For the People Act of 2021 (H.R. 1; 117th Congress)/Division A/Title I/Subtitle K

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H.R. 1 Division A, Title I, Subtitle K (2021)
by John Sarbanes

117th congress (2021-2022)

3605074H.R. 1 Division A, Title I, Subtitle K2021John Sarbanes

SEC. 1801. - Grants to States for poll worker recruitment and training.

(a) Grants By Election Assistance Commission.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Election Assistance Commission (hereafter referred to as the “Commission”) shall, subject to the availability of appropriations provided to carry out this section, make a grant to each eligible State for recruiting and training individuals to serve as poll workers on dates of elections for public office.
(2) USE OF COMMISSION MATERIALS.—In carrying out activities with a grant provided under this section, the recipient of the grant shall use the manual prepared by the Commission on successful practices for poll worker recruiting, training and retention as an interactive training tool, and shall develop training programs with the participation and input of experts in adult learning.
(3) ACCESS AND CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS.—The Commission shall ensure that the manual described in paragraph (2) provides training in methods that will enable poll workers to provide access and delivery of services in a culturally competent manner to all voters who use their services, including those with limited English proficiency, diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, disabilities, and regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. These methods must ensure that each voter will have access to poll worker services that are delivered in a manner that meets the unique needs of the voter.
(b) Requirements For Eligibility.—
(1) APPLICATION.—Each State that desires to receive a payment under this section shall submit an application for the payment to the Commission at such time and in such manner and containing such information as the Commission shall require.
(2) CONTENTS OF APPLICATION.—Each application submitted under paragraph (1) shall—
(A) describe the activities for which assistance under this section is sought;
(B) provide assurances that the funds provided under this section will be used to supplement and not supplant other funds used to carry out the activities;
(C) provide assurances that the State will furnish the Commission with information on the number of individuals who served as poll workers after recruitment and training with the funds provided under this section;
(D) provide assurances that the State will dedicate poll worker recruitment efforts with respect to youth and minors, including by recruiting at institutions of higher education and secondary education; and
(E) provide such additional information and certifications as the Commission determines to be essential to ensure compliance with the requirements of this section.
(c) Amount Of Grant.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—The amount of a grant made to a State under this section shall be equal to the product of—
(A) the aggregate amount made available for grants to States under this section; and
(B) the voting age population percentage for the State.
(2) VOTING AGE POPULATION PERCENTAGE DEFINED.—In paragraph (1), the “voting age population percentage” for a State is the quotient of—
(A) the voting age population of the State (as determined on the basis of the most recent information available from the Bureau of the Census); and
(B) the total voting age population of all States (as determined on the basis of the most recent information available from the Bureau of the Census).
(d) Reports To Congress.—
(1) REPORTS BY RECIPIENTS OF GRANTS.—Not later than 6 months after the date on which the final grant is made under this section, each recipient of a grant shall submit a report to the Commission on the activities conducted with the funds provided by the grant.
(2) REPORTS BY COMMISSION.—Not later than 1 year after the date on which the final grant is made under this section, the Commission shall submit a report to Congress on the grants made under this section and the activities carried out by recipients with the grants, and shall include in the report such recommendations as the Commission considers appropriate.
(e) Funding.—
(1) CONTINUING AVAILABILITY OF AMOUNT APPROPRIATED.—Any amount appropriated to carry out this section shall remain available without fiscal year limitation until expended.
(2) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.—Of the amount appropriated for any fiscal year to carry out this section, not more than 3 percent shall be available for administrative expenses of the Commission.

SEC. 1802. - State defined.


In this subtitle, the term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.