Folk-Lore/Volume 9/Proceedings at Meeting, June 1898
TUESDAY, JUNE 21st 1898.
The President (Mr. Alfred Nutt) in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
The election of Miss Corry, Miss E. Hull, and the Cardiff and Salford Public Libraries, as Members of the Society, was announced.
The deaths of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone and Mr. F. C. Birkbeck Terry were also announced.
Mr. Gomme exhibited a Burmese horoscope and some Burmese charms and amulets, sent by Mr. J. B. Andrews, and presented by him to the Society. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Andrews for his gift.
A paper entitled "Theories of the Origin of Religion" was read by Mr. Andrew Lang. A discussion followed, in which Mr. Clodd, Miss Dempster, Mr. Bouverie Pusey, Mr. Gomme, Mr. Brabrook, Miss M. Kingsley, Mr. Crooke, Mr Jacobs, and the President took part.
Papers on "The Star-Lore of the Micmacs of Nova Scotia," by Mr. Stansbury Hagar, and "Sqaktktquaclt or the Benign-faced, the Oannes of the Ntlakapamuq of British Columbia," by Mr. C. Hill-Tout, were also read.
At the conclusion of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Lang for his paper.