Holy Trinity, cure in name of, 56, 57.
Homeopathy, Mrs. Eddy's experiments with, 275, 276.
Homer, praises astrology, 67; origin of some of his verses, 209.
Horace, praises astrology, 67; on witchcraft, 209.
Horary astrology, 70.
Horoscope, casting a, 71-74; inverting a, 88.
Horse educated in physiology, 268.
Horseshoe as a charm, 200.
Houdin, Robert, mission to Algiers, 48.
Hugo, Victor, definition of prayer, 255.
Human destiny, influence of the heavens upon, 71.
Human knowledge, limitations of, 18.
Human mortality, laws of, 18.
Human nature, excesses of, 237.
Hume, David, alleged originator of mind-healing, 245.
Humerus, fracture of, cure of, 52.
Humphrey, Rev. J. L., testimony as to mental impressions, 50, 51.
Hungary, vampyrism in, 188; witchcraft in, 201, 211.
Hunter, John, cases authenticated by, 20, 25.
Hunterdon County, N. J., curious case in, 137, 138.
Hurd, Dr. Henry M., on imperative conceptions, 162, 163, note.
Hussites accused of witchcraft, 211.
Hutchinson on Massachusetts procedure, 224.
Hutchinson, Dr., on impostures, 229.
Hygiene, importance of, 19; ignored by Christian Science, 254.
Hypnotism, artificial somnambulism, 135; relation to witchcraft, 230.
Hypochondria, simulations of other diseases by, 7; the dreams of, 128.
Hysteria, peculiarities of, 7; simulation of diseases by, 7, 9, 24, 25; the dreams of, 128; epidemic, 217, 230, 231.
Ideas, transfer of, 154; vivid, 157.
Identity, mistaken, 96, 189-192; loss of, in dreams, 129.
Ideomania, 31.
Idiocy, lack of evidence of cure of, 16.
Images, their presentation, 129.
Imagination, cure of paralysis by, 25; as an adjunct to medicine, 265.
Imitation, principle of, 231.
Imperative conceptions and impressions, 160-162, 163, note.
Imposition of hands, 258.
Impressions, superstition about, 45; vivid, 157; allied to presentiments, 160.
Incantations, 207.
Incredulity, sometimes favorable to impression, 37.
Incubus, 112, 113.
India, witchcraft in, 207.
Indian medicine-men, compared with Spiritualists, 48.
Indians, witch-doctors among, 32; Brainerd's experience among, 47, note.
Indigestion, simulation of other diseases by, 7.
Infants, the dreams of, 122, 127.
Inflammatory affections, cure of, 23, 24, 38.
Influence, peculiarity of the word, 68.
Innocent III., action against witchcraft, 211.
Insane, the dreams of the, 128; hallucinations of the, 168, 273.
Insane asylums, faith-homes' contributions to their population, 59.
Insanity, 269-272; tendency of faith-healing to, 46; planetary influence on, 76; differentiated from dreaming, 133.
Inspirati, the Order of the, 250.
Internal disease, diagnosis of, 7.
Internal organs, displacements of, 38.
Intoxication, its likeness to delirium, 119.
Inunction, utility of, 42.
Inundations foretold by astrolopy, 70.
Investigation hindered by superstition, 92.
Ireland, witchcraft in, 203, 212.
Irish, belief in witchcraft among, 198, 199, 203.
Isaiah, on astrology, 67; on witchcraft, 208, 219.
Israelites, witchcraft among, 208, 209, 219.
Italy, witchcraft in, 201.
"It sometimes happens that way," 56.
Jacob, planetary influence over, 85; dissimilarity from Esau, 85, 86.
Jacob's ladder, a novel, 172.
James I., laws against witchcraft, 212.
Japan, witchcraft in, 207.
Jastrow, Joseph, on the dreams of the blind, 124, 125.
Jeremiah, on astrology, 67; on idolatry, 221.
Jesuits, horror of, at miracle wrought on Pascal's niece, 24.
Joan of Arc, 211.
Johnson, Dr., a dream of, 129; on apparitions, 184.
Johnson, Pres., dreams concerning, 167, note.
Joints, supposed injuries to, 8, 9; contraction of, 38.
Joseph, the dreams of, 109.
Judea influenced by Aries, 72.
Judson unable to work miracles, 47.
Jugglers, harmony with methods of nature, 103.
Jugglery responsible for many apparitions, 191.
Julien, planetary influence on, 76.
Jupiter, influence of, 66, 68, 73, 75, 81, 82, 87, 88.
Keeping up appearances, 13, 14.
Kepler, believer in astrology, 67.
Kidneys, excitation of, through fright, 22.
