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Folk-Lore/Volume 24

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The Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society

And Incorporating The Archæological Review and
The Folk-Lore Journal

VOL. XXIV.—1913

Alter et Idem








I.—(March, 1913.)
Minutes of Meetings: November 20th and December 18th, 1912, and January 15th, 1913 1
The Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting: February 19th, 1913 5
The Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Council: February 19th 7
Cash Account and Balance Sheet 12
Presidential Address: Method of Investigation and Folklore Origins. W. Crooke 14
A Short Account of the Indians of the Issa-Japura District (South America). T. W. Whiffen 41
II.—(July, 1913.)
Minutes of Meetings: March 19th and April 16th, 1913 153
Mr. Andrew Lang’s Theory of the Origin of Exogamy and Totemism. (The Late) Andrew Lang 155
The Romance of Mélusine. E. Sidney Hartland 187
III.—(September, 1913.)
Minutes of Meetings: May 21st and June 18th, 1913 281
The Poetry of the Kiwai Papuans. G. Landtman 284
The Ceremonial Customs of the British Gipsies. T. W. Thompson 314
IV.—(December, 1913.)
The Religion of Manipur. J. Shakespear 409
Pokomo Folklore. Alice Werner 456
Further Notes on Spanish Amulets. W. L. Hildburgh 63
Oxfordshire Village Folklore (1840-1900). Angelina Parker 74
Piedmontese Proverbs in Dispraise of Women. Estella Canziani 91
County Clare Folk-Tales and Myths, I. Thos. J. Westropp 96
Welsh Folklore Items, I. E. J. Dunnill and Ella M. Leather 106
County Clare Folk-Tales and Myths, II. Thos. J. Westropp 201
Piedmontese Folklore, I. Estella Canziani 213
Ontario Beliefs. H. J. Rose 219
Indian Folklore Notes, IV. W. Crooke 228
The Magic Mirror: A Fijian Folk-Tale. D. Jenness 233
Scraps of English Folklore, VII. M. C. Jonas, J. B. Partridge, Ella M. Leather, and F. S. Potter 234
Cretan Folklore Notes. W. R. Halliday 357
Quebec Folklore Notes, III. E. H. and H. J. Rose 360
Piedmontese Folklore, II. Estella Canziani 362
County Clare Folk-Tales and Myths, III. Thos. J. Westropp 365
The Gilyaks and their Songs. Bronislaw Pilsudski 477
County Clare Folk-Tales and Myths, IV. Thos. J. Westropp 490
Breconshire Village Folklore. M. E. Hartland and E. B. Thomas 505
Report of Brand Committee. H. B. Wheatley 111
In Memoriam: Lord Avebury (1834-1913). H. B. Wheatley 242
Folk-Medicine in London. E. Lovett 120
Rules Concerning Perilous Days. Laurence Gomme 121
Burial of Amputated Limbs. Robt. M. Heanley 123
The Completion of Professor Pitrè’s Collection of Sicilian Folklore. E. Sidney Hartland 245
Charon—Charos. H. J. Rose 247
Cursing Trees. W. Crooke 247
Feast Days and Saints’ Days. P. J. Heather 249
Twentieth Century Marriage Customs. A. R. Wright 250
Interim Report of Brand Committee to Council. H. B Wheatley 382
The Evil Eye in Somerset (1902). M. A. Hardy 382
Folk-Medicine in the Report of the Highlands and Islands Medical Service Committee. David Rorie 383
Simulated Change of Sex to Baffle the Evil Eye. W. Crooke 385
The Religion of Manipur. T. C. Hodson 518
Silbury Hill. Robt. M. Heanley 524
Vehicle Mascots. A. R. Wright 524
James H. Leuba. A Psychological Study of Religion. W. Crooke 124
Ernst Samter. Geburt, Hochzeit und Tod. W. R. Halliday 126
Arnold van Gennep. Religious Moeurs et Légendes : Essais d’Ethnographie et de Linguistique. E. Sidney Hartland 128
S. O. Addy. Church and Manor. S. A. H. Burne 132
Felix Arnaudin. Chants Populaires de la Grande-Lande et des Regions voisines. E. Sidney Hartland 136
Richard Wunsch. Albrecht Dieterich. Kleine Schriften. W. R. Halliday 137
O. Dähnhardt und A. von Lowis of Menar. Natursagen, Band IV. Tiersagen. W. R. Halliday 143
