Five Excellent New Songs (c. 1780, "The Cambridge Tender")/The Cambridge Tender

Hard was my lot to be diſplay’d,
by Cupid’s cruel arrow;
Since I’m oblig’d to go to ſea,
I go in grief and ſorrow.
Now from your arms I muſt away,
Peggy take my heart a keeping,
May the Pow’rs above protect my love,
till our next happy meeting.
Falſe information, my dear jewel,
proved our ſeparation;
And forc’d me from your breaſt amain,
into ſome foreign nation.
My reputation they diſdain’d
their might I could not hinder,
Which caus’d me to be preſs’d away,
and ſent aboard the Tender.
Peggy my jewel, do not grieve,
ſuppoſe I muſt retire,
Since I’m oblig’d to go to ſea,
its you I do admire,
When I’m upon the raging ſea,
and in the midſt of ſtrangers,
The thoughts of you my deareſt dear,
will help me out of dangers.

My jewel’s gone to range the ſea,
to face the bluſt’ring ocean;
May the God of Fortune on him ſmile,
ſend him honour and promotion.
No rain, or hail, or light’ning fly,
nor roaring claps of thunder;
Nor ſwelling billows loudly baul,
my darling to make wonder.
Great Alexander, God of war,
tenderly ſmile upon him;
Let no diſappointment attend my dear,
ſend him honour and promote him.
May not my jewel be diſmay’d,
with cruel wars alarms,
Some things in view may turn a prize,
till it fill my love-ſick arms.
No curſed gold nor beauty bright,
ſhall ever gain him from me;
But like the turlte I ſhall remain,
until he returns unto me.
No coſtly robes, nor beds of down,
ſhall make me to ſurrender,
Although we part, he has my heart,
on board the Cambridge Tender.