King's evil. See Scrofula.
Kingston on consumption, 12.
King's touch, efficacy of, 24.
Knapp, S. L., on witchcraft, 205.
Knitting-needles, cure of rheumatism by, 23, 24.
Knock, cures at, 4, 49.
Knox, John, unable to work miracles, 47.
Krackowitzer, Dr., action in case of hysteria, 24, 25.
"Kubla Khan," its composition, 114, 115.
Laennec on consumption, 12.
Lameness, cures of, 2, 4, 5, 34, 39, 41.
Lang, Andrew, on apparitions, 192, 193.
Language, influence of astrology on, 68.
Lapland, witchcraft in, 202.
Latent energy, development of, 18, 38.
Latent strength, 51.
Lavoisier on commision to investigate Mesmer's phenomena, 26.
Laws of chance, 103, 104.
Laying on of hands, 3.
Lea, Henry C., on torture, 228.
Lecky on sorcery, 209.
Lee, Gen., planetary influence on surrender of, 75.
Lepers cleansed by Christ, 39.
Leuret, hallucinations of, 169.
Lewis, Charlton T., on witchcraft in Germany, 212.
Life, relation to thought, 247.
Life insurance, principles of, 104, 105.
Lightning, divination by, 89.
Lilly, W., figure drawn to decide the question of Presbytery in England, 74; prediction of the Great Fire and Great Plague of London, 77; examined before Parliament on prophecies, 80; practice of astrology by, 81; acknowledgment by, 93.
Limbs, cannot be restored by faith, 38; restoration by Christ of cut-off, 39.
Lincoln, President, presentiment concerning assassination of, 166, note.
Literature, influence of astrology on, 68, 78.
Liver, diseases of, mistaken for consumption, 7.
Lloyd, Dr. J. H., investigation of cure of broken arm, 55.
Lockjaw cured by tractors, 22.
Lombardy, influenced by Gemini, 72.
London, influenced by Gemini, 72, 77; predicted conflagration in, 73, 77; the Great Plague in, 77.
Longfellow, H. W., on witchcraft, 237.
Long Island, witchcraft in, 214.
Lorraine, vampyrism in, 188.
Lost dogs traced by astrology, 81.
Lourdes, cures at, 4, 15; efficacy of water from, 4, 5; value of testimony to cures at, 8; phenomena at, 49.
"Luminary," steamship, experience on the, 166, 167.
Lunacy, as result of genuine conversion, 61; planetary influence on, 73.
Lunatics, cured by Christ, 39; extraordinary strength shown by. 51.
Luther, Martin, unable to work miracles, 47; condemns astrology, 88; hallucinations of, 177, 178; belief in witchcraft, 211.
Lyttleton, Lord, case of, 163.
M, coincidences of the letter, 100, 101.
Madden, Dr., biography of St. Theresa, 176.
Magi astrologers, 67.
Magic, 92, 197, 198; the Bible as a book of, 57.
Magical rites, cures by, 32.
Magisni, 207.
Magnetic belts, 10.
Magnetic fluid, exploded theory about, 27, 28.
Magnetic healers, relative success of, 15.
Magnetism, a subjective condition, 27; relation to phenomena of witchcraft, 232.
Magnetizers, relapses among, 19; comparisons of cures with those of other sects, 38, 42.
Magnets, renounced by Mesmer, 28, 43; utility of, 42.
Magpie an accnrsed bird in Russia, 203.
Maimed persons healed by Christ, 39.
Maine, witchcraft in, 205.
Malifics, 73.
Malignant pustule, 8.
Manasseh practised magic, 209.
Manno witness of Tasso's hallucination, 169.
Mange, mental cure for, 267.
Manheim, Dorothea Trudel's cures at, 5.
Maniac dreams, 128.
Manipulation, Mesmer's method, 28; ignored by Christian Science, 253, 254.
Mαντική 89.
Maria of Portugal, planetary influence on, 78.
Marriage, coincidences in, 96.
Mars, influence of, 69, 73, 76, 87.
Marseilles influenced by Aries and Gemini, 72.
Marshall, Sir John, on vis medicatrix naturæ, 277.
Marston, Dr., on mental healing, 248, 249, 262; on drugs, 264, 265; on faith-healing, 279; on self-cure, 289.
Martyn unable to work miracles, 47.
Massachusetts, witchcraft in, 205, 213, 218, 225-227, 229, 231, 233-236; judicial procedure in, 224.
Massachusetts Metaphysical College, 239.
Massavielle, grotto of, cures at, 4.
Materia medica, apparent inconsistencies of, 246, 247.
Mathematical problems worked out in dreams, 131-133.
