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Far, Far at Sea (Stirling)/Far, Far at Sea

From Wikisource
For other versions of this work, see Far, Far at Sea.
4688038Far, Far at Sea — Far, Far at SeaAnonymous


'Twas night when the bell had toll'd twelve,And poor Susan was laid on her pillow,In her ear whisper'd some fleeting elve—Your love now lies lost on a billow,Far, far at sea.
All was dark, when she woke out of breath,Not an object her fears could discover;All was still as the silence of death,Save Fancy, which painted her lever,Far, far at sea.
So she whisper'd a prayer—clos'd her eyes,But the phantom still haunted her pillow,While in terror she echo'd his cries,As struggling he sank in a billow,Far, far at sea.