Five excellent love songs/Banks of the Devon
How pleasant the banks of the clear winding Devon,
With green spreading bushes, and flow’rs blooming fair!
But the bonniest flow'r on the banks of the Devon,
Was once a sweet bude on the braes of the Air,
Mild be the Sun on this sweet blushing flower.
In the gay rosy morn, as it bathes in the dew;
And gentle the fall of the soft vernal shower.
That steals on the evening, each leaf to renew.
O spare the dear blossom, ye orient breezes.
With chill hoary wing, as ye usher the dawn!
And far be’ thou distant thou reptile that seizest
The verdure and pride of the garden and lawn.
Let Bourbon exult in his gay gilded lillie,
And England, triumphant, display her proud rose;
A fairer than either adorns the green vallies.
Where Devon, sweet Devon, meandering flows.