Mathew, Father, cures by, 4; value of testimony to cures by, 8.
May, coincidence regarding, 94.
Measles produced by Aries, 73.
Media, witchcraft in, 207, 220.
Medical works, how regarded by Christian Scientists, 251.
Medicine, tendencies of schools in, 15; coincidences in, 98, 99; ignored by Christian Science, 254; aided by imagination, 265.
Mediumship, Mrs. Eddy on, 261.
Melancholia, cures of, 16.
Melbourne influenced by Gemini, 72.
Memory, connection of dreams with, 130.
Mental cure, 25.
Mental delusion, cures by, 21.
Mental derangements, cures of, 16.
Mental disease, planetary influence on, 76.
Mental excitement, effects of, 51.
Mental healers compared with faith healers, 282, 283.
Mental impressions, effect of, 51.
Mental influence, inefficacious if delusion shown, 22.
Mental physiology, error in, 50.
Mental powers, limitations of, 63, 64.
Mental practices, subtle, 254.
Mental process, prayer answered by, 44.
Mental state, cause of phenomena, 28.
Mental stimulus develops latent energy, 38.
Mental treatment, 257.
Mercury, influence of, 66, 68, 76, 88.
Mesmer, trances under his performances, 26; influence of Gassner on, 28; dispenses with magnets, 43.
Mesmeric healers, relative success of, 15.
Mesmerism, a subjective condition, 27; cure of paralysis attributed to, 27; artificial somnambulism, 135; Mrs. Eddy on, 261.
Metaphysical healing, discovery of the science of, 239.
Metaphysical obstetrics, 242.
Meteorological phenomena, relation to phenomena of witchcraft, 232.
Methodists, trances among, 2; catalepsy among, 60; visions among the early, 177.
Mexico, financial troubles prophesied for, 83; witchcraft in, 201.
Miller, Mrs., on cure by criticism, 286, 287.
Millerites, 2.
Mind, action of passes on, 27; effect of, upon body, 31; effect on its faculties, 31; its action in dreaming, 129; excitation of, by fear of death, etc., 130; phenomena of, 157; causation, 240; governs the body, 253.
Mind cure, 239 et seq.; basis in laws of nature, 38; nature at the root of success in, 277, 278; relation to ordinary medical practice, 289.
Mind-Curers, comparison of cures with those of other sects. 15, 38, 42; difference between faith-healers and, 279.
Mind healing, alleged originators of, 245.
Minds, influence over each other in dreams, 108.
Miracle, an explained, 55.
Miracles, surpassing; those of the Disciples, 13; truthfulness of the record of Christ's, 40; beyond powers of the best Christians, 47; investigation of Christ's, 61-63.
Missing link, a, 52-55.
Missionaries, testimony of, 32; inability to work miracles, 47.
Mix, Mrs., cures by, 6, 15.
Mohammedan priests, reputed power to work miracles, 47.
Monthly prognosticators, 67.
Montreal, cures in, 4.
Moon, influence of, 66, 75, 76; affliction of, 73.
Moore, Tom, planetary influence on, 76.
Moravia, vampyrism in, 188.
Morbid growths, cures of, 38.
Morgan, Mrs., testimony from Adelaide, Australia, 12, 13.
Mormons, cures by, 35-37; comparisons of cures with those of other sects, 38; cures attributed to devils, 45.
Morphy, Paul, planetary influence on, 76.
Moses, laws against witchcraft, 219, 220.
Mundane astrology, 70.
Murad V., planetary influence on, 76.
Muscles, lack of control of, during sleep, 135.
Myler, S. B., African missionary scheme of, 59.
Mysteries, the key to many, 191, 192.
Mysterious dreams analyzed, 136-148.
Mysterious noises, 231.
Mystery, as adjunct to healing powers, 23, 42; in mind-cure, 38.
Names, coincidences in, 93, 94.
Napier, Baron, believer in astrology, 67.
Naples influenced by Aries, 72.
Napoleon, Louis, downfall predicted, 84; coincidences in life of, 100, 101.
Napoleons and the letter M, 100.
Nativities, 70-74.
Natural causes in so-called cures, 10, 19 et seq.
Natural principles, determination of questions on, 20.
Natural susceptibility, 3.
Nature, healing forces of, 277.
Nausea cured by silver dollar, 22.
Nebuchadnezzar, the dreams of, 109.
Necromancy, 198.
Negroes, influence of witch-doctors among, 32, 33; compared with Spiritualists, 48; catalepsy among, 60; hallucinations among, 172; apparitions to, 188; witchcraft among, 200, 201.
Nelson, Lord, inefficacy of his charm, 200.
Neptune, discovery of, 79, 103; influence of, 79.
