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Folk-Lore/Volume 2/Notes and News (December)

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780968Folk-Lore Volume 2, 1891 — Number 4 (December)
Notes and News


Among the papers in the next number will be Mr. Alfred Nutt's on "The Lai d'Eliduc and Schneewittchen"; Rev. W. Gregor on " Spirits of Wells and Lochs"; the continuation of Mr. Abercromby's "Samoan Tales", and Mr. E. S. Hartland's annual report on Folk-tale Research.

The most important event of the quarter has, of course, been the meeting of the International Folk-lore Congress at the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries, Oct. 1-7. On this it is sufficient to say in this place that its success exceeded all that its most sanguine well-wishers had anticipated. The Transactions, edited by Mr. Joseph Jacobs and Mr. Alfred Nutt (Chairman and Hon. Sec. respectively of the Literary Committee of the Congress), will be published, it is confidently expected, by Easter of next year. The readers of Folk-Lore will perhaps be grateful for the hint that the subscription list of half-aguinea will be closed before publication.

One result of the Congress will probably be an adequate collection of the Game-songs of English children. Mrs. G. L. Gomme, who conducted so efficiently the children's games at the Congress entertainment, is collecting the fast-disappearing game-songs and rhymes still current in England, and would be glad to receive any known to readers of Folk-lore, whether they have appeared in print or not. Her address is i, Beverley Villas, Barnes Common, S.W.

Folk-lore has to deplore the loss of two eminent foreign students of the science. Professor Zarncke devoted himself mainly to what may be termed the literary side of the subject, to which he contributed valuable researches on the legend of Prester John. Professor Wilken, of Leyden, was one of the most valued students of archaic custom, especially as current in the Eastern colonies of his native country. He was the author of many monographs on such topics as hair sacrifice, on matriarchy among the Semites, etc., etc.

English folk-lore has also to deplore the loss of two efficient workers during the past quarter. Mr. W. Henderson was author of The Folk-lore of the Northern Counties, a model book of its kind. Mr. Henderson kindly granted the Folk-Lore Society the privilege of including the second edition of the book among its publications. The other loss is that of the Rev. J. G. Campbell of Tiree, whose work on The Finns was only recently published by Mr. Nutt, and has been recognised as an important contribution to Celtic tradition.

The present number concludes the second volume of Folk-Lore, and gives us an opportunity of thanking the scholars who have been good enough to contribute to our pages, especially those who have kept our readers au coiirant with recent research in their Reports.

It is desired that for the future, Members of the Folk-Lore Society would send up any jottings they may find, however trivial, bearing on the science. Endeavour will be made to print every communication of this character which reaches the Editor, though some time may elapse before the appearance of any particular item.

Communications for the next number of Folk-lore should reach the office, 270, Strand, on or before Feb. 1 1892.