Four Popular Songs (2)/My Mither Men't My Auld Breek's
My Mither Men’t My Auld Breeks.
My mither men't my auld breeks, an wow but they were duddyAn' sent me to get shod her mare, at Robin Tamson's smiddy;The smiddy stands beside the burn that wimples thro' the clachan,I never yet gae by the door, but aye I fa' a laughin'.
For Robin was a walthy earle, an' had ae bonnie dochter.Yet ne'er wad let her tak a man, tho mony lads had sought her:But what think ye o' my exploit? the time our mare was shoeing,I slipet up beside the lass, an briskly tell a wooing.
An’ aye she e’ed my auld breeks, the time that we sat crackin'.Quo' I my lass ne'er mind the clous, Ive new anes for the makin;But gin ye'll just come home wi' me an' lea the earle your faitherYe'se get my breeks to keep in trim. mysel' an' a thegither.
Deed lad quo she your offers fair, I really think I ll tak‘ it.Sae gang awa' get out the mare we‘ll baith sl p on the back o t;For gin I wait my father's time. I'll wait till I be fiftyBut na; I ll marry in my prime, an' mak a wife fu' thrifty.
Auld Robin girned an' sheuk his pow, guid sooth quo' he you're merryBut I'll just tak ye at your word an' end this hnrry burry; So Robin an' our auld gudewife, agreed to creep thegither Now I hae Robin Tamson's pet An' Robin has my mither.