Nerval, Gerard de, planetary influence on, 76.
Nerves, sensation of pain in, 244.
Nervous debility, effects of faith in, 38.
Nervous diseases, effect of concentrated attention on, 37, 38.
Nervous prostration, dreams as precursors of, 150.
Neuralgia, cure of, 15, 38.
New England, witchcraft in, 197, 200, 205, 206, 212-218, 223-237.
New Hampshire, case of exercise of will power in, 50.
New Jersey, witchcraft in, 206.
New Testament, examining the testimony of the, 39-43; no account of relapses in, 42; warrant for prayer for the sick, 43; doctrine of highest good, 43.
Newton, Bishop, on dreams, 115.
Newton, Dr., cures by, 2, 15, 33, 34; failures of, 16; quarrel with Dr. Bryant, 34, 35; cures attributed to devils, 45.
New York city, cures by Dr. Simpson, 6.
New York State, witchcraft in, 206, 214.
New York School of Primitive and Practical Christian Science, 258.
Nicholson, T. M., cured of fracture of humerus, 52-54.
Nightmare, 108, 109, 111-113, 134.
Nitrous-oxid gas, effects of, 117, 118.
Noises, mysterious, 191-194.
Northend, Hon. W. D., on Massachusetts procedure, 224, 227.
Norway, witchcraft in, 202.
Notoriety, an unwished-for, 55.
Number three, associations of, 144.
Nursery of Faith, 5.
Nutrition, how affected by concentration of attention, 25, 38.
Obtaining money under false pretenses, 58-60.
Occult causes, cures by, 26 et seq.
Occult forces, investigation of, 20.
Ocean Park, N. J., "judgments" at, 60
Odylic force, healing by, 290.
Oil, anointing with, 5, 42, 43.
Old Orchard, cures at, 6; value of testimony to cures at, 8; failures at, 16; "Zion's Herald" on faith-healing convention at, 19.
Omens, 151, 201, 207.
Oneida Community, cure of disease at, 286, 287.
Onymus, Prof., testimony to Prince Hohenlohe's cures, 3, 4.
Opium, effects of, 117, 169.
Oracle of Delphi, Cicero on, 91, 92.
Oratorical spells, 128.
Ostrogoths, witchcraft among, 210.
Ovarian tumor, simulated by hysteria, 9; failure in case of, 17, 18; case of, 33.
Ovid on witchcraft, 209.
Ox without a heart, 91.
Padua influenced by Aries, 72.
Pagan priests, reputed power to work miracles, 47, 48.
Pagans, parity with Christian faith-healers, 42.
Pain, effect of excitement on, 51; sensation of, in a removed limb, 244.
Palestine influenced by Aries, 72.
Palmistry, 88.
Palsy, cured by Christ, 39; produced by Aries, 73.
Pantheist priests, reputed power to work miracles, 47.
Paralysis, cures of, 1, 3-5, 15, 25, 27, 34; simulated by hysteria, 7; planetary influence on, 173.
Paralytic dreams, 128.
Paris, troubles predicted for, 83.
Paris, Dr., on the use of drugs, 278.
Pascal, Blaise, miracle wrought on his niece, 24; hallucinations of, 169.
Passes, utility of, 27, 42.
Paul, Emperor, planetary influence on, 76.
Paul, Jean, hallucinations of, 169.
Pearce, A. J., prediction of, 73.
Peekskill. N. Y., sudden death of candidate for divine healing at, 49.
Peel, anecdote of Byron and, 190.
Peerage, prophesied effort to abolish, 83.
Peet, Harvey P., on the dreams of the deaf, 125.
Peirce, Prof., on law of chance, 104.
Pennsylvania, witchcraft in, 199, 200, 215.
Penn, William, on witchcraft, 215.
Pequot Indians, law regulating, 214.
Perfectionists, 2.
Perkins, Dr., his metallic tractors, 22.
Persia, astrology in, 66; witchcraft in, 207, 220.
Personal characteristics influenced by the signs of the Zodiac, 72, 73, 76, 82, 84-87.
Pestilences foretold by astrology, 70.
Pharaoh, the dreams of, 109.
Phenicians, witchcraft among, 208, 220.
Phenomena, investigation of, 20, 105, 106.
Phipps, Sir William, action in New England witchcraft, 224.
Photography, invention of, 103.
Physical disease, causes of, 255.
Physical touch, claim for, 50.
Physicians, diagnoses by, 7.
Physiology, how regarded by Christian Scientists, 251.
Pilgrims, penalties for witchcraft enacted by, 213.
Pitcher, Moll, 205.
Plagues, frequency of, in Europe, 81.