Henri A. Junod. The Life of a South African Tribe, Vol. II. The Psychic Life. E. Sidney Hartland 143
L. K. Ananiha Krishna Iyer. The Cochin Tribes and Castes, Vol. II. W. Crooke 147
J. Shakespear. The Lushei Kuki Clans. T. C. Hodson 149
Hermann Gollancz. The Book of Protection: being a Collection of Charms now edited for the first time from Syriac MSS. M. Gaster 150
Knut Stjerna. Essays on Questions connected with the Old English Poem of Beowulf. Bertram C. A. Windle 252
A. C. L. Brown. On the Independent Character of the Welsh ‘Owain.’ J. L. Weston 254
Vilhelm Grønbech. Vor Folkeæt i Oldtiden, Vols. II., III., and IV. B. M. Craster 256
R. N. Bradley. Malta and the Mediterranean Race. W. Crooke 263
A. L. Kitching. The Backwaters of the Nile. E. Torday 264
Cullen Gouldsbury and Hubert Sheane. The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia E. Torday 264
The Census of Northern India. Reports. W. Crooke 270
Charles Hose and William M'Dougall. The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. W. J. Perry 273
Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen. Across Australia. B. Malinowski 278
J. G. Frazer. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Vol. I. Lewis R. Farnell 386
B. Freire-Marreco and J. L. Myres. Notes and Queries on Anthropology. John H. Weeks 392
Paul Sebillot. Le Folk-Lore : Litterature Orale et Éthnographic Traditionelle. E. Sidney Hartland 398
E. Hoffmann Krayer. Feste und Bräuche des Schweizervolkes E. Sidney Hartland 400
Marjory Scott Wardrop. The Man in the Panther’s Skin F. C. Conybeare 401
Richard Thunwald. Ethno-psychologische Studien an Sudseevölkern auf dem Bismarck-Archipel und den Salomo-Inseln. W. J. Perry 404
B. Malinowski. The Family among the Australian Aborigines. Edward Westermarck 406
E. Durkheim. Les Formes Élémentaires de la Vie Religieuse B. Malinowski 525
Harold Bayley. The Lost Language of Symbolism. 531
Athelstane Baines. Ethnography (Tribes and Castes). W. Crooke 533
P. T. Srinivas Iyengar. Life in Ancient India in the Age of the Mantras. W. Crooke 533
A. Avalon. Tantra of the Great Liberation (Mahānirvāna Tantra). W. Crooke 533
A. and E. Avalon. Hymns to the Goddess. W. Crooke 533
R. L. Lacey. The Holy Land of the Hindus. W. Crooke 533
Short Bibliographical Notices:—
H. Alexander. The Place-Names of Oxfordshire : their Origin and Development 279
J. Bland-Sutton. Man and Beast in Eastern Ethiopia 280
H. A. MacMichael. Brands used by the Chief Camel-Owning Tribes of Kordofan 280
Mannin. A Journal of Matters Past and Present relating to Mann 536
The Jātaka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Index Volume 536
List of Plates:—
I. Spanish Amulets To face page  64
II. 66
III. The Cloughlea (Finn’s “Sharpening Stone”), Ballysheen, Co. Clare 202
IV. St. Brecan, St. Luchtighern, and St. Inghine Baoith 204
V. St. Maccreiche’s Tomb, Kilmacreehy Church, Co. Clare 208
VI. Binding Churches with Wax Candles in Crete 358
VII. 1. Thedraves of the Leinster Men (Tipperary)
2. Armada Carving at Spanish Point (Clare) 368
VIII. 1. Children Dressed as Krishna and Radha for Rās Lila Sacred Dance
2. Raja’s Jaganath Car at Rath Jatra Festival 416
IX. 1. Demons and Body of Crane in San-jenba (Cow-herding) Play
2. Lai-sangs of Pureiromba and his Son Chinsongba at Andro 418
X. 1. Litter with Kmblem of Khumlangba
2. Maiden Dancers at Khumlangba’s Lai-harauba . . . .426
XI 1. Enticing Thāngjing at Moirang
2. Khumlangba's Orchestras (with Pennas) and Married Dancers 430
XII. 1. Dance of Village Officials at Thāngjing's Lai-harauba
2. Imphal God-carriers with Umbrella-bearers 432
XIII. 1. Ceremony at Santhong’s Lai pham
2. Manipur State Arrow-Thrower 438


P. 421 l. 18 For Hingchabis read Hingchābis
P. 431. Delete Note 12.