Planets, influence of, 66 et seq.; affliction of, 73; malefic, 73, 75.
Plato, statue struck by lightning, 89; on dreams, 110.
Pliny, on sleep and dreams, 122, 123.
Poetry, composed in dreams, 131.
Poisons, effects of, 266; Christian Science view of, 266, 267.
Poland influenced by Aries, 72.
Post-mortem examinations, conclusive evidence, 11; ignored by Christian Scientists, 272.
Prayer, healing by, 2, 4-6; efficacy of, by individual healers, 15; claims of efficacy to restore life, 16; mistaken ideas about signs in answer to, 18; a consolation for the sick, 43; Christian doctrine of answer to, 43, 44; a point when unavailing for the sick, 44; for abscess of stomach, 56; unsuccessful case of healing by, in St. Louis, 58; not a substitute for common sense, 161; Hugo's definition of, 255; for a dyspeptic, 258, 259; efficacy of, 263, 285.
Premonitions, influence of, 151.
Presbyterians, trances among, 2; catalepsy among, 60.
Presentiment, what is a, 152-155; personal experience, 166, 167.
Presentiments, visions, and apparitions, 151-195.
Presentiments, influence of, 151; relation to dreams, 152; allied to impressions, 160; subjective origin of, 168.
Pressat on consumption, 12.
Pressing to death, 218.
Pride, planetary influence on, 73.
Proctor, R. A., on influence of Uranus, 79; attacks astrology, 85; on remarkable coincidences, 96, 97, 99, 100.
Prophecies, fulfilment of Jewish, 40; presumptions from Jewish, 62.
Protestant churches, cures in, 5.
Protestants, relapses among, 19.
Providence, New Testament doctrine of, 43.
Prudden, Dr., on bacteriology, 232.
Psychic energy, healing by transfer of, 250.
Psycho-genesis, looseness in study of, 29, note.
Psychology, importance of study of, 29, note.
Public careers, planetary influence on, 73.
Pugin, planetary influence on, 76.
Pyromancy, 89.
Pythagoras, belief in astrology, 66.
Pythian priestesses, 91.
Quack doctors, 8.
Quack medicines, 18.
Quacks, quarrels among, 33-35.
Quassia, simulated cure for cholera, 51.
Queen Mary's martyr's, 75.
Quimby, P. P., 250.
Radcliffe, Dr., attention paid to minds of patients, 284, 285.
Raising the dead, 13; the faith-healers' limit, 16.
Raleigh, N. C., earthquakes at, 78.
Ralston on witchcraft in Russia, 202.
Reason, ascendancy of, destroyed by faith-healing doctrine, 46.
Reasoning distinguished from revery, 120.
Red Sea, ghosts' dread of, 194.
Reed, Carl H., testimony as to an alleged miracle, 55.
Reed, Dr. Fitch, on impressions, 160.
Regulus, influence of, 73.
Reichenbach, Baron, healing by odylic force, 290.
Relapses, 13, 14, 18, 19; evidence of, suppressed, 19; liability of faith-healers to, 38; no account of, in New Testament, 42; ignored by faith-healers, 47.
Relics, cures by, 5.
Religion, tendencies of schools in, 15; to be ignored in certain investigations, 20; claim of, 151.
Religious belief distinguished from ordinary belief, 63.
Religious mania, cure of, 287, 288.
Religious revivals, 1-3.
Reputation, influence of, 42.
Research, extent of author's, 3.
Resemblances, coincidences in, 96.
Rethel, Alfred, planetary influence on, 76.
Revelations, divine, 58, 63.
Reverence, 28, 42.
Revery, 120, 121, 129, 155, 156.
Revivals, experiences of converts in, 172; visions as results of, 179.
Rheumatism, cures of, 5, 15, 22, 23, 24, 27, 38, 248, 256; effect of shock on, 51, 52; planetary influence on, 73.
Rhode Island, witchcraft in, 206, 214.
Ringworm, produced by Aries, 73.
Roman Catholic churches, cures in, 4, 5.
Roman Catholic healers, relative success of, 15.
Roman Catholic miracles, relative success of, 15; Mr. Simpson on, 48.
Roman Catholics, cures of deafness by, 16; relapses among, 19; comparisons of cures with those of other sects, 38; use of oil by, 43, and note; compared with Spiritualists, 48; faith in, 48; healed by God and the devil, 48, 49.
Romans, dreams among, 109; witchcraft among, 209, 210.
Rome, astrology in, 66; divination in, 89; belief in apparitions in, 187.
Rosetta Stone, the, 96, 97.
Rowland, Rev. D., case of, 137, 138, 145, 146.
Rush, Dr., on cures of consumption, 21, 22; employment of faith as means of cure, 284.
Russia, witchcraft in, 32, 202, 203, 205.
Russo-Greek miracles, relative success of, 15.
Ruthlein, Capt., cure of, 3, 4.
Sadducecs, 232.
Sailors, superstitions of, 164, 188, 189.
Sagittarius, influence of, 75.
St. John, Christ's message to, 39.
St. Louis, failure of prayer in, 58.
St. Paul, Ananias's prayer for, 41; miracles at Melita, 41; cures lame man, 41; his prayer and its answer, 43; on idolatry, 221.
St. Peter, raises Tabitha, 41; cures lame man, 41; released from prison, 41.
St. Theresa, visions of, 176, 177.
Salem Witchcraft See Witchcraft.
Salvation Army, catalepsy among, 60.
Sane? are subjective visions possible to the, 169 et seq.
Sardinia, Roman Catholic Bishop of, cures by, 3, 4.
Sardinia influenced by Gemini, 72.
Satan, powers of, 177.
Saturn, influence of, 66, 68, 73, 75, 76, 81, 87.
Saturn in Aries, 75, 81.
Sausages, phosphorescent, 233.
Saxons, witchcraft among, 211.
Scalding water, effect of, on rheumatism, 51, 52.
Schools in religion and medicine, tendencies of, 15.
Sciatica, cures of, 15, 38.
Scientific investigation, lack of, in witchcraft cases, 232.
Scipio's dream, 109, 110.
Scot, Reginald, on witchcraft, 209, 223.
Scotch, belief in witchcraft among, 198, 199, 201, 203.
Scotland, consumption in, 11; witchcraft in, 203-206, 211, 212.
Scott, Sir Walter, hallucinations of, 169; hallucination reported to, 170.
Scotus, Duns, believer in astrology, 67.
Scripture, misapplied, 46, 57.
Scrofula, cures by king's touch, 24; planetary influence on, 73.
Scurvy cured by mental delusion, 21.
Scythia, witchcraft in, 207.
Second Adventists, catalepsy among, 61.
Self-cure, 289.
Self-esteem, 155.
Sensations, how affected by concentration of attention, 25; tests of faith, 42.
Senses, exaltation of, 135, 136.
Sermon composed in sleep, 115.
Servia, witchcraft in, 201.
Sewall, Judge, confession of, 236.
Shakspere, the poet of witchcraft, 196.
Shock, effect of, 51.
"Shocks of vitality," 34.
Shorthouse, Rev. W. B., testimony as to reputed cures by Mr. Wood, 13.
Sickness, a dream of falsity, 245.
Sight, restoration of, 274.
Sigmond, Dr., account of presentiment to Talleyrand, 157.
Signs, mistaken ideas about, 18; superstition about, 45; the food of superstition, 57.
Silent treatment, 279.
Silesia, vampyrism in, 188.
Silver dollar, efficacy of, 22.
Simon the sorcerer, 45.
Simpson, Rev. A. B., cures by, 6, 15; value of testimony to cures by, 8; testimony at one of his meetings, 12; supernatural and superhuman claims of, 48; on Roman Catholic miracles, 48; failure at Peekskill, 49; on divine healing, 49; on will power, 50.
Sin, Christian Science theory of, 249.
Sleep, walking and talking in, 113-115; perfect, 116; Sir Henry Holland on, 121; talking in, 135.
Sleeping on the back, 134.
Sleight of hand, 92.
Smallpox, planetary influence on, 73, 87.
Smollett, testimony to cure of consumption, 21.
Snakes, anecdote of, 90.
Socialistic activity prophesied, 83.
Society, affectation of new or strange things by, 65.
Society for Psychical Research, investigations by, 139-143, 281; on hallucinations, 171.
Socrates on dreams, 110.
Softening of brain cured by Christian science, 256.
Soldiers, superstitions of, 164.
Sologne, burning of a witch at, 202.
Solomon, the dreams of, 109; deals in magic, 208.
Somnambulism, 109, 113-115, 134-136.
Soothsayers, 91, 198.
Sorcery, 198.
Soul, relation of dreams to the, 148.
South America, witchcraft in, 201.
South Carolina, witchcraft in, 206.
Southcott, Joanna, belief in immortality of, 275.
Southern States, witchcraft in, 199, 200.
Southey, Robert, planetary influence on, 76.
South Kensington Museum, illusion in, 128.
Sovereigns, illegitimacy of, no bar to healing powers, 24.
Space and time, annihilations of, 128, 129.
Special promises, 37.
Special providences, 43.
Spells, 201.
Spinal diseases, imaginary, 7; cures of, 15.
Spinoza, hallucinations of, 169.
Spirit-rapping, 193, 194.
Spiritualism, phenomena of, 2; claims of supernatural and superhuman powers for, 48; compared with voodooism, 48; in relation to apparitions, 185, 186; reappearance of witchcraft in, 197; Mrs. Eddy on, 261.
Spiritualist healers, relative success of, 15.
Spiritualists, cures of deafness by, 16; relapses among, 19; comparisons of cures with those of other sects, 38, 42, 48.
Springfield, Mass., witchcraft in, 214.
Stargazers, 67.
Stars as sources of prosperity, 68. See also Astrology.
Stedinger, the, suppressed, 211.
Steinmetz on chance and luck, 99.
Stevens, Benjamin, case of, 137, 138, 145.
Stevens, "Life of Bangs," 160.
Stilling, Dr., on pneumatology, 173, 174.
Stimulants, relapses after use of, 18.
Stove-pipe, climbing a, 172. Structure, alteration of, how affected by concentration of attention, 25.
Stuart, Mrs., on Christian science, 256; on drugs, 267, 268.
Stupidity, the dreams of, 128.
Subjective mental states, 37.
Subjugation, 260.
Suggestion, effect on the mind, 35.
Suicide, practical, 17.
Sullivan, Hon. W., on Massachusetts procedure, 223, 224.
Sun, the, influence on Goethe's birth, 66; affliction of, 73.
Supernal, the, 250.
Supernatural powers, cures by, 32; not to be attributed to Christian faith-healers, 42; claimed by faith-healers, 46.
Superstition, a martyr to; encouraged by the faith-healing idea, 45; food of, 57; its partner, blasphemy, 60; a preventer of investigation, 92; how broken down, 105.
Superstition and Christianity, 210 et seq.
Superstitious, the, their common cry, 48.
Surgery, indispensable in complex and mechanical case, 38; planetary influence on, 73; Christian views on, 269.
Surgical cases, failure of faith-healers in, 52-55.
Surgical operation, concealment of, to add to God's glory, 13, 14.
Suspicion, effect of, on scrutiny of testimony, 15.
Swabia, cures in, 5.
Sweden, witchcraft in, 202.
Swedenborg, visions of, 178, 179.
Swift, Dean, planetary influence on, 76.
Sydenham on vis medicatrix naturæ, 277.
Symptoms, disguising, 18.
Syria influenced by Aries, 72.
Tabitha raised from the dead, 41.
Talking in sleep, 113, 135.
Talleyrand, presentiment to, 157-159.
Talma, hallucinations of, 170.
Tartini, composition of the "Devil's Sonata" by, 115.
Tasso, Torquato, hallucination of, 169.
Taurus, influence of, 72, 73, 85.
Taylor, Bishop William, views of, 17.
Taylor, Kate, on Mrs. Eddy's work, 254, 255; on Christian healing, 255, 256.
Telegraphing from moving trains, 117.
Telepathy, 139-141, 154, 185, 186, 190.
Templars accused of witchcraft, 211.
Tennent, William, case of, 137, 138, 145, 146.
Terrell, Park, on the dreams of the deaf, 125.
Testimony, scrutiny of, 6 et seq.; regarding hallucinations, 187.
Thales, belief in astrology, 66.
Theatrical spells, 128, 129.
Theresa, St., visions of, 176, 177.
Thermometer, cure of paralysis by, 25.
Thomas, Dr. H. O., account of cure of fractured humerus, 52-54.
Thought, rapidity of, 155; relation to life, 247; concentration of, 260.
Thought-transference, 259, 260, 282.
Thrashing, cure by, 286.
Tiber, head of Plato's statue found in, 89, 90, 91.
Tiberius Gracchus, anecdote of, 90.
Time, test of, in claimed cures, 8.
Time and space, annihilations of, 128, 129.
Tooth cannot be restored by faith, 38.
Toothache cured by silver dollar, 22.
Torpid liver, a new term for, 251.
Torture used to extort confessions, 228.
Towne, Henry R., interesting experiments at residence of, 28-31.
Tractors, 22.
Trances, 1-3; under Mesmer's performances, 26; as results of genuine conversion, 61.
Trance state, produced at Towne séance, 28-31; absurdities in, 30, 31; simulation of acts in, 30, 31, note.
Travelers, testimony of, 32.
Trench, Archbishop, on astrology, 68.
Trenton, N. J., remarkable case at, 137, 138.
Trudel, Dorothea, cures by, 5.
Tuke, Dr., opinion of Prince Hohenlohe's cures, 3; opinion of cures by prayer, 4; cases authenticated by, 20, 21; on charming away of warts, 20, 21; on certain cures of consumption, 21; cure of paralysis recorded by, 27; on misapprehension of vision, 189.
Tumors, mistaken diagnoses, 8; cures of, 15, 38.
Turenne, Marshal, case of, 164.
Turner, Rev. Job, dreaming experience of, 126, 127.
Twins, planetary influence on, 84-87.
Typhoid fever cured by Mrs. Eddy, 276.
Typho-maniac dreams, 128.
Typhus fever, effect of will power in case of, 50.
Ukraine, witchcraft in the, 202.
Unbeliever treated by mind-curer, 280.
Unconscious cerebration, 131.
United States, influence of Gemini on, 72, 75, 82; belief in witchcraft in 198-200.
University of the Science of Spirit, the, 247.
Unpardonable sin, the, 229.
Unsuspected mental resources, 155-160.
Unthinkables, 249.
Upham on witchcraft, 216.
Uranus, influence of, 73, 75, 76, 79, 82; ignorance of the ancients about, 79; discovery of, 103.
Utrecht influenced by Aries, 72.
Vampyrism, 188.
Van der Mye, Dr. Frederic, testimony to mental cures, 21.
Van Helmont, hallucinations of, 169.
Van Swieten, testimony to cure of consumption, 21.
Vapor bath, accident with a, 51, 52.
Ventriloquism, 92; and witchcraft, 220.
Venus, influence of, 66, 88.
Verona influenced by Aries, 72.
Vertebræ, dislocated, cured by mental surgery, 269.
Victoria, Queen, planetary influence on, 77.
"Victory," the horseshoe on the, 200.
Vincent, Dr. Marvin R., case of hysteria related by, 9.
Virgil, praises astrology, 67; on witchcraft, 209.
Virgin Mary, visions of the, 4, 184.
Visigoths, withcraft among, 210.
Visions, influence of, 151; defined, 168; habitual, 176-181; connected with religious revivals, 179.
Visions, presentiments, and apparitions, 151-195.
Vis medicatrix naturæ, 277, 282.
Voodooism, power of, 32; compared with spiritualism, 48.
Wales, witchcraft in, 212.
War, planetary influence on, 73.
Warlocks, 201.
Wars foretold by astrology, 70.
Warts, charming away of, 20, 21.
Washington, D. C., Zadkiel's predictions of earthquakes at, 78; report from National Deaf Mute College at, 126.
Watts. Dr., on dreams, 115.
Weather, foretold by astrology, 70.
Wesley, Charles, on witchcraft, 218.
Wesley, John, unable to work miracles, 47; on visions, 177; on apparitions, 185; mysterious disturbances at house of, 193; on witchcraft, 218; vigor of, 274, 275.
West Indies, witchcraft in, 201.
Whittier, J. G., on Sewall's confession, 236.
Whymper, E. W., on effects of fear of death on mind, 130.
Wiggins, E. S., 73.
Will, concentration of, 27.
William III., refuses to touch for scrofula, 24.
Will power, Mr. Simpson on, 50; effects of, 50-52.
Wilmans, Helen, on mental treatment, 257.
Wine, Edward, cured of paralysis, 27.
Winslow, Dr. Forbes, on presentiments, 157; on hallucinations, 178.
Witch, burning of a, 202.
Witchcraft, widespread belief in, 32; definition of, 197, 198, 220; its origin, 206, et seq.; trials for, 206, 210-212, 214, 215, 217, 218, 223-227, 231; prevalence of, 207; executions for, 205, 206, 211, 214, 217, 218, 228, 234, 235; teachings of the Bible, 218-223; explanations of confessions of those accused of, 227-229; explanation of phenomena of, 229-233; reaction from the frenzy in New England, 233 et seq.; belief in, its originator, 237.
Witch-doctors, 32, 33, 199, 200.
Witch of Endor, the, 221-223.
Withered hand cured by Christ, 39.
Witnesses. See Evidence.
Wood, Mr., reputed cures in Adelaide, Australia, 12, 13.
Wordsworth, William, on ghosts, 194.
Worldly wisdom, 58.
Young, Brigham, theory of lost legs, 36, 37; vision of, 189.
Young, Dr. T., anecdote of, 96, 97.
Youth, perpetuation of, Christian Science views on, 272-275.
Zadkiel, his supporters, 65; indorsement of Lilly, 74; explanation of Lilly's hieroglyphic of the Great
Plague of London, 77; on Lilly's prediction of the Great Fire of London, 77, 78; on astrology, 78; prophecies of, 78, 83, 84.
Zadkiel's Almanac, circulation of, 65.
Zodiac, signs of the, 71-74.
Zoroastrianism, 207.
Zuinglius, Urich, visions of